Was I wrong in threatening to divorce my wife for saying no to sex.?
2016-04-15 18:56:08 UTC
I know you will say that she doesn't owe me sex and there are other things which are more important in a marriage etc but sex is important as hell especially given the fact that we have been married for slightly more than an year ( no kids) and she says no so often. I am being a good husband to her, supporting her financially, emotionally and what I need in return is her wanting to be intimate with me several times a week but she comes up with brilliant excuses each time. All the other things are a priority for her but not sex.

After being turned down the fourth time this week ( in a row), I lost it and said rude things to her ( all of which I didn't mean), that I may divorce her if she keeps saying no. To this she said I don't value her, I am just in for the sex.

This is all wrong. I value her obviously but sex is IMPORTANT to me. Now she has got a reason to ignore me and sulk.
Tell me, do I owe an apology to her
157 answers:
2016-04-18 11:31:54 UTC
Well, sex is a very important part of a marriage but I wouldn't divorce her for saying "No" the fourth time in a row. I would talk to her and ask her why she is denying sex. If she has no real reason, then I'd wait and see if she continues to deny sex. If this goes on for a month or longer then obviously, she's probably not that into you anymore or there's another issue and you should talk about therapy or something together. But yes, you do need to apologize because she is still your wife and if she loved you enough to marry you, then she deserves respect. Now, does she owe you sex? No. But it is an important part of a relationship and that helps to keep the fire burning. It's expected and rightfully expected (because come on, who marries someone with no intention of having sex?). Just talk to her and see what the issue is and then go from there.
2016-04-17 21:56:07 UTC
Damn I feel you bro. First of all, yes you were wrong, and secondly you lost self-control, which means your wife has lost respect for you, and you are losing interest points. If you look at it like a meter, then if that interest meter drops below 50%, its bad news, and if it goes below 20% then you are heading for a divorce. If you don't have kids already, you might want to consider divorce seriously, however if you have kids, then you better stay together for them. SO WHAT CAN YOU DO TO MAKE IT BETTER. Well you need to apologise straight away, and don't make her instantly accept it, just put it out there. Just say, honey I'm sorry I got upset and said somethings I shouldn't have said, and then if she wants to talk, let her talk, don't interrupt, if she doesn't wanna talk, then just leave it there. Usually when a women withdraws, its because something wrong you are doing or something she doesn't have the courage to speak about, remember we are wired differently. But man, you need to learn self-control, above all things. If a woman starts disrespecting you, then she will eventually stop loving you. Remember all relationships are hard work, thats why they are with it. Next time, before you say something to her, think! Will this help our relationship, or will it hurt our relationship. Guy don't buy into the be open and speak your mind, don't do it. Only speak things that are going to encourage and emotionally support her. If you really can't work it out however, I recommend to seriously consider breakup and what the implications of that are.
2016-04-18 07:36:26 UTC
Like many others have suggested, you need to communicate with each other.

There could be a ton of reasons why she isn't in the mood. The reason could be medical related for all you know. Some women experience pain (often related to cyst) or they lose their libido from medication or stress related situations (either stress on the body or in the environment). This isn't an easy thing to bring up either.

There could also be physiological reasons involving trauma your unaware of, or maybe you do know but didn't realize was effecting her.

Instead of being angry that your desires aren't being met try to look at this as an opportunity to connect with your wife.

I think this is something that got blown out into something that it isn't.

I don't think its right that you both are having a communication issue's in the relationship but quickly resorting to threats of divorce isn't going to fix anything on your end. I get that your angry and you feel justified in it but honestly this was just an unacceptable way of trying to solve the issue. You threatened her through the means of your relationship for sex. Although I agree that sex is important you cannot accomplish a healthy sex life by extortion.

It might do you good to look into communication therapy as a couple.

Best to you both.
2016-04-18 06:21:57 UTC
If you've been married just over a year and you're being rejected, then there is something going on that is deeper than just the sex itself. Was she affectionate before you were married? Do you know whether she was molested as a child? What is her religious and cultural background? Look at this objectively (I know, it's hard to do) and see if there's a reason for this. It may not have to do with you at all. If something happened to her as a child, then she would find all ideas of sexual activity repulsive and frightening. Maybe she was raised (religiously) to believe sex is only for procreation. There are churches that teach that. Have you had a good physical checkup lately? Maybe you have bad breath or body odor that she doesn't want to tell you about. Look at things from her viewpoint if you can. Sex is an important part of a marriage, but so is understanding your partner and how he/she feels about different things. It's sad that there wasn't a discussion about this before marriage. Do things to make her feel appreciated, and sit down and have a frank talk with her. Sexual activity is more important to men than to women, and maybe she doesn't understand your need for that. If nothing else works, go to counseling. It sounds as if there's a deep-seated problem here and you need to get to the bottom of it. Good luck.
2016-04-18 08:26:06 UTC
Yes, you owe her an apology. Why don't you actually talk to your wife and ask her what's going on. There could be emotional reasons, medical reasons, and physical reasons for her to not be in the mood to be intimate. You have two completely different sex drives and women can't get in the mood as easily as men. It sounds like she already feels as if you are with her solely for sex so maybe find out why she thinks that. A lot of times, we don't realize that our actions are being perceived a certain way by our partner. I will say this, you probably have her wondering if she should divorce YOU if you're going to threaten her with it because you didn't get your way.
2016-04-18 11:53:40 UTC
If this goes on for a month or longer then obviously, she's probably not that into you anymore or there's another issue and you should talk about therapy or something together. But yes, you do need to apologize because she is still your wife and if she loved you enough to marry you, then she deserves respect. Now, does she owe you sex? No. But it is an important part of a relationship and that helps to keep the fire burning. It's expected and rightfully expected. At this moment, there are no children to mess up with a broken home.
2016-04-15 19:03:17 UTC
Yes, of course, you owe her an apology. You know that already.

Threatening your spouse with divorce is never to be taken lightly, and she has every reason now to be upset with you and to be suspicious of your true intentions after throwing around something like that. As for the lack of sex, have you tried speaking with her about this in a calm, even-keeled way? You need to get her to open up about why she is not wanting it, and if there are any reservations she has about it.

I know for a horn-dog that can be a difficult thing to do, especially when you feel like your hormones are raging. But you stand a far better chance of finding a possible solution by going that route, as opposed to exploding in anger when she rejects you, and threatening to leave her. All you've done there is had her withdraw even further into her shell.
2016-04-18 16:33:59 UTC
Could she have a medical problem?

Also, if you're having an argument about sex, repairing your sex life will take even more patience now than it would have before.

About divorcing her, I would only consider that if she were trying to hurt you on purpose; if she's going through some stuff, then you should be patient (even if it takes a very long time).

If she keeps finding an excuse, then she must have a reason, and maybe she's embarrassed to tell you?
2016-04-17 21:44:50 UTC
If she says no to sex, and you threaten to divorce her, then divorce her.

She gave you enough to get you interested in her and marry her, now it's over. She probably didn't want sex any of the times.

If you need regular sex, go find somebody else. At this moment, there are no children to mess up with a broken home.

This will go on and on and just get worse.

Maybe you can get her to tell you why no sex, so you can understand. I feel that she DOES owe you an EXPLANATION. An honest one!
2016-04-17 19:15:56 UTC
I'm going to make this simple....

You just made this Soo much harder on your self if wanted sex was your goal. Since you can't take back what you already did why don't you make a nice dinner " at home" so you can openly talk( LIKE ADULTS) about this. you are way over analyzing this. Just ask her and work it out. 99% of women just can't put a schedule or days on when to have sex . Talk to her 1st about anything emotional going on in your relationship and sometimes saying sorry isn't enough it's your actions. Then ask her what is going on with not wanting sex anymore and just ask her of there is something you can do to help. If she says that your not appreciating her then your probably doing that. But keep talking to her about it ask " what can I do differently to help this get better" if she's not working and your fully supporting her you really have to go out of the way when you get home and show your appreciation . Thanks for ..... I went through the same thing COMMUNICATE
2016-04-20 12:46:15 UTC
tell her you'll just get it elsewhere then. As it is men have basically zero reason to marry in today's world. It's risky in all but the very best scenarios. Take out the sex which used to be commonplace and expected (though let's be honest we aren't brutes we don't expect it ON demand) and what reason do you have to be married at that point?

Real talk. It's certainly not the risk of child support or alimony right? Def not the risk of losing half your pension if you didn't prenup. You gave up all your friends and due to our effimate, liberal, pc society your also expected to be completely monogamous which is very unnatural and difficult for men.

This is all based around an archaic institution from a primitive world where the men could still get satisfied outside the union mind you. It was also from a world where the women still reared the children, cooked, cleaned, and took care of men in exchange for a family and security.

Now we call that sexist or worse, misogyny lol
2016-04-16 13:05:41 UTC
Anytime we say rude things we don't mean, we should tell our partner we didn't mean them and we are sorry we said them. If you are sorry. However, you should not be sorry for saying you might divorce her coz she has no interest in se x. Sex is very important.

The thing is, why is you wife so reluctant to have s ex? Is it that she has no se x drive for some reason, medical or psychological? Is it that she doesn't like and love you se xually?

Your wife has a problem as people do not reject their partner 4 times in one week unless something is very wrong.

I think the fact that you are more worried about not getting any, rather then what could be going on with her is what would worry me...

Your wife either does't love you so badly that she can't stand se x with you, or she has a very serious health problem...Both should be making you worried sick...if you only see that you are not getting your needs met and do not even see her, then that's a problem...

Saying I will divorce you for not liking to have se x with me is not a problem, it's a legitimate thing to say...Not wanting to know what could be going on with her that she is acting that way is not exactly being a good husband...

I realize that you might have just left out the number of times you asked her what is going on...

Has she always been like this? How come you married someone completely sexually incompatible with you?
2016-04-16 13:15:48 UTC
Any kind of threat will always be met with opposition, no matter what the issue. You on the other hand may have not been aware of the non-existence sexual manual that's registered in all our brains whether we like it or not. But like many you forgot to read the small print. It goes something like, if your partner after having such an active and mind-blowing sex life with you sadly stops without warning they're probably cheating on you or you're cheating on them. Should the above not be true and it's just sadly a case of one or both not being sexually fore-filled, you have no-one to blame except yourselves for not communicating the fact. Why, because once you start to bottle up the very thing that you both worked so hard to achieve many other area's of your relationship also get shifted to the back-burner, and pretty soon you're not even really communicating at all you're screaming and shouting about just about anything. So, it should be no surprise to you really that your relationship is at the stage other than the sex part as that is the one area you've tried to hang onto. Notice that I said YOU? Why, because women enter into a relationship with far greater commitment than a man, but sadly like men after being worn down also turn to their now battered ego after years of being emotionally drained. So, whereby you as a guy have solely been functioning for so long, although frustrated, happily went along with things because you were getting regular sex despite you being a real s**t. Women are like elephants, and so never forget, and total up all the c**p they had to take while still hanging in there hoping it will get better. In short you both have been living completely separate agenda's for so long that something invariably going to be an eye opener for one of you sooner or later. Hence you posting this question. I hope somewhere in this mess something twigs.
2016-04-19 19:27:29 UTC
Receiving constant rejection from someone you loved enough to marry hurts. Few people here will give you credit for being in pain. You go to a bar and get rejected four times folks will say you had a rough night. Getting rejected 4 times by the person you dedicated your entire life to feels like getting gutted and you took that kind of rejection 4 times in a row.

1) You are pushing too hard right now if you keep it up it's all going to fall apart

2) Check out

Think about the things she does/did for you in the past and start doing them for her.

3) Some folks Red/Yellow/Green signals posted prominently to indicate an interest in sex. Red means No. (So you won't even bother to ask) Yellow means maybe (Wine dine date night you might get lucky maybe not) Green is a go. Rig up the cards explain them to her and tell her she is in control of when you will approach her.

4) Some folks agree to sex 1 day a week but she sets the day.

Ultimately there is a communications issue that needs to be resolved
2016-08-17 04:42:29 UTC
tell her you'll just get it elsewhere then... as it is men have basically zero reason to marry in today's world... it's risky in all but the very proper scenarios... take out the sugar which used to be commonplace and expected (though let's be honest we aren't brutes we don't expect it on demand) and what reason do you have to be married at that point?

real talk... it's certainly not the risk of child support or alimony right? def not the risk of losing half your pension if you didn't prenup... you gave up all your friends and due to our effimate, liberal, pc society your also expected to be completely monogamous which is very unnatural and difficult for men...

this is all based around an archaic institution from a primitive world where the men could still get satisfied outside the union mind you... it was also from a world where the women still reared the children, cooked, cleaned, and took care of men in exchange for a family and security...

now we call that sugarist or worse, misogyny lol
2016-04-18 01:21:22 UTC
YES! She could of been on her period and that is why she is saying no to you! What you said probably broke her heart and she might even be thinking wether or not you are the right guy for her just bc you threatened her. Don't be surprised if she divorced you. She deserves a long apology
Anne Campbell
2016-04-16 06:06:39 UTC
It is clear that you love your wife but her threatening divorce is no answer. What you desire is a good sex life with your wife in return for all the good things that you do for her, unfortunately this is not how things work. Did you have sex together prior to marriage, was she enthusiastic then or has she never been very keen? Did you explore your expectations together prior to marriage, in my mind this is one very important conversation which many people do not have? When you have sex is it a case of her 'giving' it to you as a duty, or maybe she is simply compliant but not enthusiastic? It may be that you are not sexually compatible, perhaps you could try now to have this conversation now in order to decide whether there is a chance to save your marriage.
2016-08-14 06:30:48 UTC
tell her you'll just get it elsewhere then... as it is men have basically zero reason to marry in today's world... it's risky in all but the very proper scenarios... take out the sugar which used to be commonplace and expected (though let's be honest we aren't brutes we don't expect it on demand) and what reason do you have to be married at that point?

real talk... it's certainly not the risk of child support or alimony right? def not the risk of losing half your pension if you didn't prenup... you gave up all your friends and due to our effimate, liberal, pc society your also expected to be completely monogamous which is very unnatural and difficult for men...

this is all based around an archaic institution from a primitive world where the men could still get satisfied outside the union mind you... it was also from a world where the women still reared the children, cooked, cleaned, and took care of men in exchange for a family and security...

now we call that sugarist or worse, misogyny lol
2016-04-18 09:47:21 UTC
Then deviorce life is to short . I know the people saying you need sex your *****. I am a girl I was with a guy who didn't have sex with me made me feel ugly and unwanted. I could see if you had kids or she was busy. Even with a baby I was able to give my ex sex every night. That's what people do to show they care. I just think a lot of woman hold it over men as Some game.
2016-04-18 12:47:09 UTC
It solely depends on why your wife decides why she will not want to please you. What could have happened? Have you talked about what’s going on? I am sure it is for a good reason and if you know why then you really need to talk it thru but if not, she should be able to tell you what you said or did to want to not come together. A lot of people would say that sex isn’t the core of the marriage but it is and if you are honest then you know…the moment when two come together is the greatest feeling that anyone can give, especially to the one you love…talk it over…allow your wife to express her feelings and really listen to what she isn’t saying to you. Stephen R. Covey says, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. Most people listen with the intent to reply. Ask yourself if you’re truly listening to others or if you’re being distracted by your own chatter. Sometimes, listening means staying silent to give others a chance to talk, soaking it in, then perhaps responding if your response is needed.”
Smack Ego Zen
2016-04-17 20:11:32 UTC
I've been living with my boyfriend for two years now, we're pretty serious. We probably haven't had sex in a couple of months, and it's driving me crazy. But it's because his health is rolling down hill right now and the doctors don't know what's wrong with him.

Next time talk to her, ask her why she hasn't been in the mood lately. Or help her with the chores she's been thinking are more important than your guys' sex life.

You don't owe her an apology. You owe her a conversation.
2016-04-17 09:10:07 UTC
yes, now onto a possible solution (getting her to say yes) For women the "mood" starts outside of the bedroom. So when you come home from work (I hope you work if not that could be it) Do you appreciate what she does do, believe me washing clothes, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning house, is a thankless job that often goes unnoticed. Which can make resentment build up, especially if money is tight and unlike you (if you work and get paid for your efforts, and she has to ask for "allowance" or running money, well could you imagine having to ask your boss weekly for your earnings? Saying "The house looks good, or dinner was good, I appreciate all you do can go a long way toward that mood you want.

Do you have foreplay? A woman is muti-organsmic so allowing her to get off first before you go to town will help a lot.

Of course if you do those little things that pis$ her off throughout the day well get used to not having sex.
2016-04-16 17:59:49 UTC
Sex isn't everything my friend. Many people across the world are actually really sensitive towards sex and this also include males as well as females. They may not have a reason and sometimes they do and their partners need to respect that. She's obviously scared and hesitant when it comes to this topic and, instead of getting mad at her and threatening her, try and talk to her about it and calmly. It might be all she needs. She needs to feel that you understand her and that she can trust you with this topic as having sex is a massive thing to do for a lot of people, especially those who have had traumatic experiences with this topic.
2016-04-18 08:15:51 UTC
Maybe there is another problem with your wife. I have been married for almost 16 years and once we had our 3 kids sex took a backseat. If your wife is a stay at home mom, then she is probably exhausted by the end of the day and wants to just relax. Or it could be a medical issue. She may have a low sex drive.
2016-04-18 21:50:54 UTC
Was she always like this before marriage? If she was then you can't blame her for being asexual. You knew what you were getting yourself into.

If not, then there's probably a hidden problem. Since when did she start denying you sex? What happened around that time that might have triggered this sudden refusal to have sex?

There's several reasons. One, it could be a hormonal/biological problem and she's just not as horn y as before and isn't interested in sex, or something is stressing her out and she's too tired to have sex, or you and her got into a fight and she's still holding a grudge against you, or you did something she didn't like or that hurt her feelings while being totally unaware of what you did and whatever that is, is making her not wanna have sex with you. Gaining a lot of weight usually makes people less horn y. Are you showing her enough affection? You said you treat her right but I need to hear her side of the story.

Communication is key. Ask her why she doesn't wanna have sex, what are her reasons.

Sometimes she might feel like a sex object when you keep wanting sex. I used to have a similar mind set but my perception on sex changed. You need to change her perception of sex. Sex isn't just entertainment and pleasure, but a way to get even more closer to the one you love, to express your love and bond.

Don't ask for sex. That's a turn off. Girls love taking things slow and increasing the anticipation which makes them want it more. Just cuddle with her one night on the sofa then look deeply into her eyes and tell her you love her and some other cheesy stuff, caress her cheek and slowly lean in to kiss her, tug on her hair, move your hands over her body while making out, kiss her neck, push her onto the sofa and get on top of her, make out some more then slowly start peeling her clothes off and hopefully she won't stop you.

That should probably get you laid. But first solve the underlying issue and your current problem. Good luck.
2016-04-15 19:02:14 UTC
Pretty common problem most husbands face and sex is important in a marriage. If she continues to deny or make excuses, you have the right to divorce her. When you're turned down, don't say rude things to her, thats immature. And you owe an apology for saying those "rude things."
2016-04-17 13:41:31 UTC
No apology needed. You said what was on your mind. That's what people need to do more often. Try talking direct to her. Ask why she refuses you. Women usually won't want you if you are not addressing a need she has. That is why she would not help you with you needs. In short get off YA and talk to your wife. Only she knows why.
2016-04-16 21:52:48 UTC
some times women..especially when young and stupid..will refuse you sex as punishment for hurt unresolved feelings ( a bad thing to do, but because they are young and not understand ,they can be dumb as and really needs to read men are from mars and women are from venus..VERY good marriage advice in there )

but also some women can be very tired etc etc may be unwell and just want to sleep ....... if thats the case do it early ..let her stay in bed and you get back up ...or some women liked to be put in the mood long before bed time, tell her shes pretty .help her with washing up etc etc many hours before ya want use being distant from her all day so to speak and expect her to be real loving soon as ya get into bed ..some women hate that ..

but ,it depends if this is an ongoing thing ,she needs to understand you need sex regually./nightly if you are a young thing ..

..yes hug her and tell her you are sorry..dont say im sorry but blah blah..cause thats not being sorry then.....

but another time have a discussion with how its upsetting you by not having sex........ try all this before divorce ..good luck
Built for BBC
2016-04-18 18:49:13 UTC
In my view, no. As a male, sex is a very important part of your life. You need it so that your mind isn't constantly wandering into lustful thoughts. Sex is the most basic necessity in a marriage. If she refuses to acknowledge your desire for sex and help you out, she is not a good wife and does not deserve you.
2016-04-17 09:06:55 UTC
You should sit and talk with her and find out WHY she isn't having sex with you. Sex is important in marriage, but maybe it's a health or emotional issue which you need to help her address. Making threats won't hep here. Talk it over and see what you can do. Maybe she thinks you're in it only for the sx, or maybe, for her, having sex several times a week is too much. You BOTH need to compromise. but talk it out first.
2016-04-18 18:46:24 UTC
Yes it is a terrible thing to say. It is valid to say that this is very important and for you to work out a compromise, but do not threaten her with divorce. That is for a very extreame circumstance and not just because you got denied 4 times in 1 week. (Extreame is rarely doing it ever, as in once every few months).

It is important for her to work to fufil your sexual needs as well as you hers. I'm not sure what's going on, but maybe you're not doing what you need to to satisfy her sexually/give her a good experience. You still need to keep yourself looking attractive. You need to be close to her emotionally. Women's sex drive is largely based on their emotional attachment to you. .Ironoically you may have distance her emotionally (and therefore sexually) by threatening her with divorce.

It takes a lot of work to get women in the mood, but doing that is apart of the deal of being married. You also may not get it as much as you want. Such is compromise within marriage.

Work things out, but do not threaten with divorce. Never say that unless you are seriously thinking of it and it is an extreme circumstance.
2016-04-18 02:23:04 UTC
Yes, you were wrong. What's more important to you: being married or having sex? What if you were never able to have sex with her ever again? Would you stay married or ditch her for another ho? You can't turn a ho into a housewife, hoes don't act right.
2016-04-16 15:43:47 UTC
I have the opposite problem, I never had enough sex I married 2 men who were no match for me now with my 2nd husband for 30 yrs after he made every time (the few we had) a BIG deal in what we had to do for him to get it up I could care less...If I could live my life over, I would not marry any man- I would work hard & save money-- sorry I know that sounds sad but I truly regret marrying 2 losers in my life not just sex but lack of ambition, esp the 2nd one, guess I am the idiot..I felt my biological clock the 2nd time and married a good looking jerk. Good thing is he brings me coffee every morning now that we're older, but its still me making sure the income keeps coming....and masturbating late in the evening- if your young for GOD sakes MOVE ON!@!!
Bisexual Aromantic
2016-04-17 22:15:31 UTC
You're completely pathetic and an insult to the male race. She should divorce YOUR pathetic a*s

Sex is NOT that important, no matter what you try and claim as fact in support of your opinion
2016-04-17 14:58:28 UTC
Yep, appologize.

I agree, sex is important. It is one of the most important things in a marriage if you don't have kids and you're still young. However, this is not how you should behave towards your wife. It's her body, she has the right to say no.

I guess you'll just have to get back to p*rn and your hand.
2016-11-04 23:18:46 UTC
yeah! she could of been on her period and that is why she is saying no to you! what you said probably broke her heart and she might even be thinking wether or not you are the right guy for her just bc you threatened her... don't be surprised if she divorced you... she deserves a long apology
2016-04-17 21:26:07 UTC
according to the institute of marriage as defined in religion, you cannot divorce your spouse unless your spouse has been unfaithful (adultery). So with that definition, No, you have no right to divorce her but instead your obligation is to love her. Love is selfless, and when your partner receives love from you, she will respond with love. Every one has a different love language, mine is communication, my wife's is touching, giving and she says, if i can't be with her, then i should do something for her(example; dishes, washing etc.) have you been selfless in your love?

If not, how can you expect her to be selfless in her love.
2016-04-15 19:58:57 UTC
U fucked up massively by going on defense by saying lack of sex or none is issues and we should get divorce. but your a bloke and she will forgive you.... if u can understand why your comment was so hurtful..... Plus i'll help you communicate what it is you were trying to say so you don't sound like a selfish git.

women don't think same way as men, stressful day or built up frustration is not a way we relieve stress unlike men can do through sex, were much more emotional about sex. Plus act of sex after stressful day or what ever to then be proposition in a lazy or self centered way is not a turn on for us married women. I'm not doubting you a bad husband but meeting needs of what you think are acceptable in a marriage may not be the same views your wife has. u say your emotionally there for her but you must not be and this is not a criticism it's insight that i wished someone else had explained to my husband many years ago. you don't need counselling you just need to have open difficult conversation with one another and i expect by end of it your be surprised she felt way she does. Marriage is hard work had as time goes on it actually becomes harder.... i have introduced 3 rules for better sex life

1 love, appreciation and support for one another

which leads to

2 intimacy and affection

which leads to

3 SEX try it

and as to saying you should get a divorce get say sorry and u find it difficult to say how you feel and that u only want her why u get so frustrated and your a bloke **** at explaining how you feel
2016-04-18 14:25:03 UTC
Why don't both of you go to a marriage counselor? Divorce should never never be the first solution, if you can't solve this one what makes you think you will do any better on another marriage? Your better off learning to negotiate your differences.
2016-04-18 00:47:57 UTC
You were right. It is her duty. If she wont do it then she has no right to complain if you have sex with other women. My wife pulled that on me for almost 4 years and it damaged me mentally. Then years later I find out it was because she was having sex with a few other men. I finally left her but still have m,ental issues over it.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-04-17 14:36:01 UTC
That might have been the wrong way to approach it, but if she doesn't want it, there's nothing you can do about THAT. The divorce rate in the US is ABOUT 48% ! About half of all marriages, fail. The number is higher for Police, & Military !
2016-04-18 11:47:54 UTC
Yes without any doubt you was wrong. Sex and intimacy are inter connected but two very different things. Many women do not want one without the other. You need to woo her affection like back when you were dating. But even then it is still her right to say no.
2016-04-16 19:38:18 UTC
You are saying to your wife that sex is more important in your marriage than her.Yes you were wrong. You are letting her know that it is very well possible that if you cant get it at home you will get it outside of the home. This will lead to trust issues. Probably not smart to have said that.she may realize that maybe she needs to be satisfying and appease you. Then again she may try you and hold out and try to catch your bluff...sorry..maybe not a good idea to have said that.
2016-04-18 14:23:37 UTC
No, you do not owe her an apology. She is the one who is wrong as defrauding you of sex is a sin. Yes, this is Biblical. Plus what did you tell her that was mean or untrue? Would you have even spoken to her if she did not have a nookie? No, you would not have. And what does she do for you that you cannot do for yourself or get someplace else for a lower price? Seriously, think about that a while. Basically all a woman brings to a relationship in the majority of cases is sex and when they are not providing that they are dropping their end of the agreement. She sure would have an issue with you if you were not providing for her, taking care of the bills or so on now would she not? You bloody well know she would.

Now the females and wussy men will have issues with this or come up with all kinds of arguments in her favor. Just remember that women depend upon double standards for survival and if they had to actually meet the standards they try to hold men to, they would scream for the standards to be changed in about a day.
2016-04-17 06:06:05 UTC
"The apostle Paul described those bounds at 1Corinthians 7:2-5 but because of the prevalence of sexual immortality, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband.Let the husband give to his wife her due, and let the wife also do likewise to her husband. the wife does not have authority over her own body, but her husband does; likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body, but his wife does. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent for an appointed time, so that you may devote time to prayer and may come together again, in that Satan may not keep tempting you for your lack of self-control. Sexual relations with her husband become exclusive privilege of the wife; he likewise has the same privilege with her alone.Each expected to provide the other with marital "due" or sexual relations that a married person has the right to receive. Jehovah blesses family heads who provide for their families without risking their marriages. Psalms 37:25
2016-04-16 21:27:22 UTC
I think this is the problem with meny womens not only your wife, the problem may be comes because now after merriege she is acting as child or unmeturity, some parrents put more and more restriction on his girl and the girl dont able to grow with the social envirnment this may be one of the reason, I think you need some counceling, devorce is not solution even this may cause many things.
2016-04-15 20:15:47 UTC
Hell no. She owes an explanation to you, about why she isn't providing you with sex. That's part of the marriage, which in essence is a contract. I can tell you that you should follow the hell through with the threat. My wife was turning down my advances for sex during the first year, I wish I would have seen that writing on the wall. I still thought she liked me, for me, instead of the married life I provided.

It sounds like that's what your wife values you for, what you provide for her
2016-04-18 17:03:29 UTC
For me, it's the mans position to suck it up, and apologise, no matter whether you are right or wrong. You do indeed both owe each other sex, but not in an obligatory way, but in an over flowing of love way. Your love for your wife needs to be so sacrificial that you do your part without judging her at all if she does not keep up the things that she should be doing. For example, being up for sex. The more forgiving, patient and loving you are the more she will be up for sex. The best thing is to communicate the reasons you want to have sex with her. That you love her body and want to love her completely. That you want to feel in union with her and that you feel a distance when you haven't had sex for a while. Maybe love is expressed mostly as a physical thing to you and when she avoids expressing physical and intimate love for you it makes you feel as though she doesn't love you. Expressing these things in a loving way will help her understand your frustration. Then just don't mention it for a while and do everything you can to love her and you will see some change. All the best
2016-04-18 12:44:23 UTC
yes, but she needs to realize that sex is a part of being married. does she want children? if not this may be the reason why she is refusing to have sex with. maybe you two should have a serious talk about why she don't want to have sex. maybe there is a reason that you don't know about.
2016-04-15 20:08:14 UTC
She owes you an apology for constantly saying no. Sex needs to be a part of marriage, she either gets behind that or she never meant to be married in the first place. She wants all of her needs met while taking a sick pleasure in denying you.

If she can't apologize to you, acknowledge that, going forward, she needs to make herself available a lot more often, then follow through with that, then she was never marriage material to begin with.

Honestly bro, I'd bail now before kids are involved.
2016-04-18 14:04:52 UTC
Yes. If your goal is for her to be desirous of you sexually, threatening her is the wrong way to go about it.

Show her that you care about her, and don't rely on your being a provider to do the heavy lifting there.

It's about feelings. Get to the bottom of hers and you will get to her bottom.
2016-04-18 20:29:45 UTC
Sex is an important part of marriage, it also keeps a guys hormones focused on his girl and less prone to cheat. You can argue that, but there is a point to having sex in marriage. I wouldn't divorce her over it, but I would definitely talk to her about it.
2016-04-16 15:21:19 UTC
First of all you make your relationship/ marriage sound like a job rather than a relationship. If you love someone, then it shouldn't matter if you have sex or not, being in their company etc should be enough. Maybe you should talk to your wife in a supportive manner and ask her why she doesn't have sex with you. Maybe she doesn't enjoy it. The fact that you threatened to divorce her over not having sex proves that maybe you shouldn't be together and that you don't care about her that much. If you're willing to lose the love of your life, the woman you asked to be your wife over sex then maybe you should let her go so you can sleep around and she can find someone that actually loves her.
2016-04-17 07:38:35 UTC
She is human...she may not feel like it she cant help it...she may be sad tired or kind....yes say you're sorry an find out why she says no. youre prob not meeting an emotional need she has...the mind is where sex begins...especially for a woman.
2016-04-17 18:08:11 UTC
You can live without sex multiple times a week. Maybe if you didn't constantly pressure her about it, she would actually want to.

Back off and enjoy the fact that you're with someone who you love.
2016-04-16 20:49:55 UTC
Divorce her please... Sex it's not a homework. Remember you're giving it and she's reviving it.. So we have to want it, if not it's not pleasurable.. It would piss me off if someone it's trying to jump on me like like I'm an animal... You don't owe her an apology, you have your own views and values. Obviously she doesn't share the same. There's times where it gets annoying! Like get the **** off I'm free.. I'll have sec with you when ever I feel like it. If my husband is Tired or not in the mood.. I don't go crying... Dafuq!! Everyone is free marriage isn't about who does what.. If it angers you that you support her and therefore she owes you something please leave her. My mom got two jobs just so my dad wouldn't be an *** whole ! Then ended up divorcing him. Bc instead of seducing her and giving her space. She felt violated.
2016-04-17 12:14:25 UTC
2016-04-17 20:16:56 UTC
2016-04-17 08:03:08 UTC
You made a promise to your wife when you married her about taking her in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, till death do you part.

You did not have to make that promise if you did not mean to do it. I can assert either you are wrong now, or you made an unfaithful promise when you entered the marriage agreement that was your choice and could have avoided it.
2016-04-16 09:53:27 UTC
This is typical of the vast majority of marriages , women & men always want the opposite of the other , this is a classic example , men desire sex , most women do NOT !! Evolutionary biology's cruel joke , men are cursed with an always on sex drive to " spread seed " , whereas women may have a bit of a sex drive around ovulation & pretty much zero sexual desire outside of that small window.

Throw in hormonal contraceptives & also women are taught to view sex ( and men !! ) as " dirty , wrong disgusting " plus all the anti male propaganda that conditions women to view men as moronic , sex crazed , expendable stupid worthless morons , most Western women view men as lesser beings , merely a utility , hence why a Western woman does not really give a crap about her male partner , she does NOT love him , only what he can provide , then this is a typical " marriage " scenario. It will not get better !!

However....DO NOT cuss her out of frustration , she is what she is , a typical woman , you cannot bypass her DNA !! Apologise , but start to slowly but surely distance yourself from her , start planning your escape now !!
2016-04-16 03:09:39 UTC
Well, yes and no.

In Japan there's a law defining that sex is an obligation in marriage, and you have the right to divorce if that obligation is not satisfied by the other party. I assume the same applies in the US.

So I guess marriage is in away a business contact. ***** and master. 

But in the context of love in which my husband and I live, true love expects nothing in return, and love is either unconditional or it isn't love at all. He wouldn't mind if I gave him nothing. Yet he adores me to death. Just the sight of my pretty face will please him. I don't have to do anything else than to simply exist to please him. He loves me anyway, unconditionally. 

So you obviously need a contractee who agrees to fulfill your business conditions and needs as a *****, in exchange of your financial support. 

But don't you dare think you are emotionally supportive or loving. Just accept the fact that your sexual physical desires are more important than a woman's emotions, and make sure you tell this to your next wife or partner or whatever UP FRONT.
2016-04-17 14:51:09 UTC
Find out why she doesn't want to. When I was married my ex would be at home all day with the kids. I would come home from work he did not cook, clean, or try to make a romantic scene but always wanted sex. Find out talk to her.
2016-04-19 08:21:57 UTC
She could be depressed or have a low sex drive so maybe talk to her about these issues. But in my life experiences if I stopped wanting to have sex with my significant other it was because I just fell out of love and didn't want to do it with them anymore. But that is kind of crazy yall have only been married a year...
2016-04-17 19:47:38 UTC
you fucked up. You know you didn't mean it, but i know that lack of sex will drive you insane. Just have a real honest genuine talk with your wife. tell her how you feel, and reassure her that you love her, but ask her honestly why she isn't having sex with you. Try to reassure her of your love, and tell her you're there for her no matter what, but it's bothering you.
2016-04-16 13:11:32 UTC
Since she already thinks of you as being in it for the sex, thus ruining the good image which you have initially portrayed for so long, you should channel that.

A wisewoman once said, "Women love to be pursued." It is in their nature to desire to feel wanted and appreciated in some way by their male counterpart. She may have been playing with you all this time, knowing that you are the type to be the "good" husband who supports her in every way possible and will continue to do so because she knows, at the back of her head, that you want to drill her, and so she has been using this as leverage for you to be this ideal husband. However, now she sees that you have come to your wit's end, and the influence which she has had on you is beginning to wane. And, so, she throws the "you only want me for sex" card at you to guilt you into returning to that state of mind which she has had you in for so long. It is time to play back.

While your wife is secretly sulking in her pool of drama, perhaps you could masturbate to some online pornography, or, better yet, order an adult sexcapade film on demand and enjoy it until she notices that you are no longer paying much attention to her as the females on television. Make this a routine, but do not completely ignore your wife, either. By doing this, you will arouse, and, perhaps, make her jealous to the point where she will no longer be able to ignore you and will submit to your fantasies.

Sometimes, these women need a little challenge in order to nudge them off of their rocker. Thus far, she has had you in this "puppy dog" condition to which she was the queen on a pedestal, but now she will be forced to step off of it and come down to reality before she loses you for good.
2016-04-17 14:47:41 UTC
You know, you would be so much more convincing if you didn't consistently troll with "am I wrong?" Hello, doesn't take a genius to sniff out your pattern

And yes, the hypothetical man in this scenario would be in the wrong
2016-04-15 19:00:12 UTC
Kind of yes, kind of no. There were better ways to handle it. But sex is important, if she expects you to be celibate for the rest of your life then you obviously can't stay with her. Talk to her about it and ask why she never wants to have sex, then hopefully if you find out the reason you'll both be able to remedy the situation.
Pat Brown
2016-04-16 08:02:36 UTC
well, it's not a good way to get what you say you want, a more sexually fulfilling marriage. you have probably figured that out by now.

Your wife is hurt and you sound frustrated and angry. These are the emotional states you have to deal with if you are to heal this marriage. I would be looking for a good counselor.
2016-04-16 12:32:59 UTC
talk is cheap. Life is short.

by nature we have different sex drives, but seriously she's blowing it.

As for an apology No. Why say sorry for something that should already

be her pleasure.

as your wife it should be her desire to please you. Talk may be cheap but

you may want to talk this one out. b/c no wife can be way more stressful

than not enough sex. Good luck.
2016-04-19 03:55:57 UTC
Denying sex is a ground for divorce. From that perceptive you can file for divorce.
2016-04-19 04:51:56 UTC
Technically, no. You're entitled to want a divorce for any legal reason you choose.

Morally, yes. Your brick level of tact shows that. What part of the marriage vows were difficult to understand?
2016-04-16 02:43:20 UTC
Yes you were wrong & there is a reason she kept coming up with excuses, maybe instead of threatening to divorce her you could sit down & talk to her, by acting the way you did its understandable why she might think you don't value her etc. Yes you should apologize & ask her if you can talk, if there is anything wrong & tell her how you feel.
2016-04-16 22:32:15 UTC
Sex should be the thing that binds two people together.

It enhances "closeness." If you have to "negotiate" sex.

you have a problem..The two of you are not on the same page.

Yep, counselling should be considered. Your partner's reluctance to

have sex.. might be a message.. They might be telling you that

they have one foot out the door already.... (read have someone else in mind)
2016-04-20 09:51:53 UTC
Yeah ok fair enough i can see how this could escalate into a huge fight. i would speak to her and say sorry for the mean things and you love her and dont mean it but then explain to her how it makes you feel insecure when you dont have sex as much and if she has any hesitation she should talk it out with you...
2016-04-17 05:39:50 UTC
Well it's a 2 way street so yes and no at once .
2016-04-17 01:48:03 UTC
you don't sound like you two are suited for each other, how you ended up married is baffling. So yes get a divorce
2016-04-15 22:41:53 UTC
No you weren't wrong, what she is doing is contempt and abuse and she knows it. She just trying to exploit you.

Divorce her if she will not agree to an arrangement where every time you want sex, she agrees and spreads her legs, without complaint, delay, murmur, excuse or ill grace. She should be kind, sweet, loving and giving.

There's no need to be with a woman like that, and you should not put up with her shìt attitude for your own and all other men's sake.
2016-04-16 23:40:11 UTC
I read a lot of answers saying youre wrong...where are the REAL men and women? the truth is, part of marriage is monogamy, which means you only have sex with that committed other. she is supposed to do it. and you to her. NO, YOU CANT MAKE HER, so you need to find out what she's mad about. bc that why she's holding out on you. good luck.
2016-04-15 23:46:15 UTC
You are right!

Sex is the key force to keep wife and husband.

She seems do not know sexual pleasure itself so that she say no every time.

The ke points to give great orgasms and sexual pleasure to wife are 1. Longer good foreplay more than ten minutes

2. Slow and longer intercourse more than 20 minutes.

Then she will get great orgasms with pleasures. Then she will chase you for sex.
2016-04-20 00:22:51 UTC
If you're in a time warp and it's the 1700s still? Conjugal rights so not exist anymore, for better or worse still does. Ask yourself if you could be the root of the problem. Oh and grow up
2016-04-16 10:52:20 UTC
In my opinion you might owe her n apology for being rude but not for asking for sex. Sex is important ina marriage and its sort of expected. You might want to ask her why first before you do anything else through and sre if its a problem you can work through
2016-04-16 13:50:04 UTC
It's not a barter take care of her financially in return for sex whenever u want it. Has it occurred to you that u might not be satisfying her in bed? We women need foreplay and to feel loved...then we love sex as much as men but if u r the in and out...turn over and go to sleep leaving her unsatisfied...What do u expect.

Stop treating her like a for money. Ask her what she would like.

Took me six months to train my we both love making love.

Mo Ma and Grandma
Cinnamon Swirl
2016-04-17 07:38:04 UTC
Yes. Just because she said no doesn't mean you need to seperate. Maybe she just isn't feeling "in the mood" right then. If you two are happy and loving together besides that one thing, stay together.
2016-04-17 14:42:22 UTC
You do owe her an apology bc it's true- she doesn't owe you sex. She's a lesbian, man. If she doesn't want to sleep with you and you guys are a couple, that's weird.
2016-04-15 20:24:48 UTC
she is right you do not value her and you owe her a big apology You do just want sex You have no idea why and do not care If you would divorce your wife because she denied you sex you do not love her as a person just as a collection of body parts you want more access to.You say you obviously value her I see no evidence of this but I do get that sex is IMPORTANT to you. You need to grow up because you are way more agitated teenager or perhaps pouting toddler than you are a real man worthy of being husband material did you ever think your attitude is a big turn off No one wants sex with some one that just wants sex for sex sake and act like they deserve it. Happy there are no children Hope she divorces you You can go pay for a warm body for sex
2016-04-16 15:46:36 UTC
Yes you were wrong... doesnt matter why you threatened divorce. doesnt matter what she said/did doesnt matter what you said/did. you acted like a child. grow up and figure out what the problem really is... or divorce her and let her find a man that is willing to get to the bottom of the problem.
2016-04-16 12:48:59 UTC
Sorry to hear after all you do for this woman.

Sounds like she doesn't respect you at all. Is not careing at all. She doesn't deserve you my friend. She isn't putting out she should get out. Nuff said.

Why should you support her and her not support you emotionally evt. Being sexually frustraited is no way to be while in a relationship. Cut your ties. Teach her a lesson. No kids freshly married it will be easy to move on. What does she want you to start doing ? Going elsewhere for love and sex?

Strait up. Put out or get
2016-04-17 19:39:43 UTC
You both need to see a marriage counselor, sex is part of a normal loving marriage
2016-04-16 22:08:23 UTC
Ask your wife to come with you to a sex therapist. She needs to care about your needs too.
Groove doctor
2016-04-16 05:25:25 UTC
You are FAR too hard on yourself. Prepare yourself to read what I'm about to say.

In the following passage, I hope to convince you that marriage is a social contract that hands the control over to the woman. A man has a more urgent and immediate sex drive, and you're realising what happens when it's not satisfied. You said it yourself: you are given a guilt-tripping accusation of wanting only sex, despite ticking all the boxes for good husband. She is under no legal obligation to satisfy your natural desire. And guess what? With the exception of madame palm and her five daughters who live at the bottom of your arm, you ARE under legal obligation to not satisfy your desires elsewhere. You are sexually cornered. What is more, we humans aren't even monogamous creatures! Men are designed to sleep around (a science article this week suggests stds-prevention in oversized tribes kickstarted monogamous practice), and yet you have agreed to a contract that says you can only sleep with one woman, your wife, and she has no obligation to do so. 'Mood' is all she needs to deprive you of what you want. "I'm not in the mood" is ALL she has to say to justify every refusal of your offers. Is it any wonder women have the power in relationships? Is it any wonder men take such crap from moody partners? When is it the other way around? Has anyone noticed that women are perfectly positioned to hand over responsibility of their happiness to their amenable, sex-starved partners? No wonder your outburst of frustration.

Understandable, justifiable, pent-up frustration.

Well, those are the cards. Divorce is a big move, and you will probably get hated for it (sex-deprived men are an easy target, firstly because we're called 'dogs' for having entirely natural impulses), but it will free you from this trap. You could apologise if you want to find an equilibrium, but this sets a precedent.

P.s. I think the bottom line here is whether you think she's manipulative or not. Yes, get out. No, maybe retry.
Alan H
2016-04-17 00:44:35 UTC
You were unwise in asking others this way.

The two of you need to talk more, to build up your relationship outside of the bedroom: sex for its own sake can be clinical.

If need be, take marriage guidance support together.

Tell her regularly that you love her
2016-04-16 03:45:06 UTC
2016-04-18 20:08:54 UTC
yess, it depends on if she took it seriously or not. forcing someone to have sex when they don't have full consent, is sexual assault, so make sure you dont force her into it hen she really doesnt want to. Plus if she want to, it isnt her fault, it is about how comfortable she is at the moment. Why dont you give a talk, in the nicest way possible, and explain to her your concern and how you feel about it.
i + i
2016-04-15 19:04:26 UTC
You owe an apology for saying

what you didn't mean, but not

for making it clear that to you

it is an important component

of your relationship. Sounds

like there's something going

on with her and so you may

need to get a professional

(i.e. counselor or therapist)

involved in sorting it out.
2016-04-16 00:11:52 UTC
In spite of all those that say otherwise, sex IS important in any normal adult relationship. To have to live with a wife that withholds sex is not living at all, it's just existing. Whatever her reasons, unless they involve physical pain or illness, they are just excuses, to avoid putting out the effort to please you. When she withholds sex, she has broken the wedding vow as surely as if she had cheated. It requires less effort for her to have sex with you, than you exert just driving to work(to support her) The emotional damage she does to you and your relationship is deep and long lasting. There is no reason that we have to accept such behavior. In the USA we have no fault divorce. You don't even have to tell your lawyer why you are divorcing her. There are too many honest women that actually enjoy sex. There is no reason to continue to tolerate being turned down. You(we) have alternatives. Use them!!!
2016-04-19 16:59:40 UTC
Been there done that - make it clear you are going to walk if the situation doesn't improve. They think this is not important. If she still doesn't care draw your own conclusion
2016-04-18 13:30:01 UTC
She says no to sex, red flag! Maybe she's cheating!
2016-04-16 14:46:34 UTC
Yes you owe her an apology, straight up the way you behave in is insensitive and its probably a turn off. You should let it flow let her come to you sometimes. Now if she's just turning you down time and time again after she gets you aroused take her to counseling if she wont tell you whats going on.
2016-04-16 05:07:28 UTC
A marriage is a two way street. It is no different if a women leaves a man because he cannot provide the basic necessities of life or a wife that cannot provide basic necessities of life.

She is not providing the basic needs by denying sex. You are in your rights to leave her, just like she is in her rights to leave you if you lived in your car.

Just to let you know, this will only get worse, from very little to none at all. If sex is something you do not want to live your life without, I would make the change before any children come into the picture, then your hurting them, that should be avoided if possible.
2016-04-16 02:15:30 UTC
I came Home from Overseas duty 3 weeks and My wife refused me sex we were separated the 4 week

any person who uses sex as a weapon within a Marriage is evil and not worthy of being Married
2016-04-15 23:07:21 UTC
Men are microwaves, women are ovens. It takes a different approach. Start by listening. Interact by showing interest in her hobbies, take over some of her marital duties ,laundry, cooking, etc. You know what hasn't been working. Good Luck.
2016-04-16 01:22:41 UTC
Next time she refuses to give you sex say, "If you don't give me sex Ill find someone that will" and then cheat on her. And then tell her you want a prenup incase she tells you she wants a divorce. If your wife doesn't give you sex then how tf are you supposed to get laid then? And then you can't even rape her. This country sucks. Women use sex as a weapon and that should be illegal
Rick N
2016-04-15 21:26:36 UTC
yes, you took a vow before GOD to remain married and faithful better or worse, sick or healthy, rich or poor or did you forget the VOW that you took. That means if you NEVER get sex again that you stay married to her until one of you dies. I guess you forgot what marriage is about. It isn't just about you anymore, and it isn't just about her anymore. Also if you think you can have a good sex life with a woman without a lot of good communication, intimacy, thoughtful actions, etc. you may think that you are being good to her, but what is good to you may be one thing and what is good to her might be another. women are complex creatures if you haven't figured that out already. Women usually respond to how they are treated, if you treat her like dirt then maybe she'll respond in kind. If she isn't responding how you want her to, then you need to take a good look at how you are treating her. There is a lot of books/videos on marriage that might be able to help you. Even though I don't like Mark Gungor personally, I think his video about the tale of two brains is a great video that can help you understand some of the differences between men and women and then maybe you can think about how you can respond to her differently. If you thought this was going to be easy - well you are wrong. It isn't going to be easy at all. Perhaps you had unrealistic expectations? But if you are having sex problems like this - that is a dead giveaway that you got some problems in your marriage and perhaps you might benefit from some counseling or something (not that it would necessarily help you - but it might still help a little at least show that you are committed to trying to improve things, else I think it might get worse. Marriage is all about communication and if you aren't communicating well on a day to day basis - how do you think that your sex life is going to be going well since that is basically a more intimate form of communication. I promise you there are problems in other areas of your life that need to be addressed if you are going to have any breakthrough in the sexual area. Sometimes it isn't about you. When I was married (I've been widowed for nearly 10 years now) my late wife had issues with sex sometimes because of other issues that had nothing to do with me in that sometimes sex was painful for her emotionally (past trauma) or other issues she was having. It might not have anything to do with you at all. It might, but then it might not. What if she was saying no because sex was physically or emotionally painful for her or if she was having some problems that you weren't really hearing her about. sex for women is nothing like sex for men. I think you were wrong to threaten to divorce her and you probably made matters worse, not better. You can't force people to do things they don't want to do. Else that is abuse. If she doesn't want to have sex with you and you force her - that's marital rape (which is now a crime in several states) - so making threats or trying to force her way isn't going to help you. Maybe you have to romance her again? good luck to you.
2016-04-17 01:01:08 UTC
Yes you were. If I were your wife I wouldn't want to be with you anyway
2016-04-16 01:00:05 UTC
No, don't appologize. She's wrong! Your right, your needs and sex being one of them are important. In fact, I say your onto something. You should divorce her. She sounds like a self centred narsistic bltch.
2016-04-17 23:11:48 UTC
I would seriously have to hear HER side of this woeful tale. The day you introduce the word DIVORCE into your relationship, is the beginning of the end. Grow up.
Karo Miyuki
2016-04-18 22:13:11 UTC
No, she'll probably want to divorce you now because you're acting selfish anyway. Win win!
2016-04-15 22:57:53 UTC
no. why did u marry a woman who finds sex with u repulsive is beyond me. sex shouldn't be a chore, it should be a pleasure. if it is an unpleasant chore for her u re not going to change it by ultimatums.
2016-04-17 17:36:00 UTC
some women just don't. like. sex. and she may feel that she's going to lose you to someone else if she tells you.
2016-04-18 08:09:58 UTC
Just spent 4 days on jury duty might not be logical BUT you will loose in court
2016-04-15 19:22:17 UTC
threaten to divorce her is revenge. your paying her back for the harm she did to you. your both at fault. sex is very important in marriage, and GOD honors it.bring her a cup of coffee and some aspirin. give it to her, she says whats that for? coffee is for being tired and aspirin is for headache. if she says i have neither, then she has no excuse for no sex.
2016-04-18 18:42:20 UTC
It would seem like an *** hole thing to do but honestly if the marriage isn't satisfying u get out of it
2016-04-18 18:36:43 UTC
yes, you need to apologize, there is obviously a reason she doesn't want to have sex with you. Did you hurt her feelings? you need to figure this out, and you are married, "till death do you part"......don't give up that easily.
2016-04-16 12:23:17 UTC
yeah that's not okay..

but a no four times in a week isn't either, maybe go about it a different way? more romance or excitement, try a different angle!
2016-04-17 06:37:19 UTC
You don't need it several times a week.
2016-04-17 07:46:06 UTC
If you seriously meant it than divorce her
2016-04-16 17:29:00 UTC
2016-04-18 19:26:55 UTC
You took it too far, I mean she'll probably take it and do it as soon as possible. So saying what you said probably hurt her so you should apologize.
2016-04-16 09:54:36 UTC
Cut your penis off a-hole. She deserves someone else. Wanna know what's off about this, you can't come out of Anon and say this. So to me, this comes across as a TROLL
2016-04-17 21:50:06 UTC
here in Philippines, a spouse who don't give sex for his/her partner is ground for annulment. a spouse should give a sex to his/her partner except if he/she is sick.
Ange Rouge
2016-04-18 11:42:49 UTC
"I want your sex part III" from George Michael. Good luck.
2016-04-18 11:02:30 UTC
Just go to a legit cat house in NEVADA and pay for pvssy !!!!
2016-04-15 21:05:35 UTC
Divorce her. She deserves better.
2016-04-17 08:24:25 UTC
This sincerely shows that your a big ****** for even marrying her cause you only lust for not love
2016-04-17 18:27:48 UTC
uhm yes . gosh, have some compassion and understanding. that's emotional abuse for sure.
2016-04-16 04:43:29 UTC
Not at all silly. What is the point of being married if you do not get sex whenever you want it
2016-04-17 12:07:01 UTC
2016-04-19 01:08:12 UTC
If she keeps finding an excuse, then she must have a reason. Ask her and understand her .she will definately fulfill your needs.
2016-04-17 10:08:53 UTC
2016-04-18 20:11:18 UTC
yr wife needs counselling.
2016-04-17 09:52:17 UTC
2016-04-20 06:02:16 UTC
2016-04-18 05:20:41 UTC
Find a mistress!
2016-04-16 10:51:59 UTC
2016-04-16 06:17:30 UTC
Have you tried talking and asking her why. Go figure.
Asked and Answered
2016-04-15 20:07:11 UTC
threatening to divorce if she doesn't have sex... you do realize that is a form of domestic violence, right? Plus it is rape - she's being forced to have sex. there could be many reasons she doesn't want to have sex with you but I'd say based on your post most realistically she's tired of you being a pompous, selfish, arrogant, abusive jacka**.
2016-04-17 10:16:48 UTC
Y tho
2016-04-17 04:45:13 UTC
Yes, its wrong. You should apologize to her.
2016-04-18 20:28:32 UTC
Talk with her or visit a doctor.
2016-04-17 19:27:08 UTC
Just slip it in
2016-04-17 11:15:49 UTC
I have no idea what to say about what to say about this.
2016-04-19 21:04:12 UTC
Of course and disrespectful. "A women brought you into this world, so you have no right to disrespect one." -Tupac
2016-04-20 08:09:50 UTC
never make threats

you either file or you don't
2016-04-20 16:57:54 UTC


2016-04-16 19:34:38 UTC

you should just cheat like every other guy when the wife says no.
2016-04-17 16:17:00 UTC
2016-04-16 19:27:50 UTC
You're a pig.
2016-04-16 14:53:31 UTC
Yes, you were wrong.
2016-04-18 12:35:21 UTC
she need to put her mouth on your penis asap
mishapheart1 h
2016-04-18 13:24:14 UTC
2016-04-19 06:26:20 UTC
I think you would go to God about this...
2016-04-16 16:46:50 UTC
yes you were wrong
2016-04-19 07:28:01 UTC
Hell yea
2016-04-17 05:51:50 UTC
dont know
2016-04-15 19:29:41 UTC
You both need marriage counseling.
2016-04-16 06:03:08 UTC
Why ask us?
2016-04-18 07:34:09 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.