You are a fool. You don't walk out on a lifetime commitment because you are "unhappy". People find ways to be discontented when they could just as easily find consolation nd contentment. you have a false idea of what marriage is or was supposed to be.
You are addicted to the escape and good feelings your partner in adultery gives you, but it has more to do with your own inner self than him. You are really discontented with yourself. Good for hi for feeling conflicted, at least he has some notion that his own "happiness" is not the be all and end all of his obligations.
I suggest you return to your own marriage and pay the hand of cards you chose. You don't have to be " in love" . As thrilling as that feeling is. It is transitory and illusory. Most marriagenpartnersnfall in and out and in love in cycles ; it's not all one big ecstacyfest and nobody promisednyou that.
I don't know what it is you feel empty about, but fulfillment and satisfaction in life comes from within, and from acting honorably in life. Maybe you feel you are getting old, maybe you are bored. Let me tell you, only boring people get proble,m is not you marriage or husband but you.
Find something you can do with satisfaction with your husband, let your physical addiction to your cheating partner fade, and you will find love and satisfaction returning. Only you can click those ruby slippers