my husband and i have been together for 3 years. we have a 6 year old son(his step son) and a 7month old baby girl. we enjoy spending family time together, just the 4 of us. we go places, eat out together, go to movies, etc. we are very outgoing. me and my husband also attend full time college together and he also and him also enjoy spending quality time with eachother. we entertain ourselves by reading, homework, going on dates when we are lucky enough to get a sitter lol, play videogames, play card games, etc. but the last few months our famlies ( his and mine) are very pushy and outspoken about how we dont spend enough time with them. its getting to the point to where they are getting offended and very upset with us and treating us like we are doing something horribly wrong. we are starting to feel outcasted. my SIL is even calling us selfish b*tches and saying that we need to get our priorities striaght and make time for them. we do visit with them from time to time,just drop by and say hi or hoidays but we really enjoy our quiet little home/family and we also enjoy keeping to ourselves. me and my husband both agree we are happy with our lives the way they are . but im starting to feel guilty and low about myslef for the way my inlaws and my family talk to us/about us. are they right? we have always welcomed them to our home anytime in fact we even have an outside set up for guests with a bbq pit, bar, pool, etc. but in the past 3 years they (our families) have only came around a hand ful of times.