gay marriage? who cares?
2007-07-24 06:42:18 UTC
After watching the YouTube Democratic debate last night, I really started to wonder why some of you out there feel so strongly about being against gay marriage? Honestly, tell me, how does it affect you? Do you lose sleep at night? If Bill and John are down the street from you and they happen to be married, how does that change your life? It seems to me that people that are against gay marriage are either homophobes or are too insecure with their own beliefs. I just wish some of you would stop trying to convert everyone and stop interfering with people's happiness because your faith has a different view than other people. Do you honestly think it's God's top priority to keep gays from being happy and married? It's nonsense if you ask me!
24 answers:
Experto Credo
2007-07-24 06:52:12 UTC
It matters not to me if two gay adults get married.
Mrs. Eric Cartman
2007-07-25 22:12:14 UTC
Religion and government should not mix. Political scenes are turning my faith into a hotbed or power-hungry debates and hatred, instead of love and forgiveness, and unconditional positive regard for others. So here is the best solution I've ever heard: abolish marriage completely, for everybody. Remove it's legal standing. It's a religious institution anyway. Allow every citizen the same rights under a Civil Union, straight and gay alike. The rights and priviledges for marriage now could be transfered to the Civil Union and that should be the document in the US. Those who want to get "married" can acquire a certificate at a church ceremony that is not legally recognized. This way, Christians and Muslims will not see their sacred ceremony as defiled and all will be equal in this country. Pleases everybody! There are churches that will marry gay people. And the majority of churches will declare them married by a false church, and the marriage invalid. The church should also be happy to see atheist couples quit acting like they need a pastor to be joined. But the point is that it ceases to be America's problem. It becomes the church's. And the church has been disagreeing on this anyway, why not leave it all to it? I don't want Christians to be known for winning this battle in the political world. We have others to fight that are more important, like loving people and ending poverty and stuff.
2007-07-30 11:24:24 UTC
Some people actually believe what's written in the Bible is God's word, not the word of men. If you believe that the Bible is just that, then there's irrefutable evidence that any homosexual acts are an abomination (that's with any translation you read...and I've read several).

If you believe that the Bible is a book written by men or that what it says is whatever you interpret, then you can draw any conclusion that you want.

I don't lose sleep over the gay marriage debate. I know that God will judge in his time. If someone wants to be gay, commit adultery, have sex with young boys or girls, then that's their right (or soon-to-be right, after each bit of morality is chipped away). God will judge them for their unbelief. Since I am not God, nor do I pretend to be, I don't judge those people. I just simply show them the biblical truths and they can do with it what they will.
2007-07-24 06:56:28 UTC
Never bothered me, i have both gay and lesbian friends, but im streight, just as long as i dont get involved in it im completley ok with it. I agree with you, i dont know why people have a problem, if its a free countrey then people should be allowed to marry who they want, when they want, and however they want. "It;s disrespectfull to the comunity" as far as i know its all a load of bull, i dont think the gay guy or the les woman did your whole comunity :).

Edit : it doesnt matter what you say, people will stand up and raise theire voices, i remember hearing on the news once that they said "gay mariages dont last long, infact they would most likeley last about a year" bull, i know a les couple that dated since they were 13. Now they are 25 and happy as can be. Not to mention the sex life, only a man knows what a man wants, this ofcourse is not always the case, i spit on any person that sais they are against gay marriage but want to have a 3some or into things like that. I think some people have mistaken this xountrey for Burger King if you get the joke :) .
Barbi T
2007-07-31 13:27:41 UTC
This is such a loaded issue.

My very best friend of 40 years happens to be a lesbian. She has a very good relationship with her present lover, and they have been together for years. She was married at one time and has 2 children, but couldn't live the lie. While we have discussed a lot of issues regarding homosexuality, the marriage issue has never come up, and I would tell her, as much as I love her as a dear friend, I would not condone marriage between them. I have no qualms with their right to sexual preference and happiness & co-habitation, but I do draw the line with marriage between same sex partners.

My only reason is that I believe marriage was meant to be between a man and a woman. Obviously, without the man/ woman union, (in whatever form), there would be no procreation. I do NOT believe God meant for men to be with men and women to be with women. But I will defend to the death a person's right to choose, as long as you leave marriage out of it.

I do believe same sex couples should have some sort of civil "partnership" rights in order to be able to have benefits and other rights, etc.

I just can't get over the marriage union tho.'s ingrained in me that marriage is for men with women. The rest, I don't care about.
2007-07-24 08:08:31 UTC
As long as you dont emigrate with your "family" to my country. I don't give one fart for what you do behind closed doors. Bring it out in the open where my children would see and begin to think that your lifestyle is normal and you raise my ire. If all you wanted was a relationship behind closed doors, I would have no problem with it. Getting married and sucking the system is something totally different. As far as I am personally concerned, if all of the married homo's were to start their own country in Brazil or Siberia , we should accept thoes displaced citizens as landed immigrants.

I have a few friends that are homosexual, and one does live with another. None are so brazen that they feel they must throw their sexuality in my or my family's face.

The marriage paper is one aspect, the thing that gets gays in the door. People don't understand that there is more to it then that. Maternity leave; adoption, pension, accompanying sick benifits, and a host of other issues.I'm not even going into the mental issues.
2007-07-30 06:40:27 UTC
I agree with you completely. I am a proud mom to a gay daughter. She just got engaged and I am ready to announce it to the world. Problem is I can't find a paper (not even our local gay paper) that will announce a gay marriage. There is something terribly wrong in a society that is so discriminatory and bigoted. My daughter is the happiest I have ever seen her and she deserves that. I open my arms to my new daughter and welcome her,she is a joyful addition to our family. In a world where daily we see young men and women fighting and dying for our country, where we are considered at high risk for terroristic acts and we have starving/homeless children and the working poor, how can anyone waste one moment of worrying about a couple's right to freedom to marry who they wish. People who become so embroiled in the controversy of gay marriage and how wrong it is to them need to stay out of it, as the question states how does it affect you in any way ? It doesn't. I don't ask for your approval for my daughter, I don't want your approval nor do I need it. Look at your priorities, look at the homeless people on the street, people without healthcare, try getting so worked up about those social injustices. It seems futile at times to even address people who are closed minded, intolerant, and prejudicial. They will never open there hearts and their minds without a lot of prayer and the help of God.

Peace and Blessings.
2007-07-24 07:10:36 UTC
I agree with you. Let people love. Let them be. If everyone would just live their life in peace how they want with their own beliefs, oh - what a wonderful world. It's a shame that some religions brainwash people into being anti-love fanatics. It seems like God would want peace and love everywhere with all creatures.

I think you'll find that statistically, if you take educated people who think with their own mind and do not follow others because of religion, you will find people who accept all races, cultures, and sexual orientations. So, if we could just keep on with the whole education bit and slowly get people to think outside the box (church). . . . woah. . . revolution!!!!
2007-07-24 06:58:17 UTC
i became a Christian years ago and my experience is that people put a lot of words in God's mouth that just aren't there. i mean, so-called Christians who go around speaking for God.

no, i don't believe God is that small.

i happen to be related to a gay couple and they are the most loving women i know. they have been together for over 20 years, own a house together, are kind to everyone ..and love each other. they actually care about each other's lives and families...MUCH more than my ex husband ever showed me and most hetero marriages i know.

they don't cheat on each other ..or pretend to be "righteous" church goers all the while cheating, abusing drugs and alcohol and abusing others.

so that is just one example of a couple that "deserves" being called married.
2007-07-24 06:50:36 UTC
well sir, since you asked me, I think that it is wrong, AnD I feel so strong about it because, I don't want my children growing up thinking that marriage is between a man and another man or a woman and another woman. It affects me because like I said, if we start letting them say that they are married, it will seem to others as normal, and I don't want my children or grand children to grow up thinking that Adam and Steve were the first two on this earth when in reality it was Adam and Eve. I don't lose sleep at night because I know more normal people feel the same as me than more gays do. I am not homophobic, but I don't like and accept that way of life, I talk and have supposedly gay family members. But I don't want them to go around thinking they can be regular married couples like men and women are. I do know that God didn't want two men to be together or he would have created the whole world to be "gay". and if gays are "born gay" then in its a genetic disease, and eventually die off because two gays can't literally create a baby, it's just impossible, and therefore cannot be passed along any further than this generation (hopefully)
2007-07-31 16:13:14 UTC
looks like you opened up pandora's box on this one... but here it goes...I dont believe in gay marriage. point, blank, period!! not only is it disgusting, but its just not morally right.. You cant possibly think that it is.. And I have to agree with the lady eariler that stated she doesnt want her kids to see this and think that its okay. That is just the way that I feel about the subject...

Do what you want to do is what I say about everything... Because on judgement day you are the one that is going to have to be accountable for your sins, as we all are..

Do I care what other people are doing, not really as long as I dont have to be a part of it...

Bouncin out~*
2007-07-30 14:34:35 UTC
I myself am not against them. I know you were addressing the people who are against it. I just wanted people to realize that not all folks feel that way. I believe if someone has committed themselves to another and they love, they should have the same rights as any other human being. My sister is gay and she and her partner have a relationship that is very enviable. they are wonderful human beings and no less deserving than anyone else.
2007-07-30 04:27:09 UTC
you are so correct,the democrats and republicans should worry about things like,terrorist,taxes,how to keep our country and other countries safe,they should not worry about gay marriage,when 2 people love each other,they should have the right to get married,adopt,no politician should have the say that 2 people can't love each other because of the same sex,they need to worry about keeping our country safe,not forbiding love between 2 gay people
2007-07-24 06:51:51 UTC
yeah i think Bill and John have a right to their shouldnt concern anyone else..and they shouldn't be able to decide for gays how their life should be. all throughout history, minority groups have been attacked for being different. yet, what it boils down to is that everyone is different, in the end. people need to stop hurting others who are different from them. this whole fight is like a wound that keeps being opened over and over again. people should just live their lives and leave others be.
2007-07-30 09:41:02 UTC
As long as the people love each other who cares what gender they are? My hair stylist has been married to his husband for over 40 years. The way I look at it is make it legal. They have just as much right to pay child support as the rest of us. lol I have noticed though that more gay and lesbian relationships last longer then heterosexual ones do. Explain that one! I like your views on this. Thanks for bringing it up.
2007-07-24 07:06:53 UTC
In answer to JM: the "Adam and Eve.. Adam and Steve" thing is SOOOO OLD. Please drop the cliches. They are boring.

Also you say that if God wanted people to be gay he would have made them that way... HE DID!

I'm not gay and I have no problem with anyone leading their lives in any way they feel inclined. Who are we to dictate someone elses life? If you are so sure that God disapproves then why not leave it to God to judge?
2007-07-24 06:49:41 UTC
I completely agree. This is also a separation of church and state issue as well as a violation of the Constitution since not all people are being treated equally.
Jake B
2007-07-24 06:46:45 UTC

The type of intercourse you may enjoy and who with is not my business.

As for this business about the religous element of marriage, well its a crock of sh+t. Most people who get married in a church dont even understand or obey the vows they are taking anyway.
2007-07-30 14:24:28 UTC
personally i care about gay marriage but not in an anti sense. my care stems from my wantign to marry the person i love an dnot hav eto choose who to love because of their gender.
2007-07-24 06:49:31 UTC
I feel the same way. It doesn't affect me, at all. Good luck to them, everyone deserves happiness without discrimination.
2007-07-29 13:55:57 UTC
Tell me, who tells you what God's top priorities are?
2007-07-24 06:54:32 UTC
I agree!
2007-07-24 06:47:11 UTC
I don't care.
2007-07-24 06:45:48 UTC
THANK YOU!!! I agree 100%.

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