Ive been with my fiancee 4 ovr a year.we use 2 drink and smoke ciggs together but i quit when i became pregnant.he still did it.now our baby girl is born and i expected him 2 at least cut back.he drinks daily..least 12 beers and ovr a case when hes off work.last night he was drunk stumbling which he doesnt get like often and here hes wanting to change baby and im scared hes gonna fall with her.i told him that im not gonna go back smoking or drinking and i told him it look like hed try 2 cut back at least 4 our daughter.and i told him i worry about his health 2.i just showed care and concern.well he went and broke up his ciggs but was upset.he said i was judging him and lookin down on him.i told him id love him if he quit or not.i was just expressing my concerns.now i feel guilty like i shouldnt have said anything.he is so good 2 me.its just i feel hes hurtin himself by drinkin and smokin but he may need it 2 cope.i feel he shouldnt need it.hes done it his whole life.what do i do?i feel so bad 4 sayin anything