I am 26 yrs old got married to the 4th girl I was with sexualy.9yrs,today?
2006-01-26 09:42:21 UTC
I met her over the phone at the age of 17.Two weeks later she move in with me.Everything was good for around two months.I admit I have a little problem with telling the truth,even when I have no reason to.Then come to find out she was seeing her ex-husband!I keeped us together that time.At 18 we moved out of the city.I worked and she did to for two years ,to make it short I lied and she cheated,then cheated,then with my cousin too,and I still wanted to fix things!I tried but it was like one day I would just see her and forget the world,then other days I wold see a person that was truely not in love with me.Should I just walk away,is it a lost cause,would I ever forget the past?
Two answers:
2006-03-18 10:36:01 UTC
What is the problem about telling the truth? Without being able to do that any relationship you will have or have now will be doomed. CeJay
2006-01-26 09:59:28 UTC
To much baggage their buddy - you need to move on with life and find greener pastures.

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