I jus turned 21 on june 26, I got married when I was 18. and I have a daughter with my wife who is almost 2. Me and my wife as been rocky for awhile and seperated on dec 31. since that time I have been seeing another woman. I know it was wrong and I did feel guilty about it. Me and my wife was always arguing and fighting and I said I didnt want to live like this. I still love my wife for the fact she is the mother of my daughter and she is a loving and caring person when she wants to be. Now this other woman, I didnt talk 2 her 2 start another relationship but we ended up falling in love. we been 2gether for 6months and she is really amazing. I can do stuff with her that I cant do with my wife. When we are together all we do is laugh at everything and I can tell her ANYTHING. and stuff I tell my wife we ALWAYS end up arguing. The other girl is a completly differant person and she knows everything going on with my life and she still by my side. WHAT SHOULD I DO???