why should someone will have to suffer if she/he really fell inlove with someone else?
2006-03-16 09:12:07 UTC
why should someone will have to suffer if she/he really fell inlove with someone else?
Five answers:
2006-03-16 09:18:45 UTC
please read your question before posting this doesnt make sense
2006-03-16 09:34:52 UTC
I agree with the first answer..."please read your question before you post it".....It sounds like you are very young. As for your question......somtimes people fall inlove with someone hurts and you suffer somtimes...move on and get over is usually an indication you both were not meant to be.
2006-03-16 09:27:01 UTC
I'm not sure what your trying to ask, but if your suffering, your not in love. I don't know, that's what i got out of what you wrote.
2006-03-16 09:28:12 UTC
thats just how life goes
jessica rabbit
2006-03-16 09:21:14 UTC
are you drunk?......your question is unclear......but obvious why he left you if you haven't much for thought process! sorry dear!

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