Ok ive dated a muslim guy and the first thing she said to me when she met me was that she doesnt care whether im white, black, indian, asian, whatever .... as long as her grandchildren are raised muslim, she has no problem with ME. So if you are comfortable with that fact, then you should have no problem with them. Also, the main reason why theyre so strict with this fact is that muslim people in general are very forward moving and expanding ... their mentalities are to create a great muslim race and as many people to convert to islam as possible.
Also... regardless of whether u convert or whether ur bf wants u to convert or not, I was told that any non muslim girl that marries a muslim man.... automatically becomes a muslim upon marriage .... and if she is not, she will have to convert and it has to be consented. So regardless of whther u want to convert or not, u will be classified a muslim...
and lastly... you dont need to kiss their hands, becuase if ur not gona convert and ur not gonna follow their religion ... then what difference does it make whether u kiss their hands or not? they know ur not sincere and they know ur a non muslim .... dont degrade urself cuz theyll see right through u ....
im sure marriage is fine but just remember, muslim families are very strict regarding children and them being raised muslim ... and preserving muslim values