How can I permanently delete websites I have visited so there is no trace of them?
2008-04-18 20:45:00 UTC
I want to permanently delete websites that I visited and make it so that nobody can ever come back and see that I was on the website or that something came from me. The thing is, I sent a text message to someone from my laptop for one of my friends. Her husband was cheating on her and she wanted to send an anonymous text to the girl that he was married because she felt as if he hadnt revealed that he was married and she probably didn't know. My husband told me not to get involved in their situation, but having been cheated on before, I felt compelled to do it. I don't want him to snoop on my computer to find that I did indeed meddle, seing as to how her husband and my husband are friends. I don't want him to tell my husband that something is up and my husband turn to me to get answers. I would much rather tell a "small lie", (what is a small lie anyway) and take this little secret with me forever. Computer guru's, please weigh in.
113 answers:
2008-04-18 20:57:12 UTC
once you delete the files from the browser going into internet options .. go to search type in part of the website you went into once the search is completed scroll down to change the setting i think it says advance settings or something like that anyways click on it and it will give you the option to search on hidden files if there any files in the pc pertaining to those you want to delete it will list them once that is done you delete the files from the list that was generated by the search.. AND THAT is it your files has been permanently deleted from your computer. and yes deleted files go to the internet provider but they only save them for 30 days after that they are permanently loss there is no way of retrieving them . good luck
2008-04-18 23:37:34 UTC
Well, all reasons aside, what you're wanting to do is to clear the cache, and that will get rid of most things that the average person can do to get to them.

You need to open Explorer, go to Tools-- Internet Options-- Then choose Delete Cookies (include offline content if the choice comes up), then Delete Files (include offline content here as well, and temporary-- whatever your choices are).

Then make sure that you "clear history".

This will clear any saved passwords, as well, like tha yahoo! 2-week password save... that's ok.

The only other way that guarantees it's all gone is to change hard drives, and/or rebuild the entire system. If your husband isn't a big computer buf-- eg, able or willing to do that kind of stuff himself, then the above should be enough. Make sure you also empty your recycling bin (trash can).

Good luck....
2008-04-18 21:59:05 UTC
Guess I do not understand how you sent the test message.

Are you talking about email or a messenger program or a text message on her website.

If you emailed her or used a messenger program she will have the origin of the sender. However, I doubt she will be looking for you.

The simply way and cheapest way is to erase Internet history--

1. just delete it from your Internet tools (something you need to do often anyway to free up memory space).

2. then defrag your disk.

The defrag will probably write over the space.

What happens when you erase or delete something is that the space is read as being open for new records with the old record in the background, once the space is filled by new data the old data can not be recovered --the background is last forever. Many individuals have learned this lesson the hard way thinking they can recover data by using a recover program--only to find out they only work if the data has not been overwritten.

I wish you the best.
2008-04-19 00:11:34 UTC
There is a few but best I know is right click on Internet explorer, firefox, etc. click internet options click "delete history" click delete all and that's the best I know.. Also there are special websites (don't know if they work but) you type the websites address in there adn it doesn't leave any traces... (so I've been told) also random fact want to fry out a computer quickly and work or school so they get a new one.... well some computers that have firefox you set priority high to internet then you open 500 of them and it shuts down... lol my friend did it today in school =P
2008-04-18 23:51:03 UTC
The best thing and only safe thing for you to do get a CCleaner. Go to:

Read what it has to say and you’ll see that this is what you need to download to clear out files that are in your computer. I have a Window Washer by Webroot but I had to pay for that one. CCleaner is free.

And while I'm here I felt that I had to tell you that your small lie will come back and haunt you some day. Lies always have a way of popping up when you least expect it. And anytime someone tells a lie it always takes another lie to cover up the first lie. You asked what is a small lie. If your husband ever finds out about your small lie, it could do a lot of damage to your marriage. And your husband did ask you not to get involved. So he has that to fall on if he finds out you lied to him. And you may think that you are going to take this little secret with you forever. But what will you do if the secret comes out. I know giving my advice about your little lie or your secret was not part of your question. But I just want you to be sure if it's really worth it lying to your husband. I would prefer my husband getting upset at me because I did something that he told me not to do. Then for him to be upset at me because I had lied to him. And are you willing for your husband to not trust you because you say that your lie is just a small lie. Remember a lie is a lie. I felt I had to write about this because I have a friend that did the same thing you did and wow did it ever create a major problem between her and her husband.
2008-04-19 01:30:54 UTC
Best you can hope to do is clear the cache, history, and temporary internet files of all of your browsers and internet applications. But the ISP would still have records of what you visited, at least going back a certain amount of time. And some sites log the IP addresses of visiters too. No way to PERMANENTLY delete it. But the stuff I suggested up above goes pretty far to make sure most would not be able to find out.
2008-04-19 00:23:29 UTC
The easiest thing to do would be to clear the history. I am guessing your husband isn't so computer savvy that he will hunt for your webpage history. For PCs you can right click on your browser icon and go to "properties" then find the tabs that say history. Clear the history, clear the cookies, clear the cache memory. I use a mac, but I'm pretty sure that's how you do it.

My little two cents (for what it's worth)- Next time I would stay out if it if you can help it. I know you care for your friend, but you can always be there for her. You can be supportive and you can pray for her. I would try to do what your husband says too. He's probably a smart guy. You two need to stick together. YOUR marriage is the most important one.
2008-04-18 21:52:56 UTC
Well, it's never a great idea to have lies between mates, but you already KNOW that, so I'll just answer your question.

It SOUNDS like you mean you think there will be traces of what you said on a website, other than your computer? I'm not sure.

If it's on YOUR computer, you can do what was said above, but if it's stuff already on another website, that's trickier. Is it something on a forum, cause if it is, there's usually an option to DELETE (like you can click DELETE this question, unless you select a best answer, then you can't delete it after that).. But if it's something else, you don't have as much options.

You can clear your browser history, but he may wonder. You can clear your hard drive (by backing up and wiping your HD), but again, he may wonder.

My advice is to come clean with him and apologize for going against his advice, and tell him you'll do your best to not do that again...and do your best not to go against his advice again.

He'll probably be ticked at what you did, but not as ticked if he finds out you did it, then tried to cover it up.

Think about it reversed. What if you advised him to NOT do something and you found out he not only did it, but lied about it and tried to cover it up?

kinda sucks......




and simply apologize to him

and try and do better with him

I learned the HARD WAY that it's best to just be honest with your mate when you mess up....


Best of luck to you and your situation.....

sucks about your friend though....she deserves to know.
2008-04-18 21:27:59 UTC
The best thing to do is to tell your husband what happened, and tell her to next time deal with her own problems between her and her husband, and not involve you. If she suspects him cheating, she should leave him and not involve you, the guy down the street, her dog groomer, the president, etc. This will come back to haunt you, so you may as well fess up. The other honey might respond to your text or whatever it was you did, and your husband could well find out. Keeping secrets like that is not a good way of keeping a marriage together. You want to be an example of a GOOD marriage, right? Then fess up.
2008-04-19 00:34:04 UTC
Think about this... your small lie is a choice. You are choosing to deceive and mislead your husband and cover up your tracks. All because you know he will not like what you are doing....grow up. You are fortunate enough to have a husband that cares enough about you to weigh in and say "stay out of it" because he wants you protected and not dealing with drama between couples. You are no different than the cheater- you are both dishonest and undeserving. Put your husband first and let your friend deal with her own mess- unless of course you guys are planning on renting a little apartment together whe your hubby leaves you as well. Fun times.
2014-08-20 12:13:55 UTC
You can check here the best service:

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I have been looking online for a reverse cell phone lookup service and came accross the reverse phone detective. I have tried to punch in a few cell numbers and they say they have information for some but not all numbers. If the number I type in comes up, they tell me where the phone is located, but only what state...

The free reverse telephone lookup doesn't works properly. To get interesting information, cash will must be paid. The free searches don't provide considerably more than what might be found through the telephone directory or personal information and they just need your email to send spam.

The service that I posted above is definitely the best service that I could find. You can have these kind of informations:

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You ought to stay far from shady reverse telephone lookup destinations, undoubtedly you won't get any information after you make the installation. Remain faithful to a reputable reverse telephone lookup site like that has been on the market for a considerable measure of years. With their reverse cell phone lookup tool you can find out information behind any cell or land line number. Type in the persons cell phone number and you will be given access to their report, including name cell and land line numbers, and address.

It can be used also for a much deeper search. People wanting to get hold of all kinds of background reports, as well as cell phone numbers, addresses and names..

Trust it! It's a great service.
2008-04-19 00:57:04 UTC
It depends on what browser you're using. If you're using Internet Explorer select "Tools" and then "Internet Options" and then click "Clear History". If you're using Mozilla Firefox, select "Tools" and then "Options" and then click on the "Privacy" icon (that's an unlocked lock with a minus sign in a red circle) and click "Clear All". If you are not using either one than I'm sorry but I don't know how to help you.


It would have been better to put this question in the 'Computers' category. If you could you'd rather consult a computer technician than a psychologist right?
2008-04-19 04:28:41 UTC
People can probably still hack into it from your network provider but the average person won't think to go further than ur internet history. Click on the yellow star (in internet), go to history, right click on the appropriate websites and click delete. Also if you searched for the websites through google/yahoo/ask etc. then you just click in the search box, move your mouse over all the search items there, and click backspace/delete for the appropriate ones. The average person probably won't even think to check your computer anyway.
2008-04-18 22:02:42 UTC
If like most of us you have windows xp or older perform the following:

1. Right click Start

2. Highlight and left click explore

3. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Your name\Local Settings\History

4. Go to the history date(s) when you accessed the webpages

5. Highlight and delete the webpages. No one will be the wiser and the address bar dropdown box will look the same.

Don't format or do something stupid unless the FBI is gonna look at it.
2008-04-19 04:19:53 UTC
Whenever you send any kind of message, an identifier of yourself goes with it. That identifier can be your email address, mobile phone number or the IP address your laptop used.

If it's the IP address, it's not difficult to find the company or ISP associated with it. Therefore, you could still get busted, even if you manage to clean your trail on your laptop.

Just come clean. You CLAIM you did this because someone cheated on you in the past. Well, you cheated on your husband by lying to him and then trying to cover it up. And a person that lies about a "small" thing is just a couple of drinks or certain situation away from lying about a "big" thing.

Was jeopardizing your own marriage worth the lie?
2008-04-19 02:45:27 UTC
Go into tools, then onto clear browsing history.

Control panel, internet options, click on clear history.

The start to type the website and if the site comes up automatically wait until it is there scroll onto it and click delete.

Also check any internet temporary files and clear or delete them good luck
2008-04-19 00:54:43 UTC
Ok well 1st off you got plenty of good how-to answers here but may I ask how you think you sent an anonymous text message to this girl???

If you sent it to her via yahoo or any other site, it is sent under your email address.

I could be wrong but then again I could be right.

Meddling is never good but she is your friend and friends have to stick together.

Your husband told you not to get involved BUT did you tell him you wouldnt?

Theres many steps you have to take if you're gonna be sneaky especially when meddling.

Always cover your tracks and if ya word your sh*t just right then technically you can't get pinned for lying.
2014-06-15 16:03:01 UTC
Will your hubby be snooping around for such info? My guess is not...just do what someone said above, options and delete all! That will delete any websites visited until new ones are visited again. Next time, don't butt in!
2008-04-18 21:20:16 UTC
You know, all of the answers above are good answers, but when you do delete the history, I think your husband will notice when he goes into type into the web browser and sees that nothing drops down. The way I see it, he shouldn't be snooping to begin with. Even if you're wrong. He'd be wrong, too, to snoop. So when (or if) he calls you out on it, just explain your reasons for doing it, be honest, and then ask him what he was doing snooping through your stuff. He'll probably feel embaressed enough to shut up and end it right there. I'd say, rest easy unless the problem actually does present itself.
2008-04-18 21:14:07 UTC
Depends on who's looking for the files.

For most snoops, you can just delete your browser's history.

If your husband is a computer person, then often there are other records of activity.

If you husband is a computer expert, and paranoid, he may actually install a keylogger on your system - and if that's the case, everything that is typed is recorded in a file somewhere, depending on the keylogger. (some devices are built into keyboards, and store the data on a small memory card.)

If your husband is a computer security professional, or in law enforcement, it would be possible for him to get the records off the web server, or even deleted files off your hard disk drive.

But for most purposes, simply deleting your history is good enough.
2014-09-28 11:30:47 UTC
A reverse cell phone lookup service I have used is

Enter the number in the system and they will tell you a lot of informations about the phone number and the person who owns it.

If they have extra details you will have to pay for the report.

Free reverse phone lookup sites generally don't provide anything interesting. To get further information, money will have to be paid. The free searches do not provide much more than what can be found through the phone book.

The best thing is that you can get informations about anyone!!
2008-04-19 01:03:14 UTC
All you have to do is firstly,

Click the history button at the top of your net page (little green clock). If its not there then its in internet options. Right click on the days it shows and delete them.

Secondly go back to internet options and click delete cockies and delete tempery files.

This way if anyone checks your browsing history its blank.
2008-04-18 21:25:24 UTC
Go into your history on your computer and delete everything in there. This will make it to where he can not log what you have done in the past however long you have had the computer. Now I must tell you like cell-phones most people know that if all of that has been deleted then something was going on to make them delete it. If it was just for today then delete todays history only and then go web surfing to cover your tracks.
2008-04-18 22:12:19 UTC
If deleting the brower history doesn't seem enough, download Spybot Search and Destroy. Scan your computer and 'fix' usage tracks. This is meant to keep hackers from finding out what your habits are but i guess it can work for husbands too! Next time, use Browzar!
2008-04-18 22:14:22 UTC
it depends what type of operating system you have, but if you have windows vista, or internet 7 or 6, go to tools, then internet options, followed by delete, the delete is next to settings, after you click delete you'll see a list of things to delete, then delete the history, the tempery files, the cookies, and etc, that'll help you. If he finds the website you were on, then he really digged in your computer, but he wouldn't have the time to do all that, but what i said will help you out.
LeAnn S
2008-04-19 03:59:28 UTC
Click on Tools and then click on internet options. See the general tab and look down for browsing history. Click on delete and it will erase the websites you have visited.
2008-04-18 20:55:01 UTC
Everything you do on your computer is recorded on the hard drive. Until the space is reused, which could take a long time, then the record will still be there. As someone said before, replacing completely or formating are the only options. By doing this, everything on your computer will be lost and you will have to start from square one. Just coming clean maybe a better and cheaper alternative in the long run.
2008-04-19 03:47:35 UTC
Use the "disk cleanup" program found in the "System Tools" folder in the "Accessories" folder on the start menu. This will make it hard for just anyone to get to the information you are trying to hide. The best way to get rid of this information is to use McAfee Quick Clean which comes with most of their virus protection software. Quick clean actually goes over the file several times erasing almost all traces. Hope this helps.
2008-04-19 00:25:27 UTC
who cares? What can he do to you? He is saying his friends are more important than yours? Hell no. Lay down the line girlfriend. Reminds me of I love Lucy. Ha ha depending on what type of computer you have. If you have windows you go to tool-Internet options-delete cookies(or for vista delete-then delete all) once you click delete in either versions make sure you check the box to delete all offline files.
2008-04-19 04:54:26 UTC
unless your husband is a clever cookie and is willing to do a data recovery on the hdd which is time consuming and tedious and may not work anyway, just delete your cookies, your temp files, and your temp internet files, and your history.

either use "ccleaner" download it and run it or get someone to do it that really knows what they are doing. then mt your recycle bin. it does leave a record on the hard drive, but not many people know how to or have the ability to find it.
2008-04-19 00:41:00 UTC
all the above saying internet option and delete all files.. cookies, histroy is enough to distroy history... yeah if he is computer professional and experienced one.. he may know to retreve tiING .. any how. the important thing.



Vince a
2008-04-18 20:57:41 UTC
hehe! Meddling woman! You can't get away from it matter what it is saved somewhere out there far from your PC. Why even worry about it? Will your hubby be snooping around for such info? My guess is not...just do what someone said above, options and delete all! That will delete any websites visited until new ones are visited again. Next time, don't butt in!
2008-04-19 02:59:47 UTC
Go to the top of your screen and you will see the word Tools, click on that, and then you will see delete browing history, click on it and then something will pop up and you will see a place that says delete and then you are done. Cleans up all of your browing history and there is no trace....good luck, us girls have to do what we have to do.
2008-04-19 05:12:21 UTC
when your on the Internet go to tools on the top task bar. Click it and a drop down menu will appear. Delete browsing history should be an option.
2008-04-18 22:04:15 UTC
You're screwed based on karma.

You KNEW it was wrong to do what you did, but you plowed ahead and, against the better judgment and advice of your husband, muddied the already murky waters of lies, cheating and deception by sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong.

I hope you did this being fully prepared to deal with the consequences. This whole mess sounds like you're addicted to drama.

Drama sucks.
2014-09-21 04:31:02 UTC
1. Right click Start

2. Highlight and left click explore

3. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Your name\Local Settings\History

4. Go to the history date(s) when you accessed the webpages

5. Highlight and delete the webpages. No one will be the wiser and the address bar dropdown box will look the same.
2008-04-18 21:27:10 UTC
Go to tools and internet options and general. Delete your temporary files, history, saved passwords and your cookies. Especially your tracking cookies. You don't have to reformat your hard drive. I don't believe there are too many people out there playing detective. So, this is not only realy easy, but unless you have a sleuth in the family who is purposely trying to spy on you, this should do the trick.
2008-04-19 05:13:25 UTC
Shopaholic is right. But to be TOTALLY sure, the only way is to delete your hard drive and fill it up with anything, then delete it again. It depends on how secure you want it to be.

Usually, deleting the browsing history will do the job.
2008-04-19 00:10:43 UTC
go to tools on the internet page at the top. Then click delete browsing history. From there delete what you want.
2008-04-18 21:05:14 UTC
You don't need to reformat your hard drive. Unless he is looking for files, you only need to do a quick fix. such as go into your web browser and delete you history and all your cookies. This will clear everything immediately.

If you are using Internet Explorer go to : Tools - Internet Options - Under the General Tab - go to Browsing History and hit delete.

If you have Vista, you'll need to delete the browser history from your My Computer file as well.
2008-04-18 23:26:31 UTC
Remove and replace your hard drive. You will have to download your operating systems and anything you want to keep from your old drive but it works. There is also a software application out there that will wipe your drive. However,a good forensic tech. can still usually recover most of the stuff on the drive.Best to just get rid of it and start fresh.
2008-04-19 04:22:52 UTC
You can delete history. They have no idea which website you have visited.
2008-04-18 21:56:33 UTC
You sent a text message I assume using email (yahoo,outlook..etc .) so delete the email ( check sent box..etc.) l and empty your trash can. I don't see how this is do with with websites?

If you do want to delete your history then :

1. Safari go to ( clear history), Edit empty trash

2. IE - Tools-->Options-->delete history

**if you really want to clean all logs install CC cleaner**
2008-04-19 03:50:38 UTC
You and your friends should wake up. I'm 45 and I have never met a man that doesn't cheat!!! You should stop snooping and start enjoying life or you will be stuck in this drama the rest of your lives. Men are men, DEAL WITH IT!!!
2008-04-19 05:12:45 UTC
Use your history button on your computer and delete them there, or if you have a cleaner put on your computer, it is called a "CC" cleaner that I had installed on my computer and it deleates everything you did on your computer that day, like all the sites that you visited, of course, if you wanted to save things in files you do that, then run your "CC" cleaner.

My computer guy put it in my trash can, that I have to click on, and I right click it, and it brings up the "CC" cleaner and then I left click it and then it cleans my computer, so it runs better, it is really neet.

That way, the "junk" does not build up on your computer and your computer will not freeze up, he installed the "CC" cleaner for free, might be something good for you to check out.
2008-04-18 22:37:22 UTC
Thre is a freeare/shareware progarm called This will remove most of the stuff from your computer. THe rest of the stuff he won't find unless he is an expert. Spider even removes the stuff from dat files.

I found an employes surfing porn from his dat files.
2008-04-19 01:29:32 UTC
you should be ok if you just delete the obvious stuff (the history stuff and the cookies etc...). if he's snooping deeper than that into your hard drive, then i'd wonder why he doesn't trust you that much.

way to go on helping your friend. if i was being cheated on, i'd want all the help i could get!

good luck.
2008-04-19 02:44:57 UTC
In your internet browser go to "tools">"internet options" then under "history" (or "privacy" if youre in Firefox) press "delete all". This will delete all the internet history and websites you've visited. Hope this helps.
♥Annali's Mommy TTC#2♥
2008-04-19 00:13:45 UTC
Well u go to control panel then click on internet options then click delete on the browsing options also u can go to ur computer history and erase all of it its usually on ur upper left hand side of internet screen. good luck!:) internet
2008-04-19 01:48:05 UTC
It's as simple as clearing your Cache, and History.

With Internet Explorer, it's under Tools/Preferences.

Done, and done!

2008-04-19 04:43:01 UTC
if your using mozilla firefox 2. press ctrl+shift+dlt and it will give you the option to erase your browsing history and cookies, etc.

Or, you can use Privacy Eraser Pro. It will delete all internet history and things that relate to the history for you.

Hope that help. =]
2008-04-19 00:26:42 UTC
Your reasons for what you did seem justifiable. You write well, so I believe you to be an intelligent woman, and just use that intelligence to tell your husband (should he snoop) what you did and why. Stand for what you thought was right.
2008-04-18 23:13:11 UTC
well im not a computer guru, but i can tell you all you have to do is go to the top of the page click on tools, then options, then privacy and set your settings to delete after 1 day and delete after closing web...... you can also set your computer to automaticly delete after 1 day on history at the top of your page! but sometimes you have to delete the history the first time till you set it! you can figure it out! its a sintch........
2008-04-18 22:21:05 UTC
This is the best way to do this. Go to start, control panel, internet options, delete, delete all, also delete files and settings, yes. Click on every thing in this order and you will be fine.
2008-04-19 04:03:07 UTC
If it is a newer computer go to "tools" then delete browsing history then delete all goes
2008-04-19 02:29:24 UTC
dude we aren't gonna belive the story becuz we all kno ur prolly around 12-15 trying to learn how to delete porn websites on your computer so ur mom doesn't find out
2008-04-18 20:56:08 UTC
First save all information you want from your computer on disk.

Then bring your computer back to factory status.

Computers either come with disk to do so or built into computer.

Then next time be careful don't go to any sights you don't want others to know about
2008-04-18 23:54:09 UTC
go to tools ... top right corner of screen little silver bolt thing... then click on delete browsing history and delete all webs that have been looked at!
2008-04-18 21:36:22 UTC
you can download a registry cleaner and run it on your pc. it will clean all your temporary internet files and temporary whatever files. but if the software has logs or archives, then maybe you can delete that one too :)

in using the regitry cleaner it will also erase all he saved passwords, sites visited and stuff like that.

you can also empty your recycle bin after you have deleted the file/s.
2008-04-18 23:31:40 UTC
go to control panel, (start - control panel or my computer - change a setings) click on internet options, then click on clear history. nobody in the world can find what u did.
Holly W
2008-04-18 20:55:11 UTC
Right click on start select search and type in cookies. Then go to edit and then select all then hit delete. Keep in mind there is one essential cookie that can not be deleted some index one and that is ok to keep. Then go to trash and delete the cookies there. Also go to History and delete them and recheck trash and delete.
poodle mom
2008-04-19 05:04:00 UTC
go to your tool option, click on delete browsing history, delete cookies, and delete files
2008-04-19 01:03:01 UTC
Here's a better question Perv...why don't you just stop visiting those sites. Put down the hand cream and listen
2017-02-15 08:09:08 UTC
2008-04-18 22:56:34 UTC
why dont you just say that you are cheating on your husband? and want to get rid of all the evidence. dont worry about it, he will soon find out . I dont buy that teeanger story " my friend husband is cheating on her ....."

Cheaters are so dumb and stupid, get educated and then cheat

so then you can say , i tried.
2008-04-18 22:43:42 UTC
If you go on internet explorer..

On the top bar it will say tools, click on that and somewhere in there should say delete browsing history.

Hope this helped
2008-04-18 21:25:52 UTC
i have an HP laptop and this is what i do:

click start, and find CONTROL PANEL somewhere, it might be on the side or under programs, click it. then find internet options, and click delete, and it might show you lists of things you can delete and click website history - thats how mine is..
2008-04-19 00:56:09 UTC
if you to delete tose website that you had open before,just go to your internet window,then in menu bar click tools,then internet options,then in general tab.....find delete and click delete history......then a warning window will appear if youre sure to delete it...then click YES.......
2008-04-18 21:47:25 UTC
The best way would be to get 3rd party software that clean your computer of these files completely.
2008-04-18 21:23:10 UTC
go to start, then to accessories and do a 'disk cleanup' it cleans up your hard drive along with websites etc. also, through your internet toolbar, under tools, go to options where you can delete all records off your browser and computer.
2008-04-18 21:18:17 UTC
go to tools and select delete browsing history and then a list of things u can delete will pop up and click the delete history.
Cool Chic
2008-04-18 22:24:48 UTC
while you are connected like right from this page go to


Internet options

delete temporary files, history, cookies and web form information, passwords

That will delete it from anyone who is a novice
2008-04-19 01:29:57 UTC
Please visit this site and download it, it is 100 % safe and will delete what you dont want to be on your computer. Search in google for FREE WINDOW SWEEPER
2008-04-18 22:39:25 UTC
go to "Tools" on the top toolbar

then there should be a "Delete Browsing History" button

just click "Delete History"

Thats how it works on mine
2008-04-18 21:20:00 UTC
All you have to do is go to history and delete them. It should be under tools when your on the internet.
2008-04-18 21:52:08 UTC
Right click the title and click delete
2008-04-19 02:53:08 UTC
Not being funny but you should have kept your nose out. Lies have a way of catching up with people anyway.
Doc Ryan
2008-04-18 23:42:19 UTC
hell will be full of people who told small lies. Be honest and respect your husband and tell him what you did before someone else does. Tell him why you did it but, tell him.Doc
2008-04-18 21:13:45 UTC
go to internet explorer or whatever you have.. click on 'tools (in the right hand corner), then 'internet options' and then click 'delete' under browsing history.. that should work. Good luck!
Happy. Finally.
2008-04-18 21:31:14 UTC
You delete them from your history. Here is a very simple way to do so:

*Make sure you delete this questions page, and that link you visited!
2008-04-18 21:41:48 UTC
click on internet options or in firefox, click on options then select delete or clear my internet history checkmark evrythign and you're done.
2008-04-18 22:22:43 UTC
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!
thh s
2008-04-18 21:46:24 UTC
go to your control panel go to the internet settings and it will bring up a box with different tags find the one with history and cookies and clear them all
2008-04-18 20:50:20 UTC
I'm afraid that it's impossible to do this. The data goes to the Internet provider and stays there forever. There is no way to get rid of it permanently.
2008-04-18 21:02:45 UTC
Format your hard drive it is same like make your Computer new.
2008-04-18 20:50:45 UTC
I have heard that even if you clear your browsing and cookie history, that they still stay filed somewhere in the PC..Iwould love to know where to find these "hidden files" myself. I have a pre-teen and want to make sure no stone is left unturned as far as the internet goes. Im curious to see answers as well.
2008-04-18 20:49:44 UTC
Best thing you can do other than replacing your Hard disk drive is to FORMAT it. Nobody will ever know you were in a bad website, thats for sure!!
Reality Check!!
2008-04-18 21:15:03 UTC
Download "TracksEraser Pro" - google it, free and effective!
2008-04-18 20:51:34 UTC
I don't know if this is permanent, but this is what i do: Click on

Tools" below the address bar. And click "Delete Browsing History". Then, all the sites you've visited shown on History will be deleted.
2008-04-18 21:19:55 UTC
Use a computer at the library next time ok . then it wont be on yours at all..
2008-04-19 01:33:08 UTC
if you are using firefox go under "tools" menu and select "clear private data"
2008-04-18 23:05:59 UTC
clear private data
Hey... It's Me
2008-04-19 01:19:30 UTC
click Tools > Intenet options and click "Delete cookies", "delete files" and "clear history" ............. thats it ...
Sticky Wickets
2008-04-19 01:02:13 UTC
clean your histories and cookies cache
2008-04-19 00:18:30 UTC
Dats an easy one go to tools then clear private data. ................hehe done it lots
Ms. Kelly
2008-04-18 21:35:29 UTC
Oooooooooooooooo, naughty, naughty. What were you looking at lol.
2008-04-19 02:16:41 UTC
Quit looking at porn!
2008-04-18 23:20:47 UTC
ya format your hard disk or you could reinstall windows .
good gesser
2008-04-18 20:58:43 UTC
go to the library, or an airport where you can borrow a computer
2008-04-18 23:26:56 UTC
Destroy yr hard disk
2008-04-18 23:06:44 UTC
smash the computer
Ray E
2008-04-18 21:12:16 UTC
go to your history and clear all
2008-04-18 21:18:44 UTC
stay off them and dont except no invites . your .isp. provider can track you . my opion?
2008-04-18 20:56:34 UTC
cc cleaner on cnet free..
2008-04-19 00:47:44 UTC
use google it wont show up
2008-04-18 22:18:14 UTC

that worked for me:)
2008-04-18 20:57:15 UTC
Well you take a sledge hammer to your hard drive..
2008-04-18 20:53:47 UTC
best way to smash the hard drive
2008-04-18 22:01:17 UTC
here is the bes advice MIND YOUR BUSINESS!
Me : )
2008-04-19 00:13:54 UTC
I don't know. I'm sorry.
2008-04-18 21:43:38 UTC
I would have done the same thing......
2008-04-18 23:39:48 UTC
Next time go to a coffee shop with free internet service. Duh!
2008-04-19 00:01:18 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.