Well you should check out this website, its a Bahai faith site, I am a Bahai, so when searching for something for myself this is where I turn.
go to the individal, family and society
then marriage and family
Creating violence free family.
And read.its an excellent article and gives you lots of insight. And even though at first it doesn't appear to be what your looking for or the fact that its so long.becomes too overwhelming-trust me it is just what the doctor ordered.
I skipped that article so many times for many reasons, I thought oh he's not abusive abusive, oh its so long , oh I just whatever.
read it.
As far as the property its possible.
I'd tell him that although you love him , you need stability, and right now he isn't giving you that, or your daughter.
Say that you are gonna have your fun.too. and stop making things so easy for him.
But cover your bases, don't lose out because he is selfish.
show your daughter how to be a strong independent woman.
and read the article.
It is so awsome, it helped me out , i was able to flip the script.
I'll bet you can too.
good luck