What is hitting?
2008-02-19 11:22:08 UTC
My husband yells a lot uncotrollable and destroys the house. I had to call the police sometimes, when they come they ask me if he had hit me. Yes he does, he hits me with whatever he picks on the floor. He throw things at me like papers, coffee cups, books and whatever is infront of him at that time.

I explain that to them ...but i guess they do not consider that as hitting why not? It hurts when he does that. I don't have any marks cause i'm darker skin not like him he is lighter skin.

When is hitting considered hitting? when you bleeding to death?
42 answers:
2008-02-19 11:27:36 UTC
Police are not known for being smart creatures. They aren't thinkers, that's why they aren't in a lab coming up with cures for cancer. Hitting you with crap he throws and with a fist is every bit as illegal and you should probably leave him if he does this consistently it will likely not stop. Eventually you will probably be bleeding to death if you don't.
2008-02-19 11:42:56 UTC
I would got a divorce. that man will kill you its only a matter of time. It will get worse and worse you don't have to live like that its no way to live fighting, argueing all the time calling the police thats not good at all. Marrage should not be like that and if it is, you have to leave him. This is a do or die situation to me throwing things is the same thing as hitting because they both are intended to hurt you. If you stay there with him hide the fire pokers the kitchen knives and firearms better yet leave him and put it all behind you. Sometimes things don't work out because there is something better in store for you. I would get a restraing order for now and then procede with a divorce. Real men respect there wifes real men don't hit there wifes thats what you need a Real Man!
2008-02-19 11:47:01 UTC
This is considered physical abuse...whether he hits you with his bare hand or with an object that he throws at you! My suggestion is to get out of this relationship now...why wait until you are bleeding to death or have a broken bone to call them again! If you do not choose to do that and continue to stay, (which I advise against since the authorities in your county are not working with you) then I suggest you continue to call the police...when they ask if he "hit" say "yes...he hit me with a book..etc.". Even if there is no mark at that moment, you ask them to make an official report and you sign it and a go the next day and get a copy of that report. You watch your skin each day and at ANY time in the next few days if a mark appears, you go down to the police station with your report in hand and ask them to take of picture of that mark that has just appeared. If their documentation is done properly, the location of the mark should exactly coincide with their report! Do not let them continue to push you through the cracks! I think it's a disgrace that domestic abuse goes on unnoticed becauses the polic will not do their jobs in protecting us! Yet so many people wonder why so many victims do not report abuse....well, this why. When they do report it, nothing or very little is done about it!!!
2008-02-19 11:27:53 UTC
Hitting is hitting - with a fist or an object. I find it hard to believe that the police are doing nothing to help - the house must look a wreck when they come over...what is the full story here.

And frankly why are you worried about the definition of hitting when you are being abused - get a restraining order and have him thrown out of the house - or you move. Leave and stop worrying about what is or isn't hitting.

And if these are all the facts then you need to call the police captain and talk to him that his police staff is not doing their job protecting you from a nut, and then do your job and LEAVE
New Man Walkin'
2008-02-19 11:37:57 UTC
Hitting is when anything comes in contact with your it a snowflake or a two ton truck. What the police want is evidence that you were struck, hit or otherwise physically attacked or touched in any way. This is for two reasons...1. It prevents vindictive/false accusations against another. 2. It shows actual contact has been made.

Do not fault the officers responding, but they get calls of abuse/hitting that at times are not as they appear. This is not to say that they may not believe you, but without proof, it's your word against his.

If you can, try to document these incidents of your spouses rages, times dates and who may have witnessed the event are important. Also, do not wait after an assault, but report it immediately!!! If you have to, go to the emergency room of a hospital, a battered women's shelter or call a Friend and get out of the house asap....this may be hard to do and you may love your spouse, but you've got to take this serious. He needs to get help with his anger or it may KILL you.....please talk to someone, a pastor, 411 for a local shelter, but do it now before it prayers are with you....peace....Cuervo
2008-02-19 11:33:25 UTC
Throwing things at you is abuse. If the police don't seem to care about that aspect, the next time he does it, lie to the police and tell them he hit you. But really, what will you do after he gets out of jail? Take him back in?

Before he does do it again, why don't you just leave him? It might be hard for you, but one of these times it may not be a newspaper heading your could be something much heavier that will knock you out, or kill you.
2008-02-19 11:29:16 UTC
I don't see how having things thrown at you like that could not be considered assault. Unfortunately, cops don't always do their jobs the way they should when handling domestic disputes. Perhaps you could consult a lawyer or call a domestic abuse hotline and get some help there?

My advice to you would be to get the hell away from this man (if at all possible) unless and until he is willing to get his anger issues under control. Domestic violence like this tends to escalate...DO NOT assume it will get better unless he is willing to admit he has a problem and gets help.

No one should have to put up with that kind of crap. I'm sure he would not appreciate it if he did that to you. I wish you all the best.
2008-02-19 11:42:40 UTC
Who cares what the defintion of hitting is? Does it matter? He is hurting you emotionally and physically, and you need to get out before he hurts you further or kills you or hurts any children you might have. I know it is hard, but you need to wait until he is not home, pack up your stuff, and get out. Ten years from now you will look back on this and wonder why you put up with it for so long. If you don't get out, it might just be your grave marker left to indicate your existence ten years from now. Which do you want it to be?

Call these people: National Domestic Violence Abuse Hotline, they can help!

1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224
2008-02-19 11:28:47 UTC
That is hitting! Any sort of physical abuse is wrong, and you do not deserve it! Perhaps your police just do not feel like dealing with the situation, but you need to leave him! You do not need to keep yourself in a situation where a man is physically AND mentally abusing you like your husband is. He will not change, and you do not have to stay married to him! Please leave him! Move in with any family or friends that you have, or get your own place. There are also tons of women's shelters that help women in cases just like you, don't be afraid to go to them for help! You can also press charges against your husband for abuse, and at least get a restraining order against him so he has to stay away from you! If you need help doing this stuff, then just go to your local women's shelter and ask for help, or any nearby church will be happy to help you with all of this. Please do not stay with this man, because it could get much worse untill you are exactly as you described- bleeding to death. Good luck and God bless!
2008-02-19 11:28:05 UTC
Your probably lying. s lie all the time, they are scary liers. My sister lied and said I burnt her with a iron when she was little. She was lying to get out of trouble. She does anything for self gain. My aunt and mother have done similar things not to me but other people. Like my mom used to make me work when I was 8 and take all my money. Later she said when I asked her about it that I had offered to give it to her when I clearly did not. A lot of s have psychotic tempers, and are mentally unstable. Thus, the police get a lot of these calls.

If you are not lying, just move out. Don't be stupid and stick around.
2008-02-19 11:26:29 UTC
If you do not like it then I suggest you get the heck out of this relationship. You do not have to put up with a man who is doing this to you. You have options. Calling the police everytime he is throwing a papercup at you isn't going to solve your problem because there is no mark that shows up. You have to leave him.
2008-02-19 12:00:12 UTC
I hope you don't have any children. This type of behavior will destroy them. If you don't, this type of behavior will destroy you. Those paper, coffee cups, books, and whatever is in front of him at the time, may soon turn into fist to body part contact.

2008-02-19 11:28:13 UTC
I have no clue where you live but that is a crock of crap if the police are telling you that you are not in danger and that is not considered hitting! You need to get out of there and do not go back! He will end up killing you someday.
2008-02-19 11:27:41 UTC
Do you actually wait to start bleeding??

I advise you to look for a marriage counseling or try an association in your country which supports wifes/women being hit by their husbands. Protect yourself, you don't deserve to be hit, just as no other woman deserves this.

I wish you all the best.
2008-02-19 11:27:47 UTC
Are you waiting for the police to tell you it is OK to leave? If you stay you are abusing yourself. Get out now before he decides to hit your with a bullet!
2008-02-19 11:27:36 UTC
I would think a coffee cup counts. Assault is assault. Get some advice from a local women's group.

Here's a number to call where I live:

(775) 329-4150
2008-02-19 11:26:36 UTC
when there is evidence that you have been a mark or balck eye or fat lip of something. Someone throwing a book or a piece of paper at you is pretty crazy but not hitting
2008-02-19 11:30:42 UTC
Leave the idiot love. Go have a life without pain, then you wont need to call the police.
2008-02-19 11:25:24 UTC
Why are you even asking a question like this? Why are you still in this relationship? Forget the police and get out before he kills you.
2008-02-19 11:25:34 UTC
Hitting is hitting if you get hit with something, whether that be a fist, an open hand, a newspaper or a transmission.
2008-02-19 11:26:12 UTC
omg that IS hitting! you have to continue calling the cops, get out, and get help somewhere else. get other ppl involved, or go to another form of help than the police. this is wrong.... very wrong, and not fair to you. this is hitting, abuse, etc... and not healthy. good luck!!
2008-02-19 17:14:48 UTC
2008-02-19 11:27:09 UTC
you obviously don't live in manitoba! here any physical touch, a simple touch is domestic assault. it has now been amended to include a threatening tone of voice! sometimes we can go too far in trying to protect abuse victims, as it works both ways. hubby can say he reacted in self defense to your wordsd
Freedle S
2008-02-19 11:26:17 UTC
What is leaving?

Pack your bags and leave. You should not be around him. He is an abusive man and hasn't any respect for you or himself.

Hit the road babe...

Real Grave Digger 74
2008-02-19 11:26:26 UTC
thats not hitting,but it is deffenitly battery! if i did that,they would arrest me soooo fast,i do not understand why they do nothing.. but on the other hand,wtf are you still doing with him?? leave!! get away from him fast before it gets too bad to be stoped

good luck
2008-02-19 11:27:34 UTC
Hitting isn't the only thing that constitutes spousal abuse... police officers know that... so this is weird!
Sweet pie
2008-02-19 11:30:00 UTC
some people or just thick in the head, i mean if they asked u if he hit you and you clearly said he threw sharp objects at you that is worse than hitting.THAT'S MORE SERIOUS THOSE PEAOPLE SHOUL OF UNDERSTOOD THAT AND NOT MAKE U LOOK LIKE SOME IDIOT?
2008-02-19 11:26:42 UTC
hooney the law is messed up.. thats why so many people get killed even though they have orders for them to stay away.. the LAW is dumb!

i'm so sorry your going through that.. i would get away and out of that if i were you
2008-02-19 11:28:35 UTC
hitting is him putting your hands on you. like slapping you smacking you anywhere. but him throwing all of that at you is highly disrespectful and i dont see why you put up with it. but love makes you do crazy things. goodluck though.
2008-02-19 11:25:37 UTC
He is abusing u...whether its with his bare hands or an object he is hitting u....get out now...b4 it gets 2 serious....Good Luck....

~Peace and Blessings~
2008-02-19 11:26:14 UTC
Hmm no idea... You should call them and ask. That should be considered hitting.
2008-02-19 11:31:04 UTC
call 911 the police will tell what it is
2008-02-19 11:26:17 UTC
hitting is when your husband physcially stikes you with his hand, fist or feet ...

what is happening to you is you are having things thrown at you, which is still not right, but it isn't hitting.
45 auto
2008-02-19 11:52:19 UTC
Why are you still there>Complaining>Leave before your on the news>

2008-02-19 11:28:33 UTC
And your still with him? I don't feel sorry for people who continue to stay with people who abuse them. Sorry, eventually it becomes your your fault.
2008-02-19 11:25:52 UTC
That's called "assault". Tell the cops and have him arrested, if they don't, tell them you will sue them for not enforcing the law.
2008-02-19 11:25:32 UTC
That is hitting! If this angers you so much, why are you still with him? Hint hint, wink wink LOSE HIM!
2008-02-19 11:35:47 UTC
You are asking the wrong question. Your question should be....

Give me one reason to be with this Ahole???

Answer... None.
2008-02-19 11:26:13 UTC
just try to get away from him, can you stay with a relative? he sounds dangerous
Been There Done That
2008-02-19 11:25:20 UTC

You are being what do you want to do with this information?
2008-02-19 11:25:21 UTC
If he hits you with his hand.

Then just say that.

Dont say he threw stuff at me.
Johnny A
2008-02-19 11:26:02 UTC
And you are still with him why....?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.