2012-12-18 15:14:41 UTC
We found out after we were married that we both have autism - neither of us even knew it ourselves
A lot of autistic couples don't have sex at all and that has become us
I spent years trying to have a successful love life with him but having sex with him was frustrating because he seemed to be trying to climb a smooth glass wall - and giving me the same feeling
I've had a lot of good sex and I thought I could tutor the guy but it was impossible
I have schizophrenia and my meds make me less sexual anyway
So hopefully I can get by without
I don't even know what I'm asking
I would like to feel its possible for us to have occasional sex but i find it difficult because I'm afraid to touch it
I think my guilt that we're not having sex even though I made sure he had an op to correct a real problem and not just a run of the mill problem -so I helped him get it to work and now I feel I am rejecting it
He has never once made a move towards me
I think he is asexual
He once inched closer both lying on our backs he moved a bit nearer - thats it in 6 yrs and in some positions his arms hurt because he's not used to it I say do press ups but he doesn't
I'm talking about intimate things so please don't hate
Where do we go from here?
Got some therapy lined up for next year but apart from both of us starting from scratch? Maybe we should roll play a date
Anyone ever done that?
It's the only thing I can think of
But I need confidence of a goddess to help him to be sexual