how i can keep my husband for ever?would you tell me about men & sex ?
2006-02-27 02:21:19 UTC
how i can keep my husband for ever?would you tell me about men & sex ?
Six answers:
Violet Andromeda
2006-02-27 02:45:27 UTC
I find that the sex life is better in my marriage when we just talk about it. There are times in bed when I tell my husband what to do and he enjoys that. Perhaps you could both go shopping for some books together to help you get some ideas. You might even want to go to a discreet store together. There's nothing wrong with that. You both would at least have some imput when you purchase something. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Have fun, be open and be honest.
2006-02-27 03:57:02 UTC
No.1 If you would like to have him with you for a lifetime I would not use the word Keep.No.2 nature,excitment,pleasure,Attraction to Art and Beauty of the Body. Answer: Men Love Sex
2006-02-27 03:14:00 UTC
to keep your husband is simple, you work together on anything that concerns your relationship.Men love sex just as women do and to be denied sex can bring in many emotions and possibly insecurity. A man likes to think he is the best at that and wants to totally please his wife. this is something that needs to be communicated between the both of you without having great differences of opinion. you have to know each others desires. Talk,Talk,Talk. dont argue!
The Main Man at Yahoo
2006-02-27 02:26:41 UTC
Buy some hand cuffs and lock your selves together, Men love sex.

Good sex lives brings a marriage that last forever.
2006-02-27 03:06:46 UTC
be with other man u will learn more about sex if u want keep touch with me on i'm on line now
2006-02-27 02:48:23 UTC
be sexy and feresh

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