its not often we are given shock humor under marriage and divorce
if ever part of this happens to you-study this and learn heart to heart because you will need it, especially the prayer=and sort through this there is a jewels in it for you=relationships and the relationship from above-Just like with Jesus, if you truely love someone you commit to them. Marriage is a visable commitment with responsibility and honor -lots of people will say they love someone to get the other involved, yet in reality-true friends dont use and abuse friends, someone said to me =
Best Answer - Chosen By Voters
I agree with "Makemeaspark" "The heart is deceitful." Jeremiah 17:9 =chapter 17 verse 9, but it is not just the hurting ones that fall for believing a guy when he says he loves you. Sometimes you believe because you believe (in innocence) that truth and lies are obvious. And in your arrogance (or youth) you think you can tell the difference. You trust and are deceived, and there are those who are loyal even after the deception is revealed, out of duty, out of fear, out of a misguided it still hurts. Sometimes they stay because they feel stupid and worthless and have no where else to turn. They feel like they deserve the punishment of being unloved, because they were untrue to their own moral compass, and unfaithfull to God. So they stay untill they are discarded. 3 Votes 43%
this helped me as raised a Jew to see the deaper truths to believe too=Christian means a follower of the Messiah-who came as a Jew- the believer in Jesus-has power over the mind to control their thoughts, thus when Jesus says to forgive and let Me handle it, or about lust is adultry against God, or hate is murder in the heart, we have the calling to cast down all imaginations that exault themselves against God which brings true peace and joy to our heart in all situations (Philippians 4:4-20).
My Jewish people believe in the comming of a Messiah, and his fulfillment is in Jesus. The laws of Judaism were given specifically to the Jewish people to be kept and to guide them to the promised Messiah.
Isaiah 9:6 the child to be the Son given, the mighty God and the prince of peace..
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 To be the exalted one. To first be marred more than any man, and to lay down his life to make atonement for our sins.
The way I came to know him is by believing what he spoke to us from heaven (Revelation1:1 chapter 1 verse 1 & 3:19&20 "I love you and ask you to repent of your sins (even one lie) quickly. Behold I stand at your heart door and knock If you hear my word and open the door, I will come in and be your friend."
so I prayed "Jesus I am sorry for my sins, come into my heart and help me, be my friend, amen."
Its all good and now as a Jew who has come to know Jesus is my Messiah, savior, and best friend giving me joy beyond words and power to live right. And someone said this for me telling them this too=
Asker's response
Wow that was a great answer :).
Praying for you and all concerned, David
Added notes to help in this about yahoo answerer 'Roadrats' before me too=I have been praying for you-that it is understood=and helpful your a princess-and deserve the best=and to have true good relationship=why begin intimacy of the heart-when it will not lead to moral principles and marriage? Why worship another person ahead of God-why live in disobediance?
the answer for me from having lived this way-and coming to a point of suicide for having used others and myself, was true love first from above- Yet as a Jewish person I had been taught to reject-the sacrificial love of the promised Messiah Jesus. "Unto us a child is born, a son is given, and he shall be mighty God, and the prince of peace." Isaiah 9:6
"He will lay down his life, to give forgiveness for our sins." Isaiah 52:13-53:12
As I read his words spoken from heaven my heart melted to his love (Revelation 1:1&3:19-20) "I love you, and ask you to repent from your sins quickly(even one lie). Behold I stand at your heart's door and knock, if you let me in I will become your friend and have fellowship with you, and you with me."
so I prayed "Jesus I am sorry for my sins, come into my heart and help me, be my friend, amen."
and this was what all my life I had sought for true unconditional love-it taught me to Love him "If you love me keep my commandments. The fruit of my Spirit in you will be love, joy, peace, gentleness, and selfcontrol." Galatians 3:22&23.
"What is a gentle and easy yoke/control when done in obedience becomes an insupportable burden when done in disobedience." - THE WAY TO FREEDOM
Putting God's Principles into action
No task that seeks to serve others, whether that be in the home, at work, or in the church, is ever easy. This is particularly so when those tasks involve long-term commitments. To be kept in such commitments requires the knowledge that what we are doing is our responsibility and that our helping is appropriate. We can then call on God to help us and to encourage us in the journey. But when our tasks are performed without a sense of God's direction and help, then we walk a difficult and lonely road.
What the Bible is saying
Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light. (Matthew 11:29-30)
To seek to serve others without God's direction and help,will end up making us bitter, and we will not see any good fruit of our labor.
Yes it is important to make right answers and commitments especially in relationships with God and mankind.
note DANGER about yahoo answerer=Roadrat (who I forgave for his comments to me-and pray for to find the truth and true love and happiness from above and on earth too in a good wife)-in his answers along with endorsing casual sex from his previous age as a 13 year old-quoted below-he also endorses doing illegal drugs -to a questioner that broke up with his girl for doing it in the car when he was driving, just dont do it in the open, in his answers (when we live in sin-druging the mind may be our way to find 'peace of mind' till jail or the mind burns out or the liver-yet he also states he is divorced and again living in (promiscuous fornicating) sex. I too lived in sin-Jesus is still the answer for each of us, and a new life. from Roadrats words answering to young persons question and I quote him=
Consider a fun, casual-sex relationship. It can last for years, and be more fun than you believe! Meanwhile, you both should keep each other aware that this is for your mutual enjoyment, until you each find your true loves. Personal experience, during 5 of the teen years. Meanwhile, just ignore any totally INANE responses you may get in here from losers with no lives who tell you you should get married first.
MORE to a woman who found out a guy was married and didnt tell her-he told her just call it a booty call, and if you two want just keep doing it.
his response to me=EDIT: In a response to this question, "David I" did his USUAL idiocy of inserting a bunch of mindless and off-topic bullcrap after his answer.
-BUT IF YOU FALL BACK -PRAY= "Jesus restore the joy of my salvation, I am sorry for letting you down, help me do better, amen." (Psalm 51)
LOOK AT THE -bridal section here(the joy in dreams comming true-and then look at the dating section -broken hearts of those used in sex-with no future & hope and self respect lost)
Jesus is the answer for him and each of us, why settle for false or loose love going into physical relations before marriage to fill the void of not having Jesus in our heart, to try and feel 'loved' and continue to destroy our reputation, morals, and be a sex offender against God, risking Std's, pregnancy, and getting a cold heart toward true love, first from above and then with a person, our family, and toward ourselves.
Romans 1:16 unashamed so we can share the gospel and help others.
and look up Romans 1 changed me to be thankful, and worship the creator instead of the created, now true love is in my heart and He never leaves or forsakes me=Hebrews 13
My prayers to you, David and thanks for the good question