Well I am a Canadian citizen, pretty much a city girl (African American - I say this because there is relevance). I got married to someone from the USA. He is from Illinois (a TRUE African American country boy). We were raised totally different, you could say we are just cut from different cloths. My dilemma is that I have NOTHING in common with him (he was a different person when we were dating) and I have nothing in common with the people around me (especially our views on race. This started a HUGE argument). We live in a small town and he is pretty much related or dated everyone here. Even the church we go to is run by his family and attended by his family. I stay home with the children when he is at work, I don't talk to anyone. I watch my daughter and his son. He controls EVERYTHING. He controls the money I receive, his money that he earns, how I dress, how I look, how I do my hair, activities that I would like to put our daughter in, he controls who (in his family) I can hang out with. He even controls my conversations. I was talking to someone about something they say wrong (after they corrected me), he told me to stop talking, he tells me not to debate with is sisters, because my points don't make sense and I shouldn't debate with them until I can learn to debate like them. He tells me the things that I say are stupid. If I decide I want to go somewhere, he tells me not to drive the car (that I pretty much paid for) or he tells me not to touch the money in the account ... and now he decided to get mad at me because I didn't agree with something he was saying. I don't even want to look at him. So now I'm 4 months pregnant sleeping on the floor in my daughter's room and my 8 month old daughter is sleeping in the bed with him. I'm in a new country, in a new culture, in a new marriage and STILL I am so very lonely and depressed........ HELP!!!!!!!