What is advertising?
Who is featured in advertising?
What is promoted in ads?
Where's the money?
How much porn is on the net?
Who is doing porn?
Why is there so much of it if it is not human nature?
Why are so many women wondering why their husbands are looking at porn?
Anyone one connecting the dots? Anyone getting a clue?
Once again, if you think this is not correct reasoning, follow the money. Just look at the advertisements. Look at what's being advertised on the Internet.
I'm curious if you knew your husband looked at porn while you were dating.
He is not going to change. He likes looking at beautiful nude women.
Check out scupltures. Paintings. Drawings. Huuummmm, Uuuuhhhh, people have looked at beautiful bodies for a looooong time.
So now you need to find someone that does not like looking at beautiful nude bodies. Good Luck.