Okay, my husband of 17 years is always accusing me of cheating (fyi... I'm attractive and he's not). Any way... he finds a receipt in the street by my car, with some Corona's on it and thinks it's mine! So he accused of me going to a bar with someone basically. He kept me up all night until 2:00 A.M and I had to get up at 6:00 am. He was questioning me, calling me names, and turning up the TV loud, sitting on me, yelling in my face to tell him the truth. At this point... I really hate him. I want out! I can't stand him any more! His behavior isn't normal, it's weird and I think he needs psychological help. I’m a good person and I have never cheated, it’s not in my nature. I can’t take it any more though. We have a house we just bought 2 years ago, which I can’t afford by myself. Any advice?