Well, let me tell you why.
1. Men are stupid and they give in to a lot of b.s. in order to get laid.
2. Men have not stood up for themselves and demanded an end to a lot of the double standard hypocrisy that women have been allowed to get by with. You can get men to fill a stadium to watch a game that will not impact their life one way or another no matter who wins but you cannot get them to take a stand for fairness and their own well being.
3. Men allow themselves to be suckered. They give into all the man shaming and allow themselves to give into women instead of realizing that they are only encouraging more poor and irresponsible behavior on the part of women.
4. Men have not been wise enough to always demand a DNA test right after birth and if necessary to seek a court order to see that the test is performed. A lot of men are paying for kids that are not theirs.
5. Men fail to realize that they are actually more valuable than are women. Look at the accomplishments of men vs. women. Those bridges and buildings, the computers, most of the advancements and technology were all invented by men, not females. Men fail to realize that their body is every bit as valuable as is a females. I would argue they are more so than is hers based on what men have and do accomplish.
6. Just look at the answers so many of the men gave to this question. So many of them are falling all over themselves to take the females side. I guess a lot of them think it will help them get laid to be pansy men.
Look at all the women and men who are saying that if an man wants to have sex, it is just one of the risks he runs. They never seem to make the connection that the same is true of women. How come I am the only guy who asks that if women are supposedly equal and all that but cannot actually support a child on your own then is it not reasonable that she should not have sex? Oh, thats right. The same standards are never suppose to apply to women now are they? Plus these people never offer any legitimate reason as to why a man has no say in a woman aborting or keeping a child but he also has no say in if he pays or not. Like I said, funny how those double standards work is it not? But most of this is because men are dumb enough to work against their own best interests. And women count on this being the case.
The good news is that a lot of men are starting to awaken to the hypocrisy and garbage and are saying no way, they are not going to play the game or be used.
MGTOW.com and MGTOW on YouTube.