preet s
2008-09-09 08:51:52 UTC
Now going by that it would be obvious to you that in such a situation none of our parents would be agree to solemnize our marriage :(((
though my parents can be convinced if i make sure that i dont convert and stay in Hinduism fold. however i also want ma girlfriend to stay as Muslim as she too does not want to convert. We both want to practice the faith we have been following since birth..
but maybe that would be unacceptable to her parents as u no her family would have so much of issues in marrying her to a HINDU..something out of abrahmic faith also (Jews,Christians) which is considered illegal and sin in Islam :(
Now they would only accept me if i turn Muslim, by doing what ma family,ma friends all who would have supported me wud Disown me.
N that b a very complicated situation for me too to live in India by converting to Islam and marrying a Pakistani Muslim girl.
(Kindly also let me know what can be the complications i may have to face in his case too.... if i convert and stay wid Pakistani Muslim girl..Will that affect my career and social life in India ? though i know ma family n frnd circle wud disown me in dat case :( But what can be the other implications we both may have to face in this case ?? )
Now complications for me are :
1. Marriage under special marriage act without letting her parents know. is it possible? Will it work in Pakistani resident too? can Indian Pakistani resident can marry?
2. if there is a provision of 30 days prior notice to be given in this case..then can it be done without her presence in India and she may come after the completion of 30 days or 1-2 days prior to that ? As Visa for 30 days seems improbable and once she comes, she wont be able 2 go back. So i have to marry her within the Visa period.
3. How good are the prospects of her is getting visa..and for how many days?? under tourist visa or if i get some 5-10 guaranties for her then ?
4. Is it necessary dat notice for Spcl Marriage act has to be send to her Home address? Wont her Office address do some trick for us? Is it really required? can i give some other address for the same? Should I get her in India first and then file for marriage and if yes, then notice can be sent to some temporary address here or not ?
5. Once i marry her she would automatically become the resident of India. Right? N how Good her academic and Job qualification will be in getting her decent job in India? I m a Manager in International firm and She is a Software Engineer at her place in reputed organization.
6. How Long would be Special marriage act procedures? How long can it go?
7. can it happen that either I or Her convert to each oder fold (for eg she converts into Hindu or me into Muslim for sumtym to get married) and once get married by the concerned law act, one of us who has changed can revert back to her/his old Religion and den again get married as per special marriage act ??
It is so if i turn Muslim, den maybe her parents wud get us married and by the time i return to India, i can revert back 2 Hinduism and den file a marriage as per Special marriage act and den get married as per it. Is it Possible?
otherwise..she turns Hindu for sum tym and we get married as per Hindu Law or Arya samaj and den aftr sum tym wen she gets the indian citizenship on account of marrying me, she can revert bk to Islam and den again final marriage as per Special Marriage act is possible?
I know I have put forth a very complicated situation before You..but we cant live without each other..we wont survive if we get separated..our love was not for afffair sake, it was for living together for ever.
Kindly Help...