Maria S
2010-11-08 20:20:25 UTC
Background info: The father and his parents have been watching my son since birth while I am at work and school. We both lived in the same city so I dropped off my son at his grandparents home every morning and picked him up. My sons father has been unemployed for the last few years and his parents are retired so I thought it would be best for my son to stay with them instead of being in daycare. A few months ago I had to move for a new job which is 50 miles from my sons fathers. During the transition to a new home and job, I allowed my son to stay with his father during the week and I have had him on the weekends. The main reason for this was because the father is unemployed and he will not allow me to put my son in daycare if I was to have him during the week. We currently have a parenting plan for 1 week on/1 week off and he is supposed to be paying 60% of all childcare costs plus child support. Of course he refuses to pay the child care costs because he wont let my son go to childcare. He also has not been paying child support, which I was fine with as he is taking care of our child more right now.
I dont have money for a lawyer and he has had multiple family members write witness statements on how great of a father he is and how I 'agreed' to allow my son to live with his father. But they don't tell the entire story. I only agreed because he didn't give me another option other than quit my job (or not work for the week I had my son, which I cant do).
We have court next week. How does the process work? Will I be able to tell my story to a judge, or will he just read the paperwork prior and make a decision? Can they really give the father full custody because he doesn't have a job and stays home all day?