My husband is having an affair; he wants to leave but she won't let him?
2018-12-22 18:41:19 UTC
My husband and I have spent the past 30 years together. We've gone through very tough times together but hasn't every couple? No marriage is a joyride all the time but we love each other and the life, home, and children we've created together.

I've just discovered (not yet to his knowledge) that he's been having an affair. I don't know quite how long but it's at least 2 years because one of her recent texts mentioned the restaurant they went to for their second anniversary. This hurts so much that he's been having a sexual and emotional affair/relationship with another woman for this long but the more time I spent reading their texts together, the more it seems like he's trying to end things and she's in love with him and "not ready to let him go yet." He's so blunt with her. Here's just a few texts he sent her:
"You're a beautiful person but so is my wife. I love her and don't want to leave her or my family. You deserve to have a family too. Don't you want that?"
"This has to end sometime and when it does I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to my wife."

But then there are texts from him the very next day asking her to meet him at a hotel room. Why tell her things need to end but then continue seeing her?

He doesn't know yet that I've discovered the affair. Of course I'll be confronting him but right now I feel more anger towards this woman for begging him to continue the affair when he wants it to end. It's just so hard to sit with.
65 answers:
2018-12-26 22:41:21 UTC
Well first let me extend a Im so sorry to you and your family that you are going through this.But let's get down to the chaos. You guys have been married for 30 years.The fact that he is having an affair with this women is something that he knows is wrong.He has to look at himself in the mirror everyday as a man and he knows. Honestly, I would calmly let him know that you know of the affair and give him a chance to explain. Now the reason I said calmly is because you want him to be opened and honest with you.At the same time he has to know what your intentions are as well.Let him know,if you continue to have an affair with this women you give me know choice but to leave.You let him know that as the head of the household you expected him to carry this family on honesty and love.But that hasn't been shown by his actions. Now you put the ball in his court.I would let him know sexually you will not have sex with him until he gets himself together and he gets checked out at clinic for any sexually transmitted diseases.You dont know what that women has. After that I would pray for him during the time he is thinking on his actions and how he has destroyed the family.Tell him he will have to explain this to his children of his actions.Children can sense when something isnt right.As a man, he has to be prepared to lay in his mess that he created and fix it.While you are praying for him you are allowing God to take over this situation with your marriage.You continue being loving as a wife and a friend.But he has to know from his actions you are unable to trust him at this time.You are praying for him and his healing,but thats all you can give at this time.Thats the truth you need time and space to get over a situation like this.You have a soul-tie with this person,so this horrible situation has shaken up your world.Let him know what will happen in the marriage moving forward.A real man will do whatever it takes to get this right with his wife again.He will go to the ends of the earth. You can't force a man to change his ways all you can do is pray for him. During your time of praying, God will let you know if you should leave or stay.You will know.The ball is in his court. You don't stress over this situation you keep being the friend and wife.
2018-12-25 02:55:57 UTC
oh my god! i see many above advises are very good,please take time to read and make your mind clear that what you want to do next,make a plan......good luck!
2018-12-24 20:36:22 UTC
He isn't wanting to end it because she can't stop him if he does and he wouldn't be wanting to meet her the next day if he was. The sex with her is so good, he just can't let it go. You need to be the one letting him go, who is to say that she is the only other one he has?
2018-12-24 03:41:00 UTC
No, what it sounds like is a scoundrel making up his future excuse. Look at it from the other point of view. He took her but isn't man enough to marry her. No one had a gun to his head either time.
2018-12-23 22:39:35 UTC
So you're reading his texts, so you think she is forcing him into continuing the affair, you've admitted he is probably sex-driven and giving her conflicting messages- this sounds like the kind of deluded stuff many of us have fallen for when we love someone and can't bear the pain of accepting we have been betrayed and disrespected.

Before you confront him, carefully consider what you know for a fact and then decide what you want to do based on that. Ie. you know about the affair, you know he is still actively pursuing that affair, you know he says to her that he loves you.

What are your options? Think them through then you will have your thoughts straight when you speak to him.
2018-12-23 19:51:41 UTC
Wow 30 years and he's doing this? That's horrible. HORRIBLE. I hope you get a divorce and make sure you do not have an STD. This breaks my heart.
2018-12-23 12:37:18 UTC
Get your evidence lined up, get a lawyer and set everything up, and then tell him you are divorcing him and tell him and show him why. Don't let your husband and whatever she is be YOUR problem anymore. Good luck!
2018-12-23 02:32:24 UTC
It's hard for you to know he's having an affair -- but it sounds like he's playing her -- he may be going through that middle-life-crisis and needs the excitement to make him feel great - so this affair is doing it for him … however it sounds like he's letting her know that he loves you and will never leave you (he's got his bases covered with her for not leaving you for her) .

He has set the ground rule with her that he loves you and plans to stay with you forever -- and with that being said - he's ready for another round of playing with her.

If he wants to leave her -- he can leave her .. he can end it right now.
Fix'R UPPer
2018-12-23 02:10:22 UTC
Update your life insurance policy to a million dollars
robert x
2018-12-22 18:53:04 UTC
Hubby wants his cake and to eat it.... All you have to do is decide whether you want to stay married to him .. if you do then you turn a blind eye to the affair , if you dont want to stay married then confront him and her and get all out into the open..
Orchestrating Voyeur
2018-12-26 17:57:49 UTC
How much money does your husband make?

choose a percentage (50% for 30 yrs and alienation of affection) and print the text messages, forward them to your phone. Start working out and eating right. Take really good care of yourself.

Leave him and have your new nest ready.
Emily Rose
2018-12-26 16:12:09 UTC
Get your evidence together and go to the nastiest divorce lawyer you can find and when you get everything figured out like how much money you would get out of it for you and the kids etc. Go out to dinner with him and order expensive things and eat and after dinner tell him what you know then stick him with the Bill by walking out. Have a ride or cab money ready to go so you can leave him there afterwards and he can think about what he did when he's alone in the car with the smell of your perfume lingering in there so he feels very lonely and regretful. Good luck.
2018-12-26 07:54:26 UTC
I'm surprised no one brought up this other huge issue/problem >>""This has to end sometime and when it does I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to my wife."

But then there are texts from him the very next day asking her to meet him at a hotel room. Why tell her things need to end but then continue seeing her?" <<

IMO; Your husband not only suffers in moral character, he also has mental health issues. Definitely has type of personality disorder. Could be he's Bipolar, schizophrenic, or a myriad of other PD's that are similar in nature.

I found it very disturbing how he told the woman he's had a long term affair with, how much he loves his "wife" and how he plans on spending the rest of his life making it up to his wife.

What woman would want to carry on a long term affair with a married man, knowing he will never leave his wife, he lets he know that he feels guilty for cheating on his wife, he's going to end their affair, he loves his wife...I thought that married men ALWAYS told their mistresses that it's only her that he loves, he's going to leave his wife, and all the other lies married men tell their mistresses.

What makes you think that "she won't let him" leave her? I saw nothing about her making him stay, that you provided. Where's the threats. Obviously she's never contacted you either.All she "texted" was mentioning was a restaurant where they celebrated their second anniversary.

It appears this woman is also married; hence the "meeting at a motel room" request. How is it that you have such free access to check out your husband's cell phone? He doesn't seem concerned about you seeing those revealing text messages if he leaves his phone so "unguarded." He doesn't bother deleting them either, so it sure appears that he doesn't care if you find out he's having a torrid affair.
2018-12-25 01:24:54 UTC
You need to tell them both and say to her ***** stay away from my husband
2018-12-24 21:51:32 UTC
Before you divorce him read this!!!!ry

I know he loves you...I had an affair on my wife it was the worst mistake of my life. Your husband loves you very much or else he would leave you.

Don't leave him. He will come to grips with what he's done to you and hopefully by then it won't be too late!
2018-12-24 14:55:30 UTC
I think you are as pathetic as the woman begging for him not end the affair. You should have a little bit of respect for yourself and confront him and divorce him. He doesnt love you, he only loves himself. He uses you to have a stable marriage with stable sex and the other woman to have an stable sex affair. IT SEEMS LIKE HE LOVES HAVING PATHETIC LOW SELF ESTEEM WOMEN AROUND HIM.
Alan H
2018-12-24 09:01:23 UTC
If he wanted to leave, she could do nothing about it.
2018-12-23 22:53:30 UTC
I found out my husband's affair, we been married 38 years together 42 years, I found out in july, I still cannot believe he has done this, I'm broken, he sent messages of love to her he drove Mike's to be in her bed, now he wants me and he has finished with her, it's so hard talking about it, it hurts so much, you need to start the talking, he will fill your head with lies, it's up to you if you choose to believe what he tells you, he must be prepared for all your questions and you have the right to answers, if you still love him you will forgive him, you will never forget, my problem is feeling safe and trusting him again, I don't trust a word that he says, because if he really loved me he would not of slept with another woman or told her he loves her or planned to leave me and move in with her or tell her he wants to marry her when it all calms down. Now he says he hates her he says she is short fat ugly old hairy, he says she instigated all the plans and he told her what she wanted to hear. Your husband will tell you similar things, that I can guarantee, it's what you want at the end of the talking, that's what counts. Good luck
2018-12-23 22:28:47 UTC
its you life, its your marriage, fight for what you want. if you want to stay, jump i the shower with him and give him the best bJ ever, then when you get out have the talk and tell him what you know and what you want. If you need to go, sit down and tell him. Then say good by
pit bulls bite
2018-12-23 14:19:21 UTC
move on
2018-12-23 11:27:12 UTC
Are you seriously thinking of staying with him after what he has done to you. Men are men they will never change trust me!!

I get it that you love him and it hurts to leave someone that you love but does he love you when he has dickk stuck inside another womans pussy!!

Seriously I would never get back with anyone who has cheated. Once a cheater always a cheater!! These dogs will never change!! Leave the trash and move on find someone else!! Sorry to be so blunt but it's true move on woman!!
Kim R
2018-12-23 06:45:13 UTC
I'm not sure this advice is better than anyone else's, but if you don't want to confront him yet, maybe you could act a little extra romantic and make yourself fabulous and try to guilt him into leaving her that way. Also don't leave him any extra time to be with her. Meet him for lunch, go out to dinner, go to the movies, go bowling, take a long weekend vacay, go see a sports event; whatever. It all comes down to HIM doing the right thing. She can't MAKE him do anything. If nothing positive happens in whatever time frame you decide on, I guess it would then be time to let him know that you know what he's been up to, and see where that leads. Maybe counseling would help. Whatever happens, I am so sorry you are having to go through this, and I wish you the very best!
2018-12-22 21:01:29 UTC
What's your question?
2018-12-22 20:14:12 UTC
Sounds like he'll take the sex as long as it's on offer. Maybe you telling him you know and telling him you're willing to forgive will be the push he needs to finally end it with her. But make it a conversation rather than a confrontation or you could just cause him to go to her instead.
2018-12-22 20:13:09 UTC
You are trying very hard to fool yourself with the "she won't let him" stuff. She doesn't have control over his actions. He is responsible for his actions. What you do is a tough, tough problem. Get on with what you are going to do. Do you feel you might need some help from a counselor in the process?
2018-12-22 19:45:24 UTC
Nope, sorry, but he doesn't want to end the affair. If he wanted to end the affair, he would end it. If you didn't see any messages with him saying that it's over or he's done, or messages from her threatening that she is going to tell you if he ends things or anything like that, then no, nothing is ending or even trying to end. I'm sorry you've found this and that you're dealing with this, but don't make excuses for him or fool yourself.

It may have something to do with sex, but after 2 years that isn't all it is about. She makes him feel in a way you don't, whether that's sexual, wise, powerful, smart, valued, important, any number of things. If he were truly happy and satisfied in your marriage, he wouldn't have strayed from it.
2018-12-22 19:44:19 UTC
She can't stop him from ending the affair, I do understand why you feel so much anger towards her but this woman wouldn't be having an affair with your husband if he didn't want it to happen and he was the one that made vows to you all of those years ago that he has now broken.

I have been married for over 20 years myself and I agree that all marriages have tough times but an affair is not excusable in my eyes, however this is your marriage and of course you are the only one who can choose if you want to save it or not which clearly you do, what you must accept though is that this will not happen if your husband isn't completely commited to doing the same thing which means ending the affair and working jointly with you to repair your marriage, he must also take responsibility for it too, blaming the other woman is natural and in your position I would be thinking very lowly of her but he shouldn't be allowed to do that himself, he chose to have the affair, he should never have gotten involved with her.

May I also suggest that before you confront him you make sure you are prepared in a practical and financial way in case he chooses her or makes false promises and you later decide the marriage can't be saved, I do hope that you can work through this and you must be feeling absolutely devastated by the discovery but it's wise to get legal advice in case, you do not want to make a huge effort during this difficult time and then if it goes wrong discover that you are going to lose your home or any other aspect of your financial security.

I wish you all the best, it must be awful for you and I would never say a marriage is over because of an affair because some couples do survive it but remember to think as clearly as possible because emotions will be running very high for some time.
2018-12-22 19:28:19 UTC
She won't LET him leave?

Before you do anything you have to stop making excuses for him. Assuming he's an adult with the ability to walk, HE can walk away, ending the affair.

Why are you blaming her? He's the one who is violating your vows.
2018-12-22 18:52:33 UTC
She'll have to accept that it's over but it's hard for her to do that because of the mixed messages he's giving her. When it's over, it's over and that means the casual sex as well.
2018-12-22 18:44:04 UTC
Try again... this fiction is SO transparent.
2018-12-27 16:57:34 UTC
Who's posting this question. Sounds like the wife at first. There is no question here, however, he clearly has physical needs that go outside of where the poster can offer (either the wife, or mistress). The wife provides mainly emotional sustenance, the mistress mainly physical. It doesn't soumd like he wants to leave either arrangement.
2018-12-27 01:50:53 UTC
Stay with him if you want but definitely have an affair of your own for the next few years.
Pat Brown
2018-12-27 01:33:17 UTC
His words that you interpret as "wanting out" of the affair sound to me just like plain old Guilt. Your wishful thinking is influencing your judgment.

This is a volatile situation. If I were you, I would only want to stay in the marriage if he freely chose me, not because I guilted him into dropping her.

Tell him you know, ask him to explain and help you understand how he sees things. He should do more of the talking. You can then begin and do more of the thinking, deciding what to say or do next.
Obi Wan Knievel
2018-12-27 01:20:11 UTC
Jesus, nice novel.

Now for the bad news: Your husband isn't stuck in the affair, he's there because he wants to be.

Sorry, I know that isn't what you wanted to hear. But it is what you need to know.
2018-12-26 22:46:39 UTC
"he wants to leave but she won't let him" she is not holding a gun to his head forcing him to see her! He is choosing to do this. He's only telling her how wonderful you are so that when he decides to end things she wont be too shocked.
2018-12-25 10:12:17 UTC
2018-12-25 05:48:05 UTC
I know that it is much easier to believe what you want and direct your anger at someone who you aren't afraid of losing. But he is choosing to do this. She isn't putting a gun to his head and making him have an affair. This affair is something he has actively chosen. With every lie he's told you to hide what he's doing, with every meeting he has had with her, he has made the same decision to betray the marriage hundreds of times by now. Consistently. He may be having some moral qualms, but he's not dealing with those by his actions, just with empty words. Believe what he's actually doing. With what he's done before now, as well as what he does when you confront him. And if you choose to try and fix this marriage, you need to see him doing the same with actions - such as marriage counseling, breaking it off with her, being transparent with you, no longer going to wherever he met or has socialized with her, etc. Because clearly his words and the way he presents himself to you have not been true or reflected reality for a very, very long time now.
2018-12-25 02:37:03 UTC
2018-12-24 20:38:41 UTC
He wouldn't seek out something outside of marriage if he was getting that (whatever it is) at home.
2018-12-24 05:17:31 UTC
He chose to sleep with her and continues to. What do you mean she won’t let him ? Is she holding a gun up ? Is she threatening at his job ? Ok If it’s that serious call the police then .
2018-12-23 21:01:06 UTC
dump him
2018-12-23 20:17:44 UTC
Confront him and tell him that unless he cuts ALL contact with this woman and goes to counseling with you, that the marriage is over period. So for two years he has put you in danger from STD's. I would be tested for them now.

And tell him exactly what you've told us about finding out so he cannot deny it. Before I would file for divorce, I would give him ONE chance to end all things with this women.

NO one is forcing him to be with the woman- he has the choice to end things or continue. Doesn't matter how much this other woman begs him to stay....IF he wanted to save his marriage he would turn his back to her and cut all ties. Too bad he never confessed to cheating on you for the past 2 yrs - you could have divorced him long ago.
2018-12-23 13:45:09 UTC
Please read this article. You may find it helpful. I wish you well.
Jerry S
2018-12-23 10:46:53 UTC
tell him you know about the affair and to end it now.
Fuggie Bunnies
2018-12-23 05:12:35 UTC
I think it's like a crutch. When your marriage was bad, he found comfort and solace somewhere else. And now that it's better again if that is the case, he doesn't necessarily need it but why let it go? It's like a child that's grown older and no longer needs to sleep with their favorite toy or blanket but still have it in their room.

Like most people here, I'd suggest speaking with your husband about it--as difficult as it may be and having a conversation about what does he really want and then telling him what you really want. I think as a married man who isn't in a consenting open relationship he knows what he has done is a violation of your trust and his promises. And I think that your "other woman" can be one of two things: 1) duped and not aware that he isn't in an open relationship or 2) well aware that she's helping him violate your trust. But since you don't know much about her, it would be good to talk to your husband about her. Learn more about her, like you might learn about his sister (if he has one). Understand what drew him towards her and what caused him to pull away from you. This will make him feel heard and listened to and set the foundation for an on-going and open dialogue about the situation.

Before you enter this discussion, you'll most likely want to reflect deeply on what you want as well. These types of conversations never go well if you enter it emotionally. Stir the conversation away from "self-righteousness" and "anger" and "forgiveness". It should just be a discussion about how to move forward and what that looks like. Treat it like you'd have any other difficult but rational discussion about certain joint life choices such as moving or purchasing a new family car--taxes even. Look at it that way.

This will probably be a multiple step process as well and require more than one discussion. You may want to consider finding a professional mediator like a life coach or counselor to help maintain an environment that helps facilitate an open dialogue about moving forward. I don't recommend involving any family members or close familial friends either. They could transfer their own emotional state to you. This needs to be a you and your husband situation.

And perhaps in the future, you may want to sit down with "the other woman" to discuss matters with her or sit down with both your husband and the other woman. I would highly suggest doing it in a public setting and perhaps having a person outside of the situation present as well. This might also help with closure. I might also suggest you start using her name when you think about her and discuss her with your husband. She is also a human though what she has made you feel is certainly not humane. But using her actual name removes her power over you and your relationship with your husband from your perspective. The "Other Woman" title is a very powerful and rather hateful title to use which offers this mental construct you have of her to affect you thought patterns from their natural course.

But never play the comparison game. You have your great qualities and your okay qualities and your need-to-work on qualities just as your husband does and the "other woman" in this situation. And never let anyone use the term "your children". You're a mother and you know what is best for your children. Don't let them enter any conversation you have as "argument" for one option or another. They're not pawns and they deserve the happiest and healthiest home environment as possible (even if they've flown the nest).

Whatever you do, I hope you stay happy and healthy. As you said before--life has its ups and its downs but you make through. I'm certain you'll make the best dicision and come back happier and healthier and stronger because of it. Happy Holidays.
A Hunch
2018-12-23 03:27:52 UTC
It's not only in it for the sex.

You told us he is having an emotional affair.

The only thing I read into the note is he didn't want to deal with a divorce. Not that he wants to leave her.

Now that you know, you get to decide if he has to deal with it or not.
2018-12-23 03:19:37 UTC
Listen you don't need him just save yourself from heartache.
seedy history
2018-12-22 20:06:01 UTC
It seems that women commonly want to blame the "other woman" because if they placed the blame where it belongs... on their marriage... then they'd have to actually do more about it than complain/confront. You appear to have zero desire to get rid of your husband. You want to believe that it's the "other woman" who is to blame for your husband's behaviors. But you know it's not. Your husband is not the victim of some over bearing woman who drugged him into seduction and keeps him tied up in her basement. He comes and goes as he pleases. He's apparently been coming and going as he pleases for years. He's not a victim.
2018-12-22 19:14:29 UTC
It's obvious that he truly doesn't have any intentions of leaving you for her -- but that doesn't justify anything. For someone who loves his family so much, he's a fool to continue putting it at risk for two+ years for another woman.

He can say anything he wants to her. He probably feels better about himself if he feels like he's not leading her on. He probably thinks, "she knows I won't leave my family for her but she still wants me. I must be pretty great."

And sorry but there must be something pretty great about her too, because something is keeping him with her. Even if it IS just sex like you said. Must be good sex!

Your husband sounds like a very hypocritical, self-pleasing man. Your anger should be directed at him more so than this woman who is in love with a cheating, married man. My best advice to you would be to confront your husband. See if the affair continues even after you've discovered it. My guess is that he'll cut ties with this woman instantly.... but who knows what he'll be up to in a few months or years from now. Maybe with her, maybe with a new woman...

Just remember-- She may be "begging" him to stay -- but if he truly didn't want to stay, he simply wouldn't.
2018-12-22 18:46:22 UTC
I am sorry for your pain. No, every couple doesn't go through "hard times" that involve sex with a third person.

Your husband doesn't seem to know what he wants. I don't know that I would confront him as much as I would sit him down and say, "This is what I know." Perhaps he's with her because he's concerned if he ends it she will contact you. Perhaps it's some other reason. He's the only one who knows.

A man who wants to end the affair ends the affair. A man who doesn't want to meet a female in a hotel room doesn't go to a hotel room.

Is there a third party you can talk to? Perhaps someone who knows you both could give you advice.

When my (ex) husband had an affair the startling part of it to me was that so many people knew, and no one told me. I understand why they didn't, but that doesn't mean it hurts any less.
2018-12-27 03:26:42 UTC
I feel like if your husband really wanted to end things with her, he'd do it. Him saying that means nothing, it actually sounds like he's playing mind games. This woman didn't care that he was married before, so why would she now? He knows that! To be honest, with that type of woman, it may make her want him more. If your husband really loves you, than he should be willing to cut her off completely. I means whose heart would he prefer to hurt? His side piece or his wife. I also think that you should confront him about it. If not, then he will continue to do it.
2018-12-25 23:37:18 UTC
She can’t keep him by force
2018-12-24 13:53:31 UTC
The other woman doesn't get to decide whether the affair continues or ends. There can be NO affair, if your husband does NOT participate. What your husband does NOT get to do, is to decide the final outcome. That is your decision to make. You determine the final outcome. You decide whether this marriage is continues or it is over. I realize you are upset with the other woman; however she didn't break YOUR marriage vows. Your HUSBAND broke your marriage vows and continues to do so. You need to confront your husband and give him an ultimatum. The affair STOPS today, or you give him his walking papers. He is totally disrespecting you and honestly, you are disrespecting yourself. A real man (husband) will fight for his wife and his marriage. I will be praying for you and your husband. I wish you the best outcome.
2018-12-24 04:32:59 UTC
I would totally keep the husband and help him dump the side project. She sounds desperate and clearly she has no self-esteem, for if she did, she would not be screwing a married man. Contact her and tell her you know all about it. Laugh at her because she's a whore. Stay with your husband- even if it's just to keep him from being with her
2018-12-23 23:18:20 UTC
Get copies of all the evidence. Make sure you have some money in the bank and some cash that is yours. Kiss your house goodbye. Love is ****. Men are pigs. But there's always dogs! I'm much happier now. Just me and my dogs, and my kids.
2018-12-23 10:50:52 UTC
As another poster said, you're making excuses for him. He's very much in the wrong and he needs to be told so. I'd sit down with him tell him that you know and tell him to move out while you decide what you're going to do in the long term. Don't take any calls, but allow him to speak to and see your kids. Good luck!
2018-12-23 09:07:28 UTC
If you want to live with a husband that isn't faithful …….this is up to you.

Why would a decent women allow such as this...… could you believe he loves you and yet, needs other female companions...……..weird to say the least.
2018-12-23 07:56:12 UTC
once you cross that red line its impossible to walk back across it....dishonesty is the death of love
2018-12-23 01:29:11 UTC
Your husband is covering his a--. He'll move on, he's telling her he will...when he gets good and ready. When she cries and begs him to stay, he'll use the same lines he's using now.

She doesn't control him. One person can't really control another, so he's staying because he wants to. he's just setting up his excuses for when he dumps her. I don't know if he'll be faithful to you after this affair, or not.
2018-12-23 00:08:42 UTC
Reading the texts alone you only get 1/2 the story . they also talk on the phone there is where the rest of the story comes in . trust your gut . a cheat is always looking for the greener grass , open the gate let him wonder around to suit himself . look for someone who won't wonder even if the gate is open.
2018-12-22 21:00:05 UTC
Why do you stay ? If my husband cheats on me, goodbye
2018-12-22 20:06:23 UTC
Cuz he loves you more but men still like variety and p*ussy, so he bangs this other girl when he’s ho*rny and wanting some variety.

Your husband is wrong, agreed, the women like that girl get their pleasure out of life from ruining men’s marriages.

If I were you, I would do everything that’s legally allowed to ruin this girl’s life, such as going to her job, going to her family, shaming her on Facebook, everything possible.
2018-12-22 19:22:21 UTC
Even if this is true, your anger towards the other woman is completely misdirected. Your husband is the one at fault 100%. A confrontation will end the affair. After 2 years, she has every reason to believe that they have something together and it was 100% your husband that lead her to believe that. You are not privvy to actual conversations that they've had but I bet it started with "my wife never wants to have s*x anymore" or "my wife makes me feel like a meal ticket." Check your own complicity in this affair before you blame anyone else.
2018-12-22 19:11:12 UTC
HE is the one you're married to, the one choosing to continue with her. I don't understand being more angry with her. When he wants it to end, it will, no matter what she says or does.
real estate guy
2018-12-22 18:58:55 UTC
Of course it's hard. If you want to save the marriage, you MUST have marriage counseling to work on the issues.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.