How come more women don't submit to their husbands as instructed by the Holy Bible?
2006-10-17 15:34:17 UTC
This would dramatically decrease our divorces and broken homes. Why don't people respect their marriage vows and put the husband as head of the household and master of his domain? What's happening is that God is leaving these marriages after women refuse to submit to their husband and then divorce happens.
46 answers:
2006-10-17 15:41:06 UTC
Because the bible (written by man) is a hoax perpetrated by man in order to anipulate the behavior of man.... and has no connection to reality.... if it did, it would also say that woman is to respected and treated well. For she is as your mother was.. a woman...
2006-10-17 16:26:28 UTC
People need to submit to the head of the household but not if the man is living 2 lifes. Here's a true example: my mom has a reason to not submit to my dad because he is an alcoholic and smoker and he has had more than 3 affairs at once. The Bible does say that if a man or woman is sexually impure in marriage, then the spouse may leave. The Bible also talks about how we should not drink; only on occasions. For example: When the Last Supper took place, God and the disciples only drank a little. They did not get drunk. Hope I help!
2006-10-17 15:57:06 UTC
Yes, the bible does say that women should submit to their husbands, however, I believe that the problem lies in most peoples definition of submission. Submission does not mean surrender, withdrawl or apathy. It does not mean inferiority. It is a mutual commitment and cooperation. The bible also instructs men to love and cherish their wives as Christ loves the church. Christ was a servant leader, not a dictator. If men took THEIR instructions from God as seriously as they expected their wives to take their instructions from God, only THEN "would this dramatically decrease our divorces and broken homes". If men concentrated on what they could be doing to follow God's law, instead of spending so much time complaining about what their wives aren't doing, then maybe we could see some real culture change. It takes two to tango.
2006-10-17 15:47:13 UTC
They don't for the very same reason that husbands don't cherish and honor their wife. If a man were truly loving and capable of being honorable and loving in every way towards his wife, I think that you might see more women willing to be more "submissive" to their husbands. When I say "submissive" I DO NOT mean doing and behaving in every way exactly as the husband COMMANDS her to do and say. The husband MUST first be able to be the wise, loving and caring head of the house BEFORE a woman can trust his wisdom enough to allow his leadership.

Yes, I know I am going to get a lot of flack for this....BUT and this is a VERY BIG all partnerships we bring into it our own strengths and weaknesses. If the husband wants to be the leader and the wife the follower, he had better understand just how awesome a responsibility it is to lead.

Sadly, far too many men do not fully understand the wisdom behind the biblical reference to marriage, and twist it to conform to their own selfish desires.

So that is why you don't see many women doing this. We are way too smart to allow a man to take over responsiblity for our lives. Men are fallible and make very grave mistakes. Just look at the state of the world today....and most of it is run by men.
2006-10-17 22:11:43 UTC
A wife's sumbission is only half of the Biblical equation. The next instruction is that men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. He sacrificed himself for the blessing of the bride. This is so NOT someone who rules with an iron fist.

I've learned about submission as a wife and it has nothing to do with being subservient or a slave. It is my choice to be submissive or not, and cannot be imposed or inflicted upon me by my husband. That is Biblical truth, not wordly ideas or wisdom. Being submissive is a gift I can give to my husband in love, not out of obligation. If more of us (even in Christendom) understood the truth about the submission of Godly wives, it would be easier to follow. I include the understanding of men here too.

For us, my submission means that when there is an important decision to make, we discuss it, and if there is no agreement, his decision goes. I will chose not to be resentful or otherwise bitter about this. This is the choice I have made to give him the headship of our home and family. I can tell you I tried it early in our marriage, being the one holding the reigns, and it was lousy. Life has so much more peace when my home has God first, then our marriage, then kids, then all else.

I know it is nearly 2007, but these Biblical principals that our society is electing to pick and chose from are still effective today in keeping marriages healthy and together for a lifetime. (19 years and still going!)
2006-10-17 15:49:16 UTC
The bible might be a good source of lessons when it comes to living a clean life,but it was written long ago by unenlightened people who blindly followed the words of their authority figures.

Even the most adamant Bible-thumpers can't deny that the Good Book was written by man,and man is prone to error.

Even the most devout families aren't exempt from Human nature,and some Humans can be down-right sh!tty to their spouse! Where in the Bible is it written that a woman shall not quit an abusive relationship?

Although the Bible has many valuable clues to living a better life,it's still an antiquated piece of literature that deserves to be taken with a grain of salt!
2006-10-17 15:46:15 UTC
What a load of crap! We decided to omit the 'obey' part from our marriage vows as we didn't feel this was the way we wanted our marriage to be and the vicar who married us said that this was old fashioned and was happy to do this. This was a man of God who dedicates himself to the teachings of the Bible and he did not have a problem with it!. Divorces are not caused by women not submitting to their husbands.

Hubby and I have been together 11 years and married for 3. Both my children were born before we married and I don't care what anyone thinks about that. We were still married in the eyes of God

and we are extremely happy in a mutually respecting and loving way of eachother.
2006-10-17 15:38:28 UTC
It also says that husbands should submit to their wives. Marriage is not slavery. My husband and I are equally yoked, and I allow him the final decision, once we have discusssed it. I agree that many marriages could be worked out with God in the picture, however that may be difficult to do as not everyone believes in God. Plus our society is use to instantaneous results, that people have the mentality of why work on it, when a divorce would be a fast simple solution.
2006-10-17 15:42:11 UTC
I respect the Bible very much, but everyone has to sin sometimes. For me that would come with having to submit to my husband. Some men are too dumb to be trusted with a submissive wife. Besides I've never heard any marriage vows that specifically say that a woman must be submissive to her husband. Marriages fail because of cruelty, adultery, etc., not because women aren't submissive or God leaves the marriages.
chrissy b
2006-10-17 15:41:01 UTC
Are you serious? We are in the year 2006. This is not the 1800's. Men are just as much to blame as women for divorce. We should obey our master, you say? That would almost be like slavery. Is slavery right? Would you like to live in a world like they used to where women have no rights? Sound like fun? The reason divorce rate is so high is from both parties. People, not just women, don't take it serious enough. You can go ahead and live like a slave and not stand up for yourself, but the rest of the world is going to keep on moving forward.
High On Life
2006-10-17 15:37:08 UTC
oh that is such bull and you know it! If you can tell me how many times the Bible has been rewritten in order to give power to the church, then when I get married, I will do just that. but seeing as you would probably never be able to do that, I will maintain my freedom. By the way, do you realize that broken homes and divorces are often caused by a simple lack of COMMUNICATION, not "women being insubordinate", so your reasoning is very flawed. Come again!
2006-10-17 15:37:53 UTC
Perhaps it's because the men are not allowing God to make them into husbands worth submitting to. I agree and abide by the biblical principle of submitting to my husband, but it took a lot of work to get there. God had to change both of us and we had to be willing to let him. That is why there are so many divorces I think, people don't think they have to be willing to change.
2006-10-17 15:51:17 UTC
The bible places the man as head of the household, not as dictator

read Proverbs

The Bible isn't a hammer
2006-10-17 15:51:20 UTC
Because men only want women to honor the bible.

Wives and Husbands

22Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church— 30for we are members of his body. 31"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."[c] 32This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Men don't take the time to read the entire passage. Women then feel they don't have to obey but she still does because she agreed to marry him. She still has to submit to him because if she doesn't she is punished. In reality, that's not what society teaches us. It teaches us to be independent and worldly. Women who are reading this know this: If you can't submit to them before you marry them you will not do after it. You will be held accountable because you said "I DO. So, if you already married: Respect Position and Pray because GOD will deal with the person. If you're not married: Ask yourself if you can submit to him now? If you can't answered that...then don't marry him.
2006-10-17 15:39:56 UTC
Hey a lot of people have not read the Bible, so give them that. But know this, some men do not deserve a submissive wife.If they are one in mind and then body, there is no problem.That's why it is so important to be evenly-yoked.When it comes to the Word you have to know it to live it...Blessings.
2006-10-17 15:38:14 UTC
hello this is 2006 almost 2007 . women today bring home more money they the husband. women give birth. lots of men don't work today . we work, we clean, we wash, we have the kids, we raise the kids. and then u ask who the master of his domain . go back to where u came from . u don't belong here if anything men and women are equal.
2006-10-17 16:01:52 UTC
probably the same reason husbands don't submit to ther wives like they're suppose to so be carefull and don't twist or mis lead your self with the meaning of the scriptures!!
2006-10-17 15:37:24 UTC
We learn as Mormons, that the Priesthood holder is the head of the family, the patriarch.

That does not mean he can tell us to do whatever and we have to do it. There is a difference in him being the leader and him being the taskmaster...

I support my husband in his decisions because I know they are what the Lord would have him do.

I agree though somewhat, as far as being supportive of our husbands.
2006-10-17 15:36:31 UTC
Because this is the 21st century and as a woman I have the RIGHT to submit to NOONE. Especially a bible-thumping creten like yourself.
2006-10-17 15:38:07 UTC
Hahahahahah, showed your question to my wife of 27 years. She had only one thing to say to you. Idiot.

Marriage is an equal partnership in life. No one has more rights than the other.
2006-10-17 15:36:39 UTC
oh give me a break! We don't take commands from anyone else like they stupidly did in the past, and since they did in the past you men are still on this ego trip!

It's because we're our own fcking person!
dumb guy
2006-10-17 15:45:15 UTC
I get on my knees and grovel at my womans feet. I like being submissive, women are for worshipping.
2006-10-17 15:40:41 UTC
men are also supposed to respect and cherish their wives. If men do that then most women wont have a problem submitting.
2006-10-17 15:36:30 UTC
Well...because they're equal...the times have changed. Also, not everyone is the Bible doesn't apply to everyone.
2006-10-17 15:35:27 UTC
cuz god and the bible is cool in conversation and in theory

but in reality

life takes over
2006-10-17 15:37:13 UTC
maybe because the bible is full of lies - and being your husbands servant is stupid. divorce happens because people who shouldnt be married get married for the wrong reasons.
2006-10-17 15:36:43 UTC
because women are equal - a human is a human. Being of different sex doesn't make one superior to another!
Cathryn E.
2006-10-17 15:36:34 UTC
Maybe cuz the men in the bible didn't cheat on their wife, and because they didn't beat their wives. Hmm, let's think now, do we see all that NOW? Yes. There's your answer- simple as that.
2006-10-17 15:36:29 UTC
Meh. Why glorify this joke question with a serious response?
2006-10-17 15:37:26 UTC
Ha!! Betcha a million bucks this loser is single and can't figure out why.
2006-10-17 16:07:04 UTC
I bet you aren't married
Jen G
2006-10-17 15:35:54 UTC
You must be a man
krystal s
2006-10-17 16:44:11 UTC
women do everything and then dumbasses like you think we should kiss your as s bcuz you have a penis????????? I think not
2006-10-17 15:35:59 UTC
how come men don't submit to their women?
2006-10-17 15:35:17 UTC
because women have some rights too. we aren't slaves.
2006-10-17 15:37:08 UTC
Bet you're single
2006-10-17 15:36:32 UTC
they do in the middle east and look where thats getting them
2006-10-17 15:36:08 UTC
OMG... I ask my wife that all the time...

What is this world coming to????

Estrogen.. It is a plague on our planet I am telling you..


OMG you women need to lighten up... This guy is only asking this question to get up your ire... And you are letting him.. .NOW that's funny!!!!
2006-10-17 15:36:59 UTC
Because they are from the Hell, and how you can expect them to follow Bible.
2006-10-17 15:35:59 UTC
because the divorcee is not religion as such
2006-10-17 15:37:02 UTC
are you going to go medieval on their butts.
2006-10-17 15:39:54 UTC
hmmm.....i'll be suprised if you ever get married...
2006-10-17 15:38:53 UTC
where in the bible does it say that and wat happened to man and wife sharing life togather
Always Right
2006-10-17 15:36:12 UTC
Because liberals have them convinced that they are just men in disguise.
2006-10-17 15:35:21 UTC
they are liberated
2006-10-17 15:36:16 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.