My husband talks to his dad everyday. What should I do?
2016-10-26 09:26:30 UTC
My husband talks to his father everyday and to be honest it really irritates me. He only lives an hour away and see him once a week. i guess that's not enough because my husband will usually spend 15-20 minutes talking to his dad on the phone. A couple of times they have talked for an hour. I always knew they were close, my husband made him a groomsman in our wedding. But this is pushing it if you ask me. I'm close to my mom, in fact we live in the same city but I don't talk to her everyday and only see her once or twice a week. I feel like this is straining our marriage because I want to spend as much time with my husband as I can, but I can't do this if he talks to his dad. It would be another thing if they texted or his dad lived far away, but like I said his dad only lives an hour away, all they do is talk and it's really taking away precious time from my husband. How can I convince him that talking to your dad everyday is not normal for a married man? Especially when your dad dosen't live that far away.
140 answers:
2016-10-29 02:03:06 UTC
You Are Jealous & Insecure, For What Reason? That's His Father, His Family. How Would Like It If Your Husband Had A Problem With You Talking With A Relative? I'm Sure You Wouldn't Like It. I Talk To My Mother Everyday, If Not, Every Other Day. IF Someone Had A Problem With That, They Can Disappear.
2016-10-26 22:04:19 UTC
Are ya nuts or is it JEALOUSY?Before my mom died I talked to her everyday sometimes 3 or 4 times on top of seeing her almost everyday and if my husband had a problem with that well he could go F himself which i would suggest to you if i was your husband.Thats his dad so the hell what.Id rather be his dad then some friend or a damn women wouldnt you?Seems your husband is very close to his dad and he probably was a good father looks like sense they have such a good relationship still to this day i guess you may of not had that so you dont understand,im sorry for you honey.You sound more like a brat than a wife you must be young as well and havent growed up enough.Unless he starts bringing daddy to bed with yall i wouldnt worry about it.
2016-10-28 09:42:07 UTC
I think you're jealous. You seem to be jealous that your husband is paying more attention to his dad than you. I think you should talk to your husband and express how you feel, tell him you feel like he's ignoring you. Communication is very important in marriage. But also I think you should understand that everyone has a different relationship with their parents, he may be closer to his dad then you are with your mother. Your husband just likes talking to his father. An hour away is still a long way away, especially if you recently got married and he isn't used to being apart from his family. He probably misses his dad and that's why he calls so frequent.
2016-10-27 14:39:04 UTC
I really don't get why you are complaining.

You say that his dad only lives an hour away. Seriously, 'only'? 5 to 20 minutes is fine, but an hour is way too long. Do you really expect him to travel for an hour everyday just to see his dad? Besides, what's wrong with talking on the phone with his dad? He probably misses him, or really enjoys and wants to talk to him. I don't think this can actually take time off, that is used for the two of you to spend time together. The most he talks is for an hour, but you have tons of other hours to spend together. But if you feel that he spends too much time on the phone, then have a talk with him. How is talking to your dad everyday not normal for a married man?
Barb Outhere
2016-10-27 01:34:36 UTC
Sorry to say, just because you married him it didn't make him your sole possession.

"I always knew they were close", You knew he was close with his Father, but now you seem to believe that he shouldn't be because YOU are in his life, and somehow you should be his be all and end all - to the exclusion of ANYBODY else. Just because you don't feel that way with your Mum doesn't mean he can't be with his Dad. That is not realistic or healthy.

He isn't staying away from you, he is contacting his Dad. A daily phone call is OK (especially if the Dad is sick or elderly or alone) as is a visit once a week. How insecure are you that this contact is "taking away precious time" from you?

Let's hope if you two do have children together that they will want to stay in touch when you get older too.
2016-10-29 15:33:57 UTC
This is so crazy, you must be a troll? If you aren't then I suggest you pipe down because you'll end up losing more than 15-30 minutes. My dad lives about half an hour away and like your husband I see him once a week. My wife has never once said anything about me phoning my dad and she'll often be on the phone during the week for a couple of hours sometimes to her mother, I have never ever felt jealous or even felt the way you've described. Get over yourself or you'll end up with only a cat to keep you company.
2016-10-27 05:18:35 UTC
You sound a little bit jealous.

Maybe he just misses his Dad since he's been in a married life.

One day his Dad wont be there, and atleast he can say he spoke to his Dad everyday.

Maybe his Dad is lonely and your husband is being a decent son and checking in & making sure he's okay, thought of that?

How does this AFFECT your marriage? He's talking to his Dad everyday, not his mistress.
2016-10-27 11:40:43 UTC
Talking to his dad for 15 minutes once a day isn't a big deal at all in fact it is good and healthy for your husband to have a relationship with his father. I would give anything to have a father (mine passed when I was a kid and my mother is not a healthy person to have a relationship with) If his father starts meddling in your relationship (giving your husband relationship advice, telling him what to do, talking negatively about you, etc) or his father is calling multiple times a day at odd times to the point where it is interfering with your marriage I would have a talk with your husband about it. You come before his parents now that he is married however it is a good thing he still has a relationship with his dad. His dad might be just lonely and want to be kept company. Also if I might add I don't know why people on here are so cruel and rude with their responses. It is not necessary. Please ignore them.
2016-10-27 00:37:21 UTC
I understand what your talking about. Because there are so many people who completely turned this around and didn't answer your question. This is something your going to have to work through.... my husband does the same with his mom and sister. I've just looked the other way when this is happening.... the only difference is we live on the same property as them and they continuously text him through out the day taking him away from me and our daughter. Focus your attention on something else. I didn't notice if you have kids or not but play with your kids during this time or call your mom. Do something different with your time while he talks to his dad. I literally started watching a tv show on Netflix with my daughter and we watch it while he's texting. Seriously though just find something to do with YOUR time while he talks. Before you know it your husband will be back with you. Or take the time to use the restroom. I have an 8 month old so restroom time is luxury lol.
2016-10-28 03:45:15 UTC
Husband talking to his father for 15 to 20 minutes is not a thing to grumble about . You looks a very possessive wife who wants to be with the husband every minute .This attitude of yours will make him sick and tired of you .As a loving son he enjoys talking to his father at east for a few minutes . This does not mean that he is not a loving husband .You should not be that narrow minded .After all he is your father in law . What you should do is talk to your father in law for few minutes once in a way just to find out how he is getting on etc. He will really appreciate it and your husband too will appreciate it . You are a member of this family .Do not try to live like a stranger or outsider . In your case you see your mom once or twice a week . As such there is no need for you to talk to her daily .However your husband does not visit his father regularly .Hence he derives some satisfaction by speaking to him for few minutes .It is unusual if you go to tell your husband that talking his dad daily for few minutes is not normal . Your way of thinking is abnormal . As a married lady you should not be that narrow minded . After all your husband is with you the whole night .
2016-10-28 01:48:33 UTC
Ask if he can cut down the amount of times he calls him in a week. Amd hey atleast he doesn't have a key and doesn't show up unannounced. That would be alot worse. On the other hand i can see why you're annoyed bc he doesn't need to call everyday for a grown married man that seems kind of weird especially in this day and age where ppl don't see their family for days or months on end or only on holidays. Im engaged and i dont even call my family everyday im used to living with my fiancé so it doesn't bother me. I guess to each his own but you have a right to say how you feel if something is bothering you marriage is about both ppl not just one. Also try to be nice about it bc it wouldn't be surprising if he gets a little defensive or easily offended. Or even takes it the wrong way so try to tread lightly with how you word it. Good luck and God bless u.
2016-10-29 11:55:47 UTC
I sorry that you feel this way. People are judging you for no reason. You may be right feeling what you feel and he may be right feeling the way he feels. You should just talk to him about it over and over. If he is mature and capable of understanding he will do what is necessary. If he does love you, he may or may not continue talking to his dad that often, but he will figure out a way to make you feel that you're his priority. It's probably not the amount of time he spends talking to his dad that bothers you. It may simply be that you feel, you come second in his life, while you place him first. I can relate to it and will tell you, that if you explain this to him, things will really get better for you.

Best regards.
2016-10-31 03:39:58 UTC
How is 15 minutes - 20 minutes taking away from your precious time together. Are you attempting to spend every minute of every day together? cause in my opinion that sounds like your suffocating him. Perhaps you should reflect on your own insecurities, the reason why you feel this jealousy over losing 15-20 minutes per day. Its down right selfish to expect is full attention all the time. I read the other responses, and i see one that agrees with you, although her situation seems a lot worse. please take these answers to heart, because i truly believe you are going to ruin your marriage over fighting small battles. This is by far the smallest battle i have ever seen fought in a relationship, if you choose to fight this one, I'm sorry to tell you but you have a hard road ahead of you. Good luck, and remember couple counseling is always an option, don't just give up, but be warned, you are wrong on this one.
2016-10-28 07:34:40 UTC
Hi there!

Your husband's actions surely make you irate. You feel bad about not having all of your husband's time with you. How about what he feels? I feel like this is somehow one-sided.

Personally, if you feel that way, I believe that you must talk to him.

be calm and don't think too much into it.

I know, that we have individual personalities and probably, I don't feel the same way as you do. But, you are not your husband and your husband isn't you. You two are two different individuals.

Ask yourself,

1. How much time does he spend with me? Is it really not enough?

2. Why does he keep on talking to him, is there something that I should know about or it is only because they have a good relationship.

3. How exactly does it strain my marriage? Like in what way specifically.


I wanted to tell you more but I guess you have to find out yourself.

Look at yourself and try to ask, "Why does it bother me?" Continue asking yourself why and try your best not to blame it on him.

I wish that you will find the answer within you.
2016-10-27 15:33:44 UTC
Sounds like you are jealous of your husbands relationship with his dad! How sad! Why do you feel threatened? You come across as a very threatened jealous person! What harm is your husband doing talking to his dad? His dad is probably old and doesnt have a long life span! Let him be!How would you like it if your husband was on your case about you and your mum!?
2016-10-26 09:33:15 UTC
So you have a problem with your husband taking 15 - 20 mins out of the day to focus on his father, rather than you? Yikes.

What you should do, is learn to be okay with it. It's not like he's spending hours neglecting you. It's less than 30 mins a day talking to the person who is partially responsible for his existence. Doesn't sound excessive, even though it's not real common for adults to speak to their parents daily (unless the parent is elderly or unwell). I speak to my mother almost daily, but she's 80 yrs old, so i like to check on her, even though we live only 15 mins apart.

"How can I convince him that talking to your dad everyday is not normal for a married man?"- I'm sure it wouldn't take any convincing, because it's not common (it's normal for him to do that, but most married men don't), but it probably wouldn't make any difference. I wouldn't care if someone told me it was uncommon for a grown woman to speak to her mother every day. So what? As long as it hurts no one, it shouldn't matter if it's what other people do or not. Your husband shouldn't care that most other married men don't speak to their father daily. What other people do has nothing to do with him.

He's closer to his dad than you are with your parents. So what? It should have zero impact on your marriage, and yet you're behaving as if you're jealous that he gives his father 15 - 20 mins of his time that he might (or might not) otherwise spend with you. Why does it bother you so much? That's the real question.
2016-10-27 13:13:25 UTC
Nothing, it's great that he has a good relationship with his father. (And his mother if he has one). I'm guessing you either have a bad relationship with your parents or you don't have any family. You need to accept him for the good caring man that he obviously is. Many people end up estranged from their families over silly little things such as 'he/she spends to long on the phone to his mum/dad'think about that's ridiculous. I would have loved to have been able to have a relationship with my birth father, but sadly he was killed in WW2 just before I was born. Be pleased for your husband at least it's not another woman then you'd really have something to worry and complain about.
2016-10-28 19:44:56 UTC
Why don't you join in. Invite his dad dinner stay a part of it. Your husband will be so revived by that action he will appreciate you more. But if you get upset he will rebel and resent you. Don't let their unique beautiful relationship get in the way of your marriage. Call your mom when your husband is talking to his dad.....maybe you and your mom also will become close. Life too short......this won't be forever a problem. Bless you
2016-10-29 11:55:23 UTC
You should be extremely happy because most families are not like your husband's. What he does is the normal thing. Good for him for appreciating his dad and his dad being caring. You are lucky so please think from that perspective. A lot of people have given you a similar answer so now you can see this is something to look at with positive attitude.
2016-10-27 20:06:50 UTC
I used to feel the need to have constant contact with my mom and call once a day or every other day when I moved states. Now being free of that feeling I understand that it wasn't healthy even if it is normal for many. As much as your husband has mental problems there can be worse things. family always being there is a great thing and maybe he will even be favored in the will and be given more money and property than the siblings that don't call
2016-10-27 12:25:28 UTC
I am 53 and I lost both of my parents. I really wish that I could talk to them again. They won't be around forever. 15 to 20 minutes may seem like a long time but life is so short. Let him love them and spend a little extra time with them. Your husband will love you more in the long run for allowing this time with these precious people.
2016-10-27 09:21:19 UTC
Really? You're upset because your husband talks to his FATHER?? Try some counseling to deal with your insecurity and jealousy. It's his father for crying out loud.I am by no means trying to be mean, nut your "problem" is self-made from selfishness. Do some yoga or pilates while he's on the phone. Do ANYTHING but complain about something as trivial as this.
2016-10-29 15:55:48 UTC
Dont be selfish. His father raised him to be the man you married. He deserves a 20 min call a day. You can spend the other 23 hours and 40 minutes with your man. If that aint enough, that 20 minutes wont make a difference either. Your husband should have this little time with his father if that makes them happy. I think your very very selfish and you'll only realise when someone passes away how much you miss them.
2016-10-28 21:39:10 UTC
I felt the way you did when I was a newlywed. I was awful to my husband about it. I was insecure and mean. then his dad got terribly ill and died. I regret every single moment of jealousy and my unkind attitude. Thankfully my husband has forgiven me. I'm ashamed to think how I was back then. Don't make the same mistake I did. Respect the love they share. Love can never divide but multiply. Be sweet even when you don't feel it. Eventually you will be glad you were kind to your husband and his father.
2016-10-27 09:55:28 UTC
Stop being selfish , good god 15-20 minutes a day talking to his dad keeping in touch it's not the end of the world

what is really your problem kicking up this commotion hue and cry. Has Jealousy got something to do with it ?.
2016-10-26 19:16:32 UTC
You have all day to be with your husband! Him talking to his dad for 20 minutes to an hour everyday isn't bad. I suggest you learn to live with it and be okay with it and not be jelous over it.
2016-10-27 06:38:44 UTC
wow. you sound like a jealous *** wife. kinda a *****. Don't you know some people don't get to even talk to their parents anymore? Stop being so jealous and selfish, you get your husband allllll day. And a hour away is actually kinda long considering most family stay like 20-30 min away from each other. No offense but if I were your husband and you confronted me about it, I would divorce you lol.
2016-10-27 08:43:32 UTC
You sound clingy and quite needy if you do not get over this and suck it up chances are your going to be the one that will be putting a strain on the marriage and him asking for a divorce. How long do you speak to your friends on the phone each day not really that different. I think your a bit jealous of your father in-law which is kind of ridiculous and just a tad pathetic. Just because your married doesn't mean he is not suppose to talk to anyone but you!
2016-10-27 09:19:09 UTC
You know what? It's none of your business, how often he talks to his dad. It's obvious you're jealous of your relationship they have. My husband and I are retired military and disabled veterans. We are originally from Ohio. My husband is from Columbus, and I'm from Dublin (which is a suburb of Columbus).

After we finished our college degrees at Ohio State, we decided that we decided to settle in my hometown, because it's small, and the public school system is one of the best in the state. We are less than a 30 minute drive from his mom's house, and a 20 minute drive to his dad and stepmom's house. My parents live across town.

My husband talks to his family on a daily basis, and I talk to mine. Neither of us find it annoying like you to talk to their parents. We see our parents 1 time a week, sometimes more. It just depends. We are very close to our families, and we actually like them.
2016-10-27 07:55:19 UTC
Do 25 minutes of Yoga or Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. Time this when your husband calls his father. You'll both finished at the same time.

Different people require different levels of connectedness with loved ones.
2016-10-27 08:59:14 UTC
Do you not talk to your parents?Do you can stop talking wth him if your husband ask you?answer is only inside your heart if you don't like just ignore that your problem will be solve and think positive side also your father in law not come to stay with you so better let him talk to him with his son this much he deserves be happy live and let live
2016-10-28 18:47:46 UTC
Be proud of the relationship your husband has with his Dad.

And like someone else said "grow up".

I just wish my kids would talk to me.

My youngest son hasn't talked to me since 2009, my oldest son hasn't talked to me since September, middle son keeps in contact probably a couple of times a month and actually visits a couple of times a year
2016-10-31 06:14:45 UTC
Once you are in a romantic relationship you should have a few main priorities. Your parents and partner and best friends. These three should be equally important. Also there is no harm in spending 15 minutes on phone with his dad I mean everyone has different attachments.
2016-10-27 20:12:26 UTC
Stop suffocating your husband! His dad won't be around forever. 15-20 minutes is not a long time. Ease off of your husband! Jeez!
2016-10-28 23:53:33 UTC
All these people are giving you crap but I agree with you it's a bit much. You could calmly and nicely tell him you understand why he's so close with his dad and understand his need to talk to him but maybe he could spend a little more time talking with you too, and make you a priority, as his spouse.
2016-10-29 00:50:24 UTC
That you husband has that close of a relationship with his father is really a wonderful thing for him. That you are jealous of the time they spend talking and being close, is harmful to the relationship. I'm sure you wish he was that close with you but you have him the majority of the time. I would suggest that you learn to deal with the fact that someone you love can love more than just you.
2016-10-27 07:26:05 UTC
How often your husband talks to his father is really none of your business. Get a life or some therapy or something. Why your husband would stay married to someone like you is a mystery to me.
2016-10-28 14:26:13 UTC
Your a jealous mess. Yikes! My husband talks to his mother every evening on the phone. Sometimes the conversation is about 5 min, and sometimes it goes on for an hour. I encourage it because she still lives by herself in a rural farm home. She lives about 50 minutes away. He spends every holiday with her and his family (and me) and he takes her food, when he sees her in person, so if I know he is going, I always make a little extra.

She is a very sweet older lady, and I want him to be with her and spend as much time with her because she isn't going to live forever.
2016-10-26 16:37:57 UTC
So, you can't handle your husband spending 15-20 minutes paying attention to something else rather than you? That's pretty pathetic.
2016-10-27 10:41:56 UTC
It's ok as long he's checking on his dad. You should do the same check on your mom. Call your mom and just talk about girls stuff or do something like watching movie or whatever you can think of
2016-10-26 21:21:19 UTC
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, but I think it’s quite common for a man to spend at least a little time speaking to his father in the day. If this is causing a problem in your marriage, you may want to sit down and have a conversation with your husband about this. It may help you both.
2016-10-26 09:30:23 UTC
He can talk to his dad if he wants. It's only 20 mins a day, what do you propose you would use that extra 20 mins available with your husband to do? And if you see your mum twice a week, how long do you spend per visit? I bet it amounts to more than the total amount your hubby spends conversing with his dad.
2016-10-27 21:11:31 UTC
There is nothing wrong with him talking to his what if he talks for an hour sometimes? And 1t-20're upset about that?? His father might not have many more years to live. You never know how long your parents have left. Stop being jealous
2016-10-27 21:47:56 UTC
Do nothing. Don't complain. Find something to do with that 15-30 minute conversation. Respect your husband and be thankful he cares.
2016-10-28 10:18:12 UTC
You should be happy he talks to his dad, some people aren't that close with their dads. I wish I could talk to mine everyday. Just be happy and don't worry about it!
2016-10-28 21:32:12 UTC
How would you feel if he came on here complaining that you talk to your mom everyday for a losey 15 mins to an hour a day...sounds to me your trying to break a strong father son relationship
2016-10-27 14:02:49 UTC
15-20 minutes a day and this is upsetting you? Really? You should feel lucky that he has such a great relationship with his dad and talks to him every day. This is a quality of someone who will be a great father someday.
2016-10-27 14:34:02 UTC
Its nice to see your husband having a relationship with his Dad.

Why dont you talk to your mum more often
2016-10-27 23:25:40 UTC
Looks like you don't like your father in law and that is why you don't want your husband to talk to him. But i don't understand why you think that he is not giving you enough time where as he talks to his father for only 1 hour. And be glad that your in laws don't live with you. There are many women out there who have to live with their father in law and mother in laws including me. And in fact it is healthy that husband and wife spend some time apart from one another it gives more time to yourself. You should do something for your own self in that time when he talks to his father. for example watch tv, use the internet, talk to your friends or mother, beauty groom yourself. I am sure its not that a big problem that you are creating yourself. So chill and be glad that you have some time for yourself and your husband is not a glue attached to you.
2016-10-30 20:10:11 UTC
It's ridiculous that your are jealous of your husband having a close relationship with his father and you're annoyed that you can't control the terms of the relationship. Get a grip.
Amanda B
2016-10-28 11:07:10 UTC
Dude you can spare 20 minutes. His relationship with his dad runs deeper than yours. If you try to get in between them you will be the one pushed out. A good partner would spend those 20 minutes on yourself, reach out to people in your circle. It sounds like he is a nice guy with a healthy relationship with his dad and you are just insecure, selfish and egotistical. Get over it
2016-10-26 09:53:11 UTC
So, 15-20 minutes out of your husband's day is an annoyance? Why? If he's close to his dad, he is. I don't understand why you are taking this personally. It's not about you.
Nobody Knows Anything
2016-10-29 18:07:26 UTC
Leave him so he can find a woman who deserves him. You're a horrible person, the world does not revolve around you! If you can't handle someone spending less than a half hour a day for themselves then you have a PROBLEM. Get therapy so you can get over yourself.
2016-10-30 00:46:16 UTC
You're a dumb bytch and I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart. He shouldnt have married you. Why are you jealous of his dad? Thats his parent you idiot. You should be glad that he speaks to his dad. You should support that relationship. If it is beneficial to him then support it. I'm guessing you only care about yourself and your feelings selfish piece of trash wife. You're despicable.
bob p
2016-10-26 17:00:57 UTC
I have adult children, my oldest son Michael age 39 died last month from cancer. We talked almost everyday. I would give everything I have just to atalk to him for one more moment.

You are a sorry evil person for taking this stance.
Anne Campbell
2016-10-28 07:36:34 UTC
Simply do something else while he is left in peace to talk to his Father. I get the feeling that you are taking this attitude to cover the fact that there are other issues here. Rather than be confrontational about him calling his Father have a conversation about how you are really feeling.
2016-10-26 17:09:24 UTC
everyone talks to their dad everyday. Is that faacking you? mind your own business. If you were my wife and tell me not to talk to my father, I would faack you out of my life
2016-10-28 18:04:27 UTC
My Ex used to talk to her Mom all the time , Turns out she was actually talking to her Ex husband who , I later found by him , was getting a little . Id walk in the door and she'd be on the phone talking " To her mother "
Ashley M
2016-10-26 09:53:42 UTC
You're selfish and wrong and your husband deserves better.

Dear god do you even hear yourself right now?

Other people exist in your husband's life. You need to share him. 15-20 minutes a day is NOT a lot.

And an hour away is further than you think. It's more than MOST people are willing to drive regularly because it's at least two hours round trip.

Go seek therapy for your warped ideas, you obviously need it.
Petra Chor
2016-10-28 13:33:02 UTC
What you should do is stop giving yourself permission to define another person's relationship. I'd say the consensus here is that the man to whom you are married made a big mistake when he got hitched to you. Unless you want him to be your ex-husband soon, you stop being irritated quick.
2016-10-26 11:40:03 UTC
What's the difference if he talks to his dad every day? This is really not your place to tell your husband he cannot talk to his dad.
2016-10-27 03:37:20 UTC
You should let him talk to his dad. It's better than talking to other women. If you tell him to stop talking to his dad, maybe he hates you and start dating other women who understand him.
2016-10-27 16:06:52 UTC
You're the kind of person my parents warned me about! Don't try to take him away from his family, try to include yourself too. My brother in law comes over to my house even when my sister isn't with him, we r all just nice to each other and accepting. My sister doesn't make him come to my house and he doesn't keep her from seeing me. One day your parents will be dead and gone and trust me, you're going to wish you spent a little more time with them. Sounds like your husband understands that, you should be supportive of that.
2016-10-29 22:38:06 UTC
Have your husband's father around for tea once a week and incorporate yoga into your life and replace the irritation with bliss.
2016-10-27 17:31:12 UTC
Why is that bad ? Honestly unless he is complaing about ur relationship to his father his father is his father. He was there for him since he was a child. And as long as he isn't threatening your relationship or trying to tell your husband to divorce you , I see no reason why you should have a issue with it.
2016-10-27 10:40:18 UTC
Your jealousy is going to end your marriage one day. So knock it off. You should feel happy that he loves his family so much. 15 to 20 minutes is not that much time. You sound insecure and totally envious of his relationship with his dad. I guarantee if you bring this up to him it will not end well for you.
Samantha lee
2016-10-26 13:59:14 UTC
I will need for your husband to divorce you.

So you even want to be sitting next, too him while he takes a shyt? Okay.


He can talk to his parents, dad in this case for 15- minutes. Pretty sure you ain't dying.
2016-10-26 14:02:16 UTC
Ok would you rather him go SEE his father every day for 15-60 mins? If your husband is not interrupting anything and things get done, then STOP the complaining.

Keep in mind that when his dad dies he won't be on he phone. Sounds to me like you are a bit jealous.

BTW my husband talked to his mother almost every day. She just passed away in September. I just asked "ok what did your mom want or say?" I never complained.
2016-10-26 09:41:05 UTC
Oh boy, what are you going to do once you have kids? Are you going to keep them from their paternal grandfather because that sounds like something you would do. So what if he talks to his dad everyday and since your family lives in the same town as you and your husband and his lives an hour away you and your husband probably see your family more anyway.
2016-10-27 03:02:11 UTC
You need to figure out why you're jealous s of his dad and stop, you might need to dee a the apist because your behavior is way out of line
2016-10-28 15:29:45 UTC
Let him talk to his dad you only have 1 mom and dad.
2016-10-27 10:56:32 UTC
So u only have 1 dad or mom when they are gone u cant talk to them anymore.. Don't be a jerk about it ok no big deal..
Longtime Hubby
2016-10-28 06:22:39 UTC
Some day, his father won't be alive. Let the man talk to his dad. You are very very selfish.
2016-10-30 19:58:59 UTC
This cannot be a real question. If so, you're an annoying idiot. Thats his dad- get over it
2016-10-26 16:10:12 UTC
You should support your husband's relationship with his dad and quit acting like a doofus.
2016-10-26 11:11:20 UTC
Seek therapy for yourself. You clearly have some intense jealousy issues you need to overcome. I call my dad all the time. Not necessarily daily, but a few times a week. Granted he's across the country from me, but I actually enjoy talking to him
2016-10-29 13:15:48 UTC
2016-10-27 12:12:53 UTC
2016-10-31 02:55:32 UTC
Leave him, one day his dad will not be there anymore, just keep yourself busy with something else while he talks to his dad.
seedy history
2016-10-26 10:20:58 UTC
Get over it. 15-20 minutes a day takes time away from you? Knock it off. Your husband doesn't need your micro-managing. How do you know what is "normal" or not? Why do you get to decide that???
2016-10-27 23:36:14 UTC
According to me his dad is also an important part of his life as yours.Even sounds jealous you should be happy that he is caring for his family.
2016-10-27 11:55:43 UTC
You are being a selfish, you should feel shame about your self, you should feel blessed that you have an husband because if you are making this question then you should be forever alone.
2016-10-30 11:41:33 UTC
Your a real jerk ! Getting mad at husband for having relationship with his dad. Major jealously and totally insecure!!! I hope your husband leaves your stupid ***
2016-10-26 09:31:43 UTC
I don't understand why many women make their husband's lives a living hell just because they want to keep in touch with their parents...

I admire the relationship that your husband has with his dad... Many men (including myself) would love to have that kind of relationship with our fathers..

Please don't make your husband feel guilty about it.. Please don';t "force" him to forget about his father....

The phone calls only last 20 minutes!! that's nothing! can't you exercise while he is on the phone? can't you clean the house? or read the Bible? or pray? or call your mom? or call your siblings?
2016-10-26 20:58:35 UTC
Your husband has been groomed up by your father. His father has made him to stand by his feet if he talks to his father what's the problem in it.
Femme fatale
2016-10-28 05:25:15 UTC
Don't you have friends or hobbies to keep your life going? He's your husband not your property.
2016-10-28 09:44:58 UTC
Let him continue on. Maybe you should develop more of a relationship with your family. A half hour a day or on occasion and hour, is not going to impact time spent with you.
2016-10-27 13:57:51 UTC
So what. Dads dont live forever. This really is a non issue here. Mine talks baseball forever, I dont hold that against him. Its just who he is.
2016-10-28 13:09:13 UTC
Let him talk to his dad. They're just close. That's all.
2016-10-26 09:30:42 UTC
what's it to you? you actually time his phone calls? does your marriage really hinge on 15- 20 minutes a day that you can not spare him? You sound a little too clingy. He has a right to use the phone.
2016-10-26 15:54:29 UTC
Although you do not talk to your mom everyday, you see her once or twice a week and still you feel your husband is spending too much time talking to his father? Hmm...Your husband has a right to talk to his father when ever he wants! What is abnormal about him talking to his father?
2016-10-26 11:24:18 UTC
While he's talking to his dad why don't you go to the bedroom and masturbate? You should be able to make yourself orgasm in 15-20 minutes, if not, you need to find something else to fantasize about. :)))
You Know . . .
2016-10-28 17:34:18 UTC
Join the conversation, and stop complaining. It's his Dad, so what.
2016-10-26 09:39:35 UTC
okay, there are 24 hours in a day. I dont think that him talking on the phone for 15-20 minutes is that big an issue. I feel you are sorta jealous because you are not getting all the attention all the time, which honestly is okay, But dont excuse it. Tell him you feel neglected when he does it. Also, compromise. 15-20 minutes isnt a lot. It probably means a lot to him to be able to talk to his father. they are probably best friends.He enjoys it and it makes him happy.
2016-10-26 09:42:21 UTC
What should you do?

When he is on the phone with his Dad, undress, get on your knees and you know...touch his happy place.


I lost my Dad at an early age, I wish I could call him every day. GAWD YOU MUST BE INSECURE.
2016-10-28 11:41:39 UTC
You should nothing but shut your mouth up and stop being jealous

he is his dad lol

who are you to stop him? Would you like him to be jealous from ur dad. Grow up
2016-10-27 10:16:34 UTC
i dont know you ignore or care. but i just want to say your husband is good. to hear that i feel happy for your husband. and for your word anger. but i just want to say that dont feel that thats your jeolasy not your love . so be practical and compromising is also a part of life.
2016-10-29 02:29:46 UTC
I suggest you speak to your husband about it and increase the communication between you and him, he might not know he is really hurting you with his behavior. So tell him straight out. Good luck
old timer
2016-10-26 14:25:14 UTC
I wish I could have talked to my Dad every day, he died when I was 10 years old, let him talk to him, life is very short and one day his Dad will be gone as well.

My son talks to me every day which is great, it doesn't bother his wife. I think by the answers you're getting it's a normal thing that he is doing.

Life is very short, you should grab every opportunity you can to talk to your parents, because one day they won't be here.
2016-10-30 21:18:00 UTC
He just??? Wants to talk to his dad??? Let the man live. Calm down.
2016-10-26 15:08:58 UTC
Nothing. You're lucky to have a caring partner
2016-10-27 06:43:36 UTC
Talking to at least one of your parents every day is perfectly normal, married or otherwise.
Travis Tenbrunsel
2016-10-28 10:34:47 UTC
Cut down
2016-10-26 10:52:06 UTC
calling daily not quite as bad as visiting weekly, that's excessive. you should leave the house when he calls and maybe visit a bar or other meeting place for some company
2016-10-26 15:13:31 UTC
it if he went over there to visit every time instead of calling him? No you would be complaining about that. You should be more like him. One day his father will be gone and he will not have any guilt about not staying close to him. Will you be able to say the same thing? Loving and being close to his father shows one of the traits that I am sure made you marry him. If you get between this you will be the bad guy and he will come to resent you. Is this really so much "precious time" taken away from you? Talking to their parents every day is what thousands and thousands of people do.
2016-10-27 08:53:32 UTC
Who gives a ****! That's his dad get a life! If you were my wife I would fuc* your best friend! LOL
2016-11-02 04:01:21 UTC
dont be selfish! how long can your father in law lives on earth?! U didnt talk to you mom that frequent that's your business! Make sure you dont regret it once u lost your mom one day that you didnt call that frequent/ that long.
2016-10-26 10:51:52 UTC
This can't be a real question.

You should get over it. That's what you should do.
2016-10-26 11:06:57 UTC
If your husband wanted to play with the dog 15 minutes a day, would you want to put the dog to sleep?
2016-10-28 10:29:53 UTC
What should you do? Maybe seek a therapist. You could both go to a marriage counselor.
2016-10-26 10:33:28 UTC
You know, if you require your husband's every breath and waking free moment, you're overbearing and too needy. How is 20 mins to an hr each day honestly 'robbing' you and 'straining your marriage'? He's not cheating on you with another woman. You don't understand his values, respect, bond, concerns, and importance his father means to him. Instead, you feel this is a competition. When the phone hangs up, he's all yours. Take advantage of that. Be glad he cares about someone else, that shows he has love & empathy in his heart. Good qualities. You, on the other hand are exhibiting jealousy, possessiveness, controlling and selfish behavior. When his dad is dead, will you be the 8!tch who thinks 'finally!', or the wife who feels his pain with empathy herself? Putting yourself between them proves it's all about you. Not sharing this man's life, but wanting to monopolize it. May be harsh words to swallow, but it's not a competition. His father is his blood tie. Get over yourself.
2016-10-26 10:01:11 UTC
I think you need therapy. To want to interfere with your husband's support system and friendships (esp. with family) is selfish. Do you want your husband to be happy and healthy or do you want him to become unhealthy and isolated by cutting other ties and focusing only on you?
My Son Shall Rise
2016-10-29 18:30:17 UTC
You're crazy.
2016-10-27 06:25:43 UTC
Meh just wait for him to die, watch to for 20 minutes in the meantime, or call your parents lol
2016-10-26 13:27:07 UTC
Why are you so co-dependent on your husband that you can't let him have a whole 15 minutes of his day with his dad? You do realize he has people in his life besides you?

His relationship with his dad is perfectly normal. I talk to my mom everyday, so do both of my brothers. My husband talks to his mom or his dad everyday (often both of them). That means we have a good relationship with our parents. We take the time everyday to make sure they're okay.

You should take a better look at your own relationship with your mom. If you only talk to your mom once or twice a week.. how would you know if something was wrong with her? Say your mom had a fall at home, and you're too selfish to take the time to be invested in her life too, will she just lay there til she dies or til someone else finds her?

My husband is very close to his parents and also to his siblings, that's one of my favorite things about him.

I lost one of my parents young (in my 20's) so I know what it's like to wish you could talk to you dad but you can't because the option is no longer there. When my dad was alive, I also talked to him everyday. My brothers didn't just a few times a weeks and they both regret that.

If you feel the need to put him in the middle and make him feel guilty for giving his dad a whole 15 minutes of the day the only thing your husband did wrong here was marry the wrong person.
2016-10-28 06:57:51 UTC
That is called "self-centered" and JEALOUSY....-_- why was I born In this type of World???!!!!

Pluto would've been just fine!

2016-10-28 08:02:12 UTC
be pleased he's not talking to an invisible friend or that crazy guy who begs in front of the liquor store.
2016-10-27 11:16:35 UTC
your husband's father was a groomsman? That's ****** weird.
2016-10-27 20:00:17 UTC
relax Ho. they are merely talking about where teh shallow grave they're going to bury you in for your sin of banging negra dudes mind
robert x
2016-10-26 11:01:48 UTC
why are you so jealous of the phone chat between hubby and his dad.. it makes you seem like a miserable selfish sort of person
2016-10-27 03:21:53 UTC
What is wrong, you should be just cooking his dinner and doing the washing, and house cleaning, get on with it, it is his father. Did you not get on with your father.
2016-10-26 09:38:00 UTC
"I feel like this is straining our marriage because I want to spend as much time with my husband as I can, but I can't do this if he talks to his dad."

You sound mentally ill. If my spouse needed every single minute of my attention and couldn't leave me alone for 15-20 minutes a day, I'd divorce him so fast it would make his head spin. Fortunately for me, my spouse is not mentally ill.

"How can I convince him that talking to your dad everyday is not normal for a married man?" You can't and you shouldn't even try. And by the way, I know plenty of people who talk to one or the other of their parents every day, particularly if the parent is retired and lives alone.

Maybe your spouse should start complaining about you spending 20 minutes doing your hair and make-up or watching a TV show because it's "straining your marriage" because he doesn't get to spend enough precious time with you.

Ten bucks says there is an underlying problem in your marriage and that you think his dad has too much control or influence over hubby. Either that or you truly are mentally ill.
2016-10-30 18:14:43 UTC
Try going to your family or friends
2016-10-29 22:26:05 UTC
they are close. let him talk to his dad. they probably have most in common.
2016-10-26 09:42:57 UTC
You are so selfish. It is ok if you are not that close to your mother that once in a while calls and visits are enough for you. That is not enough for him. You should be ashamed of yourself. would you really prefer it if he went over there to visit everytime instead of calling him? No you would be complaining about that. You should be more like him. One day his father will be gone and he will not have any guilt about not staying close to him. Will you be able to say the same thing? Loving and being close to his father shows one of the traits that I am sure made you marry him. If you get between this you will be the bad guy and he will come to resent you. Is this really so much "precious time" taken away from you? Talking to their parents every day is what thousands and thousands of people do. IF that is not for you so be it but you should not try to make him stop. It is wrong and selfish and really none of your business anyway. Open your eyes and your heart and stop thinking only of yourself
2016-10-28 12:39:44 UTC
if it really bothers you that mcuh talk to him about it. but otehrwise who the heck cares he wants to talk to his dad so why does i tmatter?
2016-10-27 21:46:25 UTC
this is the face of evil ... you.

there is nothing wrong for a married man / woman to communicate with his parents.

you are a sorry case ...
2016-10-26 09:39:18 UTC
Q: What should I do?

A: What you should do is enter therapy with the goal of finding out why you are so needy and self-centered.
joel Gladstone
2016-10-28 23:12:11 UTC
Please think if he love his dad this much, how much far he loves you. If you would have love your mom really, you will also do the same
2016-10-26 10:07:35 UTC
Explain your feelings to your husband, though I suspect you already have, and tell him it is straining your marriage. Hopefully he will understand, but we both know it is not guaranteed. Best wishes.
2016-10-27 16:52:04 UTC
Respect it
2016-10-27 06:29:40 UTC
You selfish bee-otch.
2016-10-27 13:09:20 UTC
you talk to your mother whats the big deal when thy are dead you can talk to your self
2016-10-26 09:46:41 UTC
i'll pile on the bandwagon. you're nuts.
2016-10-27 01:56:29 UTC
Ban the Anons.
2016-10-29 20:19:20 UTC
Yeah, what he is doing is fine
2016-10-28 11:04:33 UTC
grow up
2016-10-26 09:34:44 UTC
Let him as do not have your parents forever....You sound so selfish ...
2016-10-27 19:26:49 UTC
fictional story is fictional
2016-10-27 16:38:41 UTC
dont mind

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.