I recently won my child custody case with permission to relocate to another country. However the father with whom i was never married has already filed an appeal. Neither one of us has used a lawyer due to lack of funds. I am trying to understand the procedure especially since there was no court reporter on our case and he is claiming totally new stuff in the appeal that he did not bring up in court. Almost like a new petition. I'm I suppose to reply to it or wait for the court to contact me. He did serve me with a notice to appeal in which he messed up in most cases confusing the terms appellant and appellee in quite a few places such that it is even confusing to me. He does however say he has evidence in the form of e-mails i wrote to other parties but he did not include this in the paperwork he sent me. Shouldn't he give me everything he gives the court? Any advice will be largely appreciated. He is only doing this to delay me from leaving to take up a new job overseas.