My boyfriend took me and my daughter on a trip to Mexico recently. The night we arrived, he went out into town to check out the local scene. I stayed behind in our hotel room- as my daughter was only 5, and there were no baby-sitting services on the resort we felt comfortable with. I found out the next day my boyfriend had met a local who had took him to a strip club. He told me had a lap dance. I was pretty hurt by this- but didn't really want to make him feel bad, as I have never dated a man who has gone to a strip club and I know there are many women who find it to be no big deal, and I thought I should give it a chance. But, when we got back to Canada my boyfriend started to not feel very well. He then told me he was worried about maybe having contracted an STD in Mexico, because he had had a lap dance, and during it the performer had unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He told me he wasn't hard, and that she tried to grind on him, but he then put his cock back in his pants. She was wearing underwear during the lap dance- a thong. He was worried that some of her vaginal fluids had gotten on his cock... He went to the doctor and was tested and the results were negative. So we heaved a big sigh of relief. But during this time I felt really sad. I told him this, and asked him why he felt he needed to go to a strip club? and if that was usually happened at strip clubs- that strippers can touch the customer like that. He was very open with me about what happened, and also pointed out he wasn't hard because she wasn't good-looking... but this didn't make me feel better, my immediate question then was: what if she had been goodlooking? How far would the lap dance have gone? I felt like I had been cheated on- or that it could have happened had she been attractive to my partner... am I wrong in asking these questions? Obviously many women will feel "hey, no big deal. If the relationship is secure you shouldn't worry." But others will feel that it is a betrayal on some form. I feel insecure about it... and would like people to weigh in on how they might feel. Thanks.