My husband today I think he lost his mind!!! He has always told me not to approach him with any non important or emergency issues when he gets home from work or school, so I waited until 6 pm after I came back from doing my roots. I told him I had seen a porn video he had download it from kendra the girls next door actress. I told him I had seen it while burning a cd that I did this morning to take on the ride with me, let me add that he is currently going to school for IT. Since he had the entire living room transformed into a server room for his case studies I went to the computer in the room to do my stuff, it was seriously acting up n who to call if not the IT guy? Well, more to his surprise it was a virus inputing shortcuts of porn sites on the desktop, he ran a security software but didn't help, he went back to "the server room" and I guess he started looking for his porn video much to his surprise not only that one but all of the videos xxx he had in there got erased. The super rage he went into was unimaginable, he started caling me a liar, that I had erased the video(kendra) on his 3 computers, that he can't trust me anymore and that he is putting password to everything, he went on and on and on, I wasn't lying, I didn't erase it, I don't like arguments so I rather tell the truth and face consequesces than lie and create mistrust and doubts, well, he went as far as saying that this damn kid doesn't even let him think or study, at that point of the argument the baby that was in bed already for the night, started screaming hysterically and crying uncontrollably, I went to get milk to calm him down and putting back in bed, well he had it on his arms at that point and I told him to put him down to get him to sleep, he threw the baby on the crib and went on to grab me by the neck and throw me against the wall to yell on my face and say more none sense about his streght and valor and blah blah blah, I let him finish my goal was my baby, he needed me n I didn't need the fight or get severly hurt and not be able to go to my baby's side. I calmed him down, and went back outside to a very angry husband, he went on to say that the point wasn't the porn was that I erased it I said one more time that I didn't he raised his finger and said ah ah I'm speaking, I lost him at some point cause it was too ridiculous to continue on it, he went on to call my family to tell them that I need it to chill, he also threatnen to leave to what I said, well I'm not stopping u, he said we spend too much time together and that I'm always there and I'm everywhere, well he doesn't have a job, neither do I, we both got "laid off" when the baby was born, 1 year ago, since we have been thru thick and thin.
I honestly don't know what the hell is wrong with him!!! Why would a man go so overboard for a freaking porno flick that can be downloaded again!!! I didn't erase it that I'm sure of, I know what he does 80% of the time and some things are childish and some very inmature n stupid but I never give him crap for anything, I know he watches porn on the phone and we even watch it together when tiredness doesn't overcome our bodies :-) so why would I simply mention that I saw the video and go and erase it? That's ridiculous!!! If I had erased it I wouldn't have said anything, why create suspicions when u can simply say I dunno!! Well the point is that I am very upset and I don't really fe hurt about the porn thing but his behavior did made me feel mad. Why insult your wife, your right hand, the mother of your child over a porno flick that in all honesty it is the worst shi..t I've ever seen!!!
I looked for comfort and advise on my in-laws, they are very involved in our lives and know what he is capable of and addicted to as well.
I don't think a husband, a father, a proffessional like he loves to call himself!! Should treat a woman, his wife! Like that, insult her and make his child cry!!
Please I need advise, comments, I am sitting in the livingroom cause I don't even want to talk to him not that he has made an effort to either or apologize for that matter.