"Familiarity breeds contempt," have you ever heard that axiom? Well, in my humble opinion, sex depends (for a male) upon several factors:
1. Newness. Men are almost 100% visual;
2. Physical health;
3. Physical attraction;
4. Fidelity (emotional and physical);
5. Stimulation; and,
6. Not viewing pornography.
For a female, sex depends on these (and I'm sure many more or different) factors:
1. Emotional attraction;
2. Emotional security;
3. Physical health;
4. Respect for her mate; and,
5. The relative absence of stressors.
For a male, biologically, he must pursue. If he is pursuing his "prey," the chase is some of the most exciting adventurous experiences a couple will ever go through. However, if the predator ever catches the prey, very few predators will immediately consume their prey. If you've ever watched a cat chasing a mouse, or even a moth, this becomes obvious. The cat catches it and then almost immediately releases it so that it may try to run away, so the cat can feel the release of endorphins as it uses it's ancient skills to catch it again. The cat appears literally disappointed when it discovers that it's first strike has killed it's prey. In fact, more often than not, the cat will simply walk away.
The male is almost identical to the cat in this way. The marriage is the catch. Then too often, the prey (wife) simply doesn't try to get away and begins to have children, work outside the home, gain a few unwanted pounds etc., and pretty soon, the hunter is bored. Once the hunter is bored, only his integrity will keep him from wandering. Over 50% of all couples today have realized this dilema and have decided that when the boredom sets in, it's time to start with another partner. However, I believe that the pattern will repeat itself over and over again, unless the partners realize that there are several ways to keep the wife a "prey" that "might get away," if the hunter doesn't keep up the chase. Here is my advice to you dear Jackie:
For Women (Prey) "Do's and Don't":
1. Don't tell everything about yourself, ever! Keep some mystery in the hunter's mind. He will want to stick around because it's still "new," that is, he hasn't "caught" everything about you.
2. Don't let him see you vulnerable - very often. That emotion confirms the hunter's suspicion that he's caught you and you not only are caught, you're unhappy.
3. Look good, lose weight, try to look your best every day. The better you look, the sexier you will feel and the more confidence you will have. Only insecure men eschew confident women. Confident women appear to the predator to be very healthy, sexual prey. Do this for yourself. If you do this for "him," you're already losing the game. You're becoming co-dependent, and that's about the most unhealthy dilemma to find yourself in. When "he" is more important than you are, you lose yourself in him and become even less attractive to him. A woman can "lose herself" in her kids, her housework, his washing, his ironing, his schedule, him, him, him! To be attractive to him, have your own life! Don't tell him about all of it (remember the mystery). He'll be curious about what you do, what you're learning, whether he's got what it takes to keep you! Never stop growing, except in size! Wear your makeup all the time, to impress . . . YOU! Pamper yourself, take yourself out for a manicure, a massage, a new dress, to a women's group, pick up a sport, a hobby, a college course, whatever, but keep growing! If you keep growing, he will always have to stay on his toes to keep you and will never get bored.
4. Don't give him sex everytime he wants it. Don't withhold, but simply be "gone" doing something once in awhile, so that it is too late to have sex. A man/predator, must have the desire, the burn, the passion, the curiousity. If done tactfully (not withholding), he will need it, he won't blame you, after all you didn't withhold from him, you were simply unavailable due to no fault of yours. A man is SO visual, regardless of his level of passion, if he sees the same thing day and night after day and night, he will need something new. You're going to get quite frustrated attempting to be "new" all the time. However, the simple act of not being there all the time, will keep him close by. Absence (a very short one) makes the heart grow fonder! Take a weekend together, regularly, without the kids! Have sex in a tent in the back yard. Grab a bottle of wine, buy a new night gown, join him in the shower!
For the Men (Do's and Dont's):
1. Tell your wife that she is beautiful and mean it, every day! Especially during her child bearing years, your wife's body is taking a beating, gravity is taking it's toll, and for some reason, you don't see your own belly sticking out, but you can immediately notice when her's is! What's with that?! She IS beautiful, and if you don't think so, wait till she divorces you and you see for the first time with her new husband! You'll want to kick yourself all the way to hell and back for failing to notice and compliment her on her beauty! Never, ever mention her weight to her - EVER! Nothing will kill the passion between you faster than a rude, thoughtless comment, or unsolicited response when she asks you, "dear, how do I look in this dress?" She notices every pound she gains, in the most self-defeating way she can. She'll never need your help noticing how she's not quite the prey she used to be.
2. Do your part around the house. Nothing makes a woman want to please her man more than when he actually takes something "off" her plate, instead of (as is usual) putting more on her shoulders! Do your own laundry, ironing, keep the yard mowed, trimmed; pick up after yourself. Make HER dinner, breakfast, wash, fix, scrape the ice off, HER car! Do her dishes, her wash, her ironing!
3. Plan dates, trips, little get-aways, movies, plays, camping excursions. Don't leave the details to her - you plan everything (take something off her plate)! Help by doing the finances if you can, don't burden her with worries! She needs to feel emotionally, financially, spiritually and physically secure!
4. Turn off that damn television! Just turn it off and keep it off! Learn how to listen to her. She wants to talk about her day, herself, you, the kids, your day. Don't say anything, just listen.
5. Make enough money! The second fastest way to crush her passion is for her to worry about supporting your sorry ass! You're the breadwinner, act like it!
Good Luck!