Hi. My husband is making me very depressed and is a very difficult person to talk to. He keeps telling me every time we argue (and we argue alot) that I'm depressed because I was sexually abused as a child and that I am now an over-sensitive person who over reacts. Most things we argue about is me asking him to help me around the house, to clean up after himself, stop spending all his money or stop whinging why he has none and to stop raising his voice at me for asking him to do this (he does this to embarrass me thinking I'll stop asking or saying things he doesnt want to hear). He raises his voice in public and at home. I ask him to put himself in my shoes when he demands so many things from me all the time (like do this and do that kinda thing) and I ask him how he would feel if I did that to him but he just tells me its my past that makes me feel like this!! He says its because he can control the things he hates about me and I cant. I ask him what it is I do and he cant answer. He can never answer any questions I ask him about what I do especially why he thinks I am depressed other than him making me. To me he is creating the argument by not respecting me as his wife. I am trying to get him to treat me like his wife, but he keeps degrading me and putting me down because of my past.
Is it really my past creating these problems? If I get medication (which is what he wants), will these problems go away? I really do think my husband knows what he is doing but why wont he admit it?
PLEASE HELP. I have exhausted not only myself but all avenues of how to get through to my husband. I have told him verbally (upset and calm), written it down, and even kicked him out of the house and yet he still turns it back on me. He holds everything I do against me, even kicking him out. Is this normal? Why does nothing work? Why doesnt he want to see how he makes me feel and do something?
Many thanks to all those who share your thoughts and feelings with me on this situation. Its nice to know there are still people out there who care enough to spend a little time to help someone change their life in a bad situation. May you always be smiled upon. x