Loves me but doesn't see a future?
2009-10-19 13:02:49 UTC
Scenario, 24 year old (me) meets 20year old. Ya I know, quite the gap. Truthfully, I had no idea until it was mentioned. His mind set, look and life accomplishments said otherwise. It came as a complete surprise. Recent college graduate, who supported himself, live on his own. He seemed to have been on fast track for most of his life, thus age never became a component. Although hesitant, I figured why not try.

I continued the courtship, which rapidly became a relationship, and progressed into love. Words cannot begin describe. Forget cloud 9, cloud 10 was best fit. Future, marriage, family, kids…etc were all positives topics discussions. We had the same values, ambitions, goals, essentially could not get enough of each other.

Well several months down the road, age took its turn I suppose. I got a rude awakening when the person to whom I was supposedly the love of his life; brought up the possibility of moving back to his home country temporarily (4-6months). I expressed my slight concern over the possibility of distance, but over discussion concluded together that we would love and support each other through whatever life through at us.

Well I guess after much reflection on his part sometime after, he then confronted me yet again and concluded that our relationship would probably not work in the end given that we were at different stages in our lives.

Shocked, I was furious. That I had opened my heart yet again, only to be told in so many words, i'm not enough. Does love not count for anything? He expressed his emotions, cried and explained how much the decision was not what he wanted but what he felt was right for the both of us, as in time, we would simply get more attached and it would be harder to let go.

His train of though: logic/mind over emotion – My train of though: follow your heart.

In the end, I fought, but there was no changing his mind, so I let it go. I figured his lost as he was not even willing to try. Truth though: I’m devastated -Yet another broken heart.

We still talk every other day. Some say I should have chop him/cut him off as what he did to me was not fair … but I simply cannot. I miss him dearly.

Its been 3 weeks since the breakup, when we speak: he often talks about the relationship, express his sadness, how much he misses me, and “I still love you” pops out here and there…YET, his final decision still is to remain separate…and does not think seeing each is the best idea, as it would only make things harder.

I am confused, and I’ve expressed this to him. He says he knows what he wants, but that you can’t always have what you want in life, that sometimes you must do what’s right and that it would be unfair to me to keep me all to himself for the time being, when he knows at the back of his mind that it will never work…He told me at any time, if I feel its best to cut contact, he said he would understand...

Twelve answers:
2009-10-26 22:15:44 UTC
Stop talking to him. I don't think he loves you. I think he's stringing you along and he doesn't know what he wants.

Been there, done that.

I don't think he cares about you as much as you do for him.

It does sound like he is keeping you as a what if: Plan B...

Sorry I know it hurts. Stay away from him. Change your number.

If he sends you e-mails, change your e-mail.

If he sends you letters, refuse them & return to sender.

I'm sorry once again. Nothing is worse than a broken heart, no matter who causes it.
2009-10-19 13:29:50 UTC
Well first let me say BRAVO on your writing and grammar skills! A delight to read it all the way through! Now on to the issue.

You actually have answered your own question after paragraph five:

" His train of though: logic/mind over emotion – My train of though: follow your heart."

This is how most men and women think. A real man will do exactly what your ex has done and his need to stay near you even after the break up is his logic asking him if he has made a mistake in breaking t off.

He might think that the long distance relationship will be to hard on you and or him and wants to break it off to spare both of you pain. He may have been burned before by some other gal that broke his heart when he had to go back home and his mind is telling him "No not again".

The only real problem here is his age. Although he might be well ahead of his age mentally, the fact remains he still does not have much life experience and it is showing right now. I have met several just like your ex and one of my ex's being the case.

Letting him go is the best thing you can do and just like my ex within the next year he came right back to me. Let him go to his home land and return, I bet you if you are not involved he will come flying back for his mind as well as his heart will lead him to you.

I'm afraid it's like that short poem "If you love something set it free. If it returns to you it's yours. If it doesn't it never was", but Hon this is one of those that you can almost bet that will return. The question is like myself will your heart have hardened in the absence? Hardened over the betrayal? Sure there is still friendship and love for my ex for we we're friends first, but romantically it's just not there for me anymore.

Best of wishes to you Hon!
2009-10-19 13:14:12 UTC
He didn't tell you that you were "not enough" and it's not doing you any good at all to keep telling yourself that he did. Sometimes things just don't work out - people are at different places in their lives, or they find out their values don't quite match up closely enough, or one person just isn't into the other one as much as the other is. Whatever the reasons, the fact remains the same: he has, as kindly as he possibly could, informed you that the two of you don't have marriage to each other in your future. Frankly, it's hard to imagine how he could have handled the situation any better than he has. He's even following up by continuing to give you support over the phone.

I think what you should do is make peace with him. Thank him, sincerely, for the wonderful time you did have with him, and acknowledge that your relationship dreams are over. You don't have to be happy about this, but doing it would almost certainly be good for your mental health.
2009-10-19 13:24:38 UTC
I think the young man did what was right and honorable. It's terrible that he had a change of heart, but at least he didn't string you along. He broke things off with you with honesty.

At this point it sounds like both of you are just having a hard time making that final break between you. You need to break off this sentimental contact so that you can start to heal. Your heart will be an open wound as long as you're involved emotionally with this guy. He's giving you one out after another - you need to take it.

BTW, I don't see anywhere that he said you were not enough, straight out or "in so many words".
Wisen Smart
2009-10-19 13:15:04 UTC
The worse thing you are doing is keeping in touch with your "dream never to come true". You are torturing yourself and this guy is right when he suggests that it be better to cut contact, but he feels guilty and sorry for you. Do you really want to keep a guy calling you because he feels sorry for you?

There is nothing to be confused about. He is out of your life, moving on to find the woman he loves. You are left at the other end of the phone still stuck to your hand and do not want to let go.

What is there to understand?
2009-10-19 13:14:37 UTC
He said "see ya" pretty convincingly.

A four year age difference doesn't mean squat. He's done> Your done>it's over> say goodbye and hang up.

We ask for things in life and sometimes the answers NO!

Sorry move on
2009-10-19 15:08:50 UTC
He loves you but doesn't see you as marriage material for whatever reason. Move on and stop contact with him,.
2009-10-19 13:08:49 UTC
He won't change. This is common to fast track guys. Your best bet is to cut all contact and chalk it up to lessons learned. And this has nothing to do with the age difference.
2009-10-19 13:14:26 UTC
Let him go if you do not want to waste your life away on sorrow
2009-10-19 13:18:02 UTC
yeah i think hes done

Age i believe does matter
JustBored :)
2009-10-19 13:10:22 UTC
sounds like he's trying to keep you as plan b.. move on. you deserve better.
2009-10-19 13:13:51 UTC
He just wants to have sex with commitment

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.