2008-11-06 08:37:05 UTC
This shows what a marriage should look like. But before man and woman was placed in the garden, the earth had already been prepared to sustain them.
What I'm getting at is a "nest" had been prepared for them. I feel that's what children need to have the best chance to thrive. The man and woman become one and as such are a "nest" for babies born to them.
What we have now is people who live impulsively, thoughtlessly and with little if any preparation for their safety. Much of the time there is no "nest" and children just fall where they land. If they are born with a nest, a parent or parents selfishness can rip it from them.
God said, "I hate divorce."
Malachi 2:14-
"You fill the place of worship with your whining and sniveling because you don't get what you want from God. Do you know why? Simple. Because God was there as a witness when you spoke your marriage vows to your young bride, and now you've broken those vows, broken the faith-bond with your vowed companion, your covenant wife. God, not you, made marriage. His Spirit inhabits even the smallest details of marriage. And what does he want from marriage? Children of God, that's what. So guard the spirit of marriage within you. Don't cheat on your spouse.
16"I hate divorce," says the God of Israel. God-of-the-Angel-Armies says, "I hate the violent dismembering of the 'one flesh' of marriage." So watch yourselves. Don't let your guard down. Don't cheat.
17You make God tired with all your talk.
"How do we tire him out?" you ask.
By saying, "God loves sinners and sin alike. God loves all." And also by saying, "Judgment? God's too nice to judge."