Is cheating more acceptable today?
2015-08-26 08:29:08 UTC
After reading some articles about the hack of Ashley Madison it seems to me that A LOT of people are cheating now a days. Is cheating becoming acceptable? Is the idea of a 'one lover' possible? These questions are leading others to accuse their lovers simply because "everyone else is doing it"
112 answers:
A For Annie
2015-08-27 12:13:19 UTC
Cheating is a betrayal of trust. Sorry, it just is. When you put a label, be it girlfriend, boyfriend or being married, you are committing to that person. If you no longer love someone or you want to have a relationship with someone else, be a decent person and break up. Save them the pain of being cheated on. My parents are in a happy marriage and there is no chance either of them would cheat. They can't live without the other...simply, they are each other's best friend.

That's how it should be when you're married.

People who cheat deliberately with these websites aren't accepted. It's sad how many people are cowardly and untrustworthy to do such a thing, but not all people cheat. Some people are the type to move on if they feel a relationship isn't satisfying them any more.
2015-08-27 09:51:48 UTC
Acceptable? No. Common? Yeah. I am the same with you--kind of. I hate cheating. Absolutely hate it. Which is why I will bluntly say I hate Ashley Madison. I will relish in the day it is taken down. Anyway, in the end all humans are greedy. Some just don't want what is less acceptable. Like love (sometimes), money, friends. But sometimes it goes too far. Cheating is something that will never go away. But because of cheating, you'll know who NOT to pick. And it might even give you the excuse to give someone a concussion :) The only perks I see.

All the best ☆
2015-08-28 11:07:37 UTC
I think cheating is more acceptable today. Not that I agree with it, but nobody ever gets penalized for it. Infidelity in marriages almost seem common. Its sad to see one devoted person and then another acting as if they are devoted only to find out they had their own selfish reason for marrying the other person. Its a big waste of time. I've cheated and have gotten cheated on before. Its tooo much work to cheat if you ask me. That's why I just stay single for now, so I won't have a guilty conscious about the things I do behind closed doors. No explaining, no backlash, no beef. The greatest part of it all is that no one gets hurt emotionally. Stay single you can sleep with a different person everyday of the week if that's your choice. LOL
Sugared Donut
2015-08-26 16:11:50 UTC
Now here's the thing. A small percentage of the world cheat when married. So, it's kinda like they said the vows and never meant them, because cheating is not on the vows. They just desire other people and want them while still being in a relationship/marriage, so they can have both. But to answer your question, it's yes and no. A lot of young couples have had troubles due to cheating, but it's still not acceptable, even if it has become popular or has become a trend to get a "side-chick" or a "hoe".
2015-08-27 21:22:59 UTC
Just because cheating appears to be more acceptable today, it doesn't make it right. Clearly, over the past few decades, morals have deteriorated rapidly in many places worldwide. And is possible and realistic to be able to stick with one person for life (just as my parents did until my Dad recently passed)...(i.e. adhering to their marriage vows of "till death do us part"). However being faithful or loyal to one another is typically based upon what type of relationship the couple has established--which hopefully will be strong and built on love and trust from the beginning. Even better, when a couple includes God into that marital arrangement, it can be very successful to the point where neither mate should have any reason to want to look outside of their relationship to find what one may feel may be missing from this 3-fold cord, when they believe that God is the head of their marriage/relationship. This is why being able to communicate openly and freely is important. Likewise, "what God has yoked together, let no man put apart" - Matthew 19:5-6.
2015-08-26 16:09:57 UTC
Ah yes. It always amazes me, the ability of humans to be so easily swayed like sheep to follow the current trends. Cheating has always been, and always will be both wrong and common. That being said, not everyon does. I'm 25 and my husband is 27. Been together going on a decade and neither of us has ever cheated on one another. And I truely believe we never will. But too many people today don't look at love and or marriage as permanent. They see ways out and of them don't really think about the commitments they are making to their spouses because they always have the option of leaving If things don't work out. It really is sad. Of course if you go into something knowing there is any easy out, why would you give it your all? People need to more seriously consider what they are gettin into before forming a relationship with someone.
2015-08-26 16:22:56 UTC
Cheating should NEVER be "acceptable" for any excuse. Its cheating now and its cheating in the past. I don't condone cheating and if a person cannot be committed to ONE person when they marry that person, then they should not marry them.

Cheating always is found out sooner or later and 90% of the time the marriage is over. If you can't be monogamous then don't bother to marry anyone and go sleep with whoever you want.
2015-08-26 09:24:56 UTC
People have cheated throughout the history. Especially when marriage was more arranged, it was not for love, it was like a political or business arrangement, people seeked love and passion elsewhere. The French aristocrats had love affairs like leisure. It was commonly accepted. I think modern people are more free to marry the one they love. Especially because women can work, they marry by choice, not because they have to for a living. I guess that's why more people divorce today though. Instead of cheating like leisure people seek love in a marriage. So if they want to do it with someone else they divorce. Well, compared to the mideval days that is.
2015-08-27 19:18:55 UTC
No, cheating is not acceptable at all. Marriage is a sacred union between two people who want to dedicate their lives to each other, forsaking all others in favor of the spouse. Sex is a sacred act that bonds these two people together for the rest of their lives. If you cannot dedicate yourself to one person then you have no business getting married. Cheating has the same effect to the one that has been betrayed as if they had been raped. It negates the entire marriage, tearing down everything the couple built together. Just because society has become more casual about cheating does not make it okay!
2015-08-26 23:00:44 UTC
I truly despise blaming the other person for cheating. If they didn't do you like that then they never deserve to be done like that. Everyone is an adult, even kids know better, there is never a reason to cheat when you can just leave. Marriage is sacred to me. Its in God's Commandment #7 You shall not commit adultery

Exodus 20:14 (RSV)

Its easy and more than possible to make love to only one person at least for me it is and I know myself enough to know I will never and yes I can and mean it to my soul---never commit adultery. If you're wishy-washy and know that aint you then I 10000000000% agree with you that those people shouldn't get married but they do anyways and the only reasons I can explain why is because they are greedy and want to appear to others that they are doing good by doing the right thing and getting married when they are wrong. I say, stay single if you want to mingle, and if you want a wife then treat her right.
2015-08-26 19:58:40 UTC
Well that really depends on who you ask. To me, it's a no brainer, because the Ten Commandments includes one against adultery and I don't break commandments, end of story. But what if one isn't religious? In that case, more often than not today it seems to be a question of people doing it if they are reasonably sure they won`t get caught. What if one isn't married? Well then I say that in my religion, there is nothing to explicitly bar fornication, so if there is no ring on my finger, then I guess I will see or sleep with whomever I want. If a guy has a problem with that, then I guess he better put a ring on it. LOL.
2015-08-26 12:04:03 UTC
It's less acceptable now than in the past. Years ago, any successful man was expected to have a GF, concubine, mistress, or ?. No one paid any attention, as this was expected and normal. It was even accepted by wives. Note that FDRs mistress and wife were best friends,as were Ike's wife and mistress. No one even commented about JFKs many GFs. It was open knowledge and wasn't newsworthy.

The idea of never having sex with anyone except your spouse seems to be fairly new. It seems to have crept into our culture during MY lifetime. It's probably a result of childish Hollywood movie plots, and/or paperback novel stories. I'm sure that the influence of churches has combined with these sources to change our values. Taking moral, and marital advice from fanciful stories, and from celebate homosexual pedophiles, impresses me as less that logical. Therefore the population of the USA has jumped on the fidelity bandwagon. Sad isn't it?
2015-08-27 19:46:27 UTC
Yes it has become acceptable. I don't think it should be, It is morally wrong, but you didn't ask if it was wrong, you asked if it was acceptable. Society today thinks everyone should be ok with everything and no one should talk about right and wrong or judge anything at all. It's sickening. People have become too stupid to know the difference between judging a person to be condemned or not and judging an action to be right or wrong. Therefore everything is acceptable to them, they stand for nothing.
2015-08-29 01:05:30 UTC
For one thing it's become so easy with cell phones and the internet. It's very easy to cover most of your tracks. 25 years ago men at least couldn't cheat unless it's someone they knew/talked to and established a relationship with in person. For another thing I think parents don't deal with cheating children well enough, or do a good job establishing early on that cheating is never the right thing to do.
2015-08-27 08:38:28 UTC
I think cheating is fine. it's like having another friend. u rn't replacing ur best friend, just hanging out with another one of ur friends... BUT for some reason, cheating usually hurts very very bad and can leave someone broken alone to pick up the pieces and put it back together with a bunch of new mental and emotional issues, so because that is the impact it can have on the person being cheated on, I think should never cheat. I mean this is the person u r supposed to b with the rest of ur life. ur soul mate. and they're gonna betray u and destroy what u have just like that? that's super ****** up. The person who u r suppose to confide in the deepest is going to hurt u the most... it's just so ****** up...

maybe it's insecurity. when I was way more confident in my life, I didn't rly care if my gf's would cheat. I never heard of them doing that but I just didn't care. I guess maybe my emotions were invested in so many other places losing the girl was like nothing but now that i'm older it's like the world's crumbling.
2015-08-30 12:37:41 UTC
Personally I don't think that cheating is ever morally acceptable. If a relationship isn't working out, you should try to improve things - but if there is no way to save it, then break up with each other instead of sneaking around behind their back. If you ever really cared about them then you wouldn't want to put them through that.
2015-08-29 00:03:48 UTC
Teenagers, these days, most of them (but not generally all of them) find having many girl/boyfriend(s) cool.

Take a look at how media portrayed every SH(I)TS these days.

You can't stop people from watching them since they are like their models.

Why do you think people cheat? Money, Popularity, to have sex, and because they aren't contented with what they have.

Cheating is not acceptable for me.
2015-08-28 17:12:13 UTC
You appear to be right in that society doesn't seemingly view it quite as bad as it use to. That said, many appear to be looking at so called fads and norms of today based on things such as fwb and open relationships forgetting that such fads invariably still cause more break ups because of insecurities, Why, because it's all about spending time with that person and when you're continually denied that time you become resentful and insecure because lies come into the equation far to often. Personally I thing that any form of cheating is unacceptable at any level.
The Mikel
2015-08-29 04:24:49 UTC
In all manners and every way possible.

Take the kids, a new video game is announced and the first questions is< "What are the Cheats". Learning Early,

Watch Sports, cheating is the game... So why not in dating and life in general.

AND, who established the Rules of Dating?

Adultery by the President (chief of "law enforcement"), impeached but not punished. Wife agrees with him, so what is she doing... we don't know about.

Nod and Wink, why still have it on the books.

Teens, and young adults. You don't need religion to believe it is wrong civilly. Else why are the Mormons and Hebrews down on polygamy.

Seems only the Muslims know how to do it properly, but with them it isn't cheating it's called marriage. .
2015-08-26 08:31:38 UTC
It's not more acceptable, it's just more widely publicized due to the internet (which also makes it easier for people to 'meet' potential partners to cheat with).

Find anyone who has been cheated on, and ask them if they find it "acceptable". Actually, decades ago it actually was more 'acceptable' for men to cheat (it's never been that way for women). It was not unexpected under some circumstances, and in some cultures was the norm and nothing was thought about it at all.
2015-08-29 07:40:15 UTC
Frankly, I think cheating has always taken place. It's just more publicly talked about and written about today. I think many women (and men) over the ages have known that a spouse was cheating, but for whatever reasons (finances, the children, a job) they chose to ignore the problem and stay together. Maybe their religion insisted they remain married.
2015-08-28 18:50:40 UTC
I hope so, or their are a lot of disappointed people out there. Not only acceptable but quite the norm. Stay single my friend. Marriage seems like more of a status thing. I know it sounds low. I shouldn't say with everybody, but I think a lot of people do it to show others and themselves they are normal. I am 43 and single and never been married. I barely have the desire to even go out and date anymore. With the crap I hear going on these days...I will stay single. Oh ya, and I think it really comes down to the selfish nature this country has picked up. We live in the ME society now.
2015-08-27 04:08:39 UTC
Who says that having an affair constitutes cheating? Marriage means different things to different people. Millions of couples are involved in "swinging", have "open marriages", or other arrangements that allow for multiple sex partners. Sex is recreational and has nothing to do with love or marriage. I consider extra-marital sex to be no different from playing ping pong with a someone who is not your spouse. What is the big deal Grow up and face reality: humans have a natural instinct to enjoy as much sex as possible. Stop being such a prude and take your clothes off! hahaha
2015-08-26 17:58:59 UTC
cheating is lieing to everybody in your family and work life. if you cant be married and have sex with one person. DONT DO IT. if your a slut be honest about it. there is nothing wrong with being horny. however. lieing and going behind your spouses back because your horny is evil. sex isn't that difficult to resist. if you love somebody you don't cheat on them. why these people who are too horny to stay loyal blame their bodies high sex drive and lack of control on the spouse for getting ugly or getting boring is beyond me. if you cant handle ALL possible outcomes of a life long match then don't agree to it. If you know you wouldn't love somebody if they got fat DONT MARRY THEM. so no cheating isn't more acceptable. it is a sign of low character. people of low character are unreliable and in the long run a danger to the social stability of society. if you cant be married. don't get married and undermine the institution that was created to protect peoples offspring. OR BE HONEST AND HAVE AN OPEN MARRIAGE FROM THE BEGGINING! I think oppressive religions pressure people into getting married and reproducing too. that's also a big part of it.
G Senthil Iyappan
2015-08-30 00:43:16 UTC
Dear Buddy,

Greetings & Good Day.

The percentage of cheating may be more and however, cheating would not be accepted in future as well.

Warm Regards, Jai Hind & May GOD Bless

G Senthil Iyappan
2015-08-29 02:10:26 UTC
Cheating has always been "popular" I guess you can say. The only reason it seems to be more common now is because people get caught more easily, due to technology, also media highly influences and highlights cheating. Sometimes people do it even without realizing they are (obviously not sexually) because people take advantage of them. Also the new generations aren't marrying and taking relationships as seriously as older generations, it's quite interesting.
2015-08-26 08:41:37 UTC
Family life isn't what it used to be, back in the day, with no internet, mom stayed home, families were close, everyone went to church. There was a time women were obligated to submit to husbands and husbands were encouraged to remain always faithful by other men..cheating still happened but it was rare and very very days, cheating, open relationships, multiple partners, bi-sexual experimentation is consider 'acceptable'...loyalty, honor and faithfulness extremely rare character traits anymore..
2015-08-26 09:46:15 UTC
Cheating in the eyes of God has not changed at all, a lot of TV shows based on the concept of cheaters have deadened us to the moral abhoration that it is. Think about "Scandal" where the heroine has a married man for a boyfriend or "The Closer" where the Heroine had an affair with a married man and Even TV shows such as "Mistresses" and somehow we have ceased being scandalized by marital infidelity.
2015-08-27 16:34:33 UTC
For me cheating is absolutely NOT acceptable. I meant my vows on my wedding day.

If my husband cheated on me, he'll be on the street with not ifs or buts and no 2nd chances. And he knows it.

I understand not all relationships/marriages work out. People change. But if you start wanting to stray, then it's time to reevaluate your relationship and decide if it's worth staying.
How To Catch Lying Vermin
2015-08-28 05:54:35 UTC
The question is not whether or not it is acceptable, it is whether or not you would accept it. I personally would not like to be one of the people responsible for the break down of a marriage or family unit.

I also think that when you commit to someone, commit fully. If there are problems work it out or end it fully before starting anything new otherwise you are just being greedy(eyes bigger than mouth syndrome).
2015-08-29 11:23:38 UTC
More acceptable today than when? Currently in the US, the vast majority believe it is an unethical betrayal of trust, but 75% of men and 68% of women have cheated at some point in a relationship. Masters and Johnson were the first to compile statistics on sex beginning in the 1950s, but I don't know if they ascertained cheating determined percentages.

You also need to define cheating. A percent of women think their significant other looking at pornography constitutes cheating. Bill Clinton was receiving oral sex from Monica Lewinsky but was adamant that he was not cheating because in his definition only intercourse qualified. Lastly, many couples are open or swingers and discuss and agree to terms and conditions where the other is free to have intimate relations outside of theirs. It's not exclusive or monogamous. While that includes any sexual act, the parties do not regard it as cheating because it was agreed to and therefore not a betrayal.

Men are hard wired to sow their seed and spread their genes. But humans have free will to exercise discipline and self control. Females used to be selective because they wanted the best genetic specimen procreated in their offspring, able to function in modern society, and they wanted long lasting support from a male partner. The very word "adultery" comes from adulterating the bloodline, and having some other guy support your kid. All that is out the window in the US today. The pill and safe abortions make women unselective, and if they do have kids the Dad doesn't need to support them. There are myriad government programs that will pay to raise them. Eighty percent of blacks are born out of wedlock. Most are born on Medicaid or now obamacare, raised on WIC and foodstamps until they get into Headstart and the free lunch program, which today has expanded to lunch and breakfast. There is no consequence to being irresponsible. Democrat politicians love irresponsible voters addicted to government handouts, because their vote counts as much as a responsible taxpayer. They try as hard as they can to encourage them and increase their numbers, because it keeps them in power.

You also see from the Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court holding that same sex marriage is now legal. While lesbians are generally monogamous, the average male homosexual is wildly promiscuous with 83% citing more than 50 partners, 43% more than 500, and 28% more than 1,000 partners. 79% of the partners were strangers. That was an argument, albeit unpersuasive on this court, that homosexual recognition makes a mockery of marriage and a holy union.

All relationships are unique. There is less and less a standard template. You need to communicate your expectations and find a person, trustworthy, who can agree with those terms.
Noir Cupcake
2015-08-26 09:35:44 UTC
Ha cheating isn't a new concept, it's just more public and the Internet and media make a huge deal about it. Very little has changed concerning human behavior.
No More
2015-08-27 07:11:21 UTC
Acceptable to whom?

I know I wouldn't accept being cheated on, and I seriously doubt that anyone would.

Perhaps you meant to ask, "Is cheating more prevalent today?"
2015-08-28 07:14:49 UTC
Cheating is never acceptable!
Groove doctor
2015-08-28 02:27:39 UTC
You question is similar to "is crime tolerated more today?"

Firstly, I'm not really a believer in lifelong pair-bonding that is our society's default relationship. What I AM a believer in is sticking to your word. If you agree to be exclusive with someone, then you are breaking their trust if you aren't. Trust is perhaps the most valuable commodity in existence to all sentient beings. While it cheating may be tolerated more, it's not right.
2015-08-27 07:08:48 UTC
small percentage of the world cheat when married. So, it's kinda like they said the vows and never meant them, because cheating is not on the vows. They just desire other people and want them while still being in a relationship
2015-08-26 17:48:39 UTC
No. Not for me, anyway.

I think in the past there was more shame attached to being caught, so people who did it were more discreet. Now, with so many people cheating and telling their friends about it, it has lost it's shock value. With less shame attached, it's not surprising more people cheat.
2015-08-26 08:35:45 UTC
I don't think cheating is more acceptable, per say. But I think people are much more open-minded and forgiving because humans are really not meant to be monogamous..

Who wants to have sex for the next 20-40-50 yrs with the same person? I don't condone cheating...don't get married if you're going to stray. But I think the expectation of staying faithful for the rest of your life is unrealistic.
2015-08-30 02:03:29 UTC
No, it's just that spouses have low self esteem and pretend they don't know about the affairs rather than make it alone - afraid of change I guess or working for a living or child support (which shared custody is what courts would rather have happen which has no child support)
2015-08-26 08:57:28 UTC
Its still not acceptable, Just alot easier today with the internet and cell phones. Plus sites like Ashley Madison, are making money.
2015-08-30 13:47:25 UTC
my personal experience tells me that its either you cheat or you are cheated.... its sad i know...i have never cheated on my partners... but i have been always cheated.... three important relationship I had in my life, all long terms relationship... and i have been always faithful...but i ended up to be cheated a way or another... so to me itt looks like in the best couples at least someone the worse both.... as far as i know only a few percentage dont... its sad :(
2015-08-26 08:56:07 UTC
No it is not. Your only seeing the issue because it is Ashley Madison hack. The vast majority of married people don't cheat. Really, this is a very small percentage of people who are married.
2015-08-27 10:20:50 UTC
it kind of seems that we are forced to cheat. with so much exposure today with everything, its triggered in our head to cheat. More of a norm to cheat now. we grew up with this around us and our parents did as well. now its just an idea that has been overly entertained now. it has always happened.
2015-08-27 13:28:52 UTC
No it is not acceptable, but most people are lonely because they married the wrong person, we fall in love too fast. That is the problem with this world. We think we're in love, so we move to fast, that we don't get to really know that person. I think it is better to take your time, i wish i did.
2015-08-26 18:48:09 UTC
It has become more acceptable for females to cheat because they aren't legally obligated to stay faithful.
2015-08-27 12:54:58 UTC
um people have been cheating like forever and in a way it is more acceptable today which is sad
2015-08-27 20:53:56 UTC
God made sex,in marriage,between a man an woman only,and cheating is a sin, an we answer to God for our lives,and God has mercy,on us,amen,Grace,an Jesus can heal an save,Jesus loves us,an we just ask Him in our heart,forgive our sins to be saved, He is Faithful and Just to forgive all sins,praise The LORD. An google Beth Moore an Charles Stanley,great Christian teachers to encourage you in Jesus,an good to attend a Christian Bible based Church,and John is a great place to read in Bible. May The LORD Jesus speak to,save you,family,friends,marriages,us all,lost,here,give good Christians in ya'llls path,work things for good,God's Glory,by Jesus stripes we are healed,saved thank You Jesus amen shalom Israel,family. PTL Have faith in God. Mark 11:22

God is a Refuge for us.PS 62:8 more about Jesus,prayer,encouragment
2015-08-27 20:26:30 UTC
cheating and infidelity has always been around for quite awhile, u just think that its more acceptable today because u never were around the past decades to know that it was pretty prevalent

i argue that cheating, infidelity, and polygamy were actually more common in the past, especially for men, since societies in the past had men with higher social status having multiple wives.

u obviously have to go back to pre-modern times to understand this
2015-08-27 14:05:36 UTC
People that cheat feel they are just taking advantaged of a good opportunity, so to them it's normal.
2015-08-26 17:15:16 UTC
Its more acceptable in the countries that have population problem. the idea of monogamy has been instilled by christian/ abrhamic beliefs. Most other religion or culture have multiple wives. Our closest relative the bonobo and chimp, are all polygamous, so its only natural for humans to be polygamous.
2015-08-28 09:43:06 UTC
Not more acceptable, just less hidden. In the old days the maxim was "give a man a mask and he'll tell you the truth". Now a days it just gives him something new to talk about on twitter.
Alan H
2015-08-28 10:44:58 UTC
Acceptable, perhaps; right.....never

Just ask yourself.....would it be acceptable if you wrre the one being cheated on
2015-08-27 14:31:44 UTC
Unfortunately, yes. People don't have respect for the institution of Marriage. They have taken Freedom to a whole new level.
2015-08-29 12:03:42 UTC
To me cheating is adultery and is as wrong now as ever it was because it breaks God's command You shall not commit adultery.
2015-08-27 13:13:22 UTC
Cheating is horrible and while there aren't any punishments for unfaithful partners in the US, go check the situation in the Middle East and Africa (where they sometimes kill infidel people).
2015-08-27 11:45:31 UTC
Our humanity has dipped so low that for many it is a non issue. But the God's honest truth is it was, is and will always be wrong and come judgement day the bill will come due !
I care
2015-08-27 13:47:03 UTC
Not in my book it isn't........It seems many without morals will choice to try such as that site Ashley Madison but it is just sin anyway you look at it.

Living a moral life is a harder choice but in the end God will be pleased with you to not follow that crowd........
2015-08-27 17:29:47 UTC
I believe it is going on more today than yrs ago . These days people doing more adultery cause not going church and obey 1 of the 10 c .
2015-08-27 05:56:29 UTC
The problem is religion has receded and morality along with it plus the anonymity of websites makes it possible to carry out actions on line you wouldnt get away with in society.
2015-08-27 06:20:17 UTC
cheating has always existed and it has not been happening more often people just accept it
2015-08-27 04:30:04 UTC
yes. Women have been cheating ever since God created Eve
2015-08-26 15:59:11 UTC
Im not sure if it is but it shouldnt be! Sadly the world we live in now is do what feels "right", and do whatever feels good! No one looks at the consequences. I believe it is possible to be faithful, will there be temptation? sure, but its called self control! Alot of people are sadly lacking this.
2015-08-26 09:19:24 UTC
Cheating is nothing new at all. The notion of it being a deal-breaker for a marriage is.
2015-08-27 14:27:25 UTC

Anything goes in today's society, and it will be that way for the rest of eternity.
2015-08-27 07:51:16 UTC
That is missing the point of marriage which is to get the other person to cheat so you can acquire the property. Marriage is all about property.
2015-08-27 03:56:53 UTC
I never cheated on my sexually anorexic girl friend !!! Maybe that's why I'm alone !!
2015-08-27 21:21:13 UTC
U have to know most of cheatings are because of ourselves mistakes. Just think if it is free to have dates with any guys u love, so how u can be faithful with just one of them and allocate all your feeling to her/him? is it possible?
2015-08-30 05:07:25 UTC
if cheating is allowed, then it will not be called as cheating,

rather it will be assumed as mutual understanding between the couple. :D
2015-08-27 02:27:41 UTC
No, I can't accept cheater near to me they are more dangerous than your enemy because you can't recognize them.
2015-08-28 14:18:34 UTC
It maybe too common but no victim of it is gonna call it acceptable.
2015-08-29 06:50:41 UTC
Cheating is wrong,unacceptable, but wait two guys are banging me. I will come back !
2015-08-28 12:07:53 UTC
Yeah, people always justify it and it's messed up. It's wrong.
2015-08-29 15:02:43 UTC
Not really because some still hold a very high value
2015-08-27 08:45:24 UTC
That's why ppl crazy getting married and they don't take it serious
2015-08-27 03:50:20 UTC
Never acceptable...Never
2015-08-30 02:38:23 UTC
Of course dear
Standard Human
2015-08-26 14:26:18 UTC
It is never acceptable.
2015-08-28 15:33:02 UTC
it's sad but yes I think it's extremely common.
2015-08-28 12:56:46 UTC
Ya I think it is. I don't agree with it but it is
2015-08-28 06:40:35 UTC
cheating is cheating no matter the age, gender, etc....or the year you live in
2015-08-28 10:23:55 UTC
cheating is always bad.
2015-08-28 01:37:05 UTC
Do not commit yourself to another person if you know you will stray. Using another person to fulfill yourself, knowing you are deceiving that person is .... beyond words.
2015-08-28 07:36:56 UTC
I wont accept anybody cheating on me...........
2015-08-30 05:25:17 UTC
lol what the hell

cheating is never okay now or 1950 its cheating no matter what time or age you are{{MW_ID}}Z6Js16u
Tad Dubious
2015-08-28 09:58:41 UTC
No, anonymous. Cheaters never win.
2015-08-27 06:23:25 UTC
no cheating is never ok
Sharon S
2015-08-28 17:31:46 UTC
No, it should never be acceptable.
2015-08-28 14:47:13 UTC
sadly yes
2015-08-27 15:22:39 UTC
no its just that there have been more fuckboys being born. i think us ladies are going to be doomed in the future...
2015-08-26 09:30:29 UTC
I think cheaters just get caught easier with the electronic age and spouses previewing each others cell phones and computers.............................
2015-08-26 17:55:17 UTC
I never noticed
Still Standing
2015-08-26 08:35:25 UTC
I am standing for fidelity even if I stand alone. absolutely not!
2015-08-26 08:36:30 UTC
Hmm would you be ok if your partner was sleeping with other people ? Hell no. Smh. Don't get married if you want to sleep with others and can't stay faithful

wow, i guess all the cheaters thumbed me down? lol wow
2015-08-30 21:04:15 UTC
Only if you are a lying piece of ****.
2015-08-28 21:51:39 UTC
Not to me
2015-08-26 11:53:39 UTC
only if you don't really mind going to hell.
2015-08-27 20:03:24 UTC
No just practiced more.
2015-08-27 18:15:12 UTC
2015-08-27 13:25:19 UTC
2015-08-29 04:01:12 UTC
2015-08-27 07:22:38 UTC
Not at all.
2015-08-27 08:42:38 UTC
2015-08-29 08:17:01 UTC
no it isn't
Kaley Brown
2015-08-27 18:17:07 UTC
unfortunately :(
Angie Richards
2015-08-26 08:30:09 UTC
not at all
Anthea D
2015-08-28 04:27:48 UTC
no idea
2015-08-29 05:44:23 UTC

2015-08-28 09:52:04 UTC
2015-08-27 20:23:59 UTC
2015-08-27 03:23:26 UTC
2015-08-27 05:24:21 UTC
2015-08-27 06:08:38 UTC
Hell no!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.