2009-08-01 07:17:36 UTC
I should start from oldest to youngest. My daughter thinks she should be in control of everything and fights with me on everything she tries to rebel against everything I say. I caught her smoking pot. Well no she came home high off her @SS and that's how I found out. And she told me while she was high that she's been having unprotected sex and that she doesn't care what any one thinks. So I grounded her for the summer and I asked her why she would be doing this. Because she's a straight A student 4.0 honor student. And I just don't understand why. She told me that the sex and getting high was her way of escaping our high expectations’ of her that she thinks she can't live up to.
My 15 year old daughter has been sneaking around with this guy we banned her from dating because he cheated on her and we don't want her to get hurt again. But apparently she been sneaking around with him and lying to me about were she has been. And having her brother and sister cover for her. And I'm mad she lied to me. So she grounded for at least 2 weeks and I defiantly don't want her hanging around that guy again
To my 15 year old son I caught him watching porn and masturbating. I also found all of these condoms in his room. He has a girlfriend and he told me that he been confused about all of these emotions was feeling and that the porn was helping him keep control around his girlfriend and all other girls he said he had condoms just in case he did something stupid.
They are all mad at me and its starting to stress me
My husband just went to china for a business trip and he's going to be gone for the next month. And I don't know what to do.
Could you please help me and give me your assessment of each situation.
And what should I do?