I got married because I wanted to inherit my husband's social secruity when he died. We were very happy as singles living together, but the government wouldn't have allowed me ot have his social security just being happy.
So now he has passed away and I am able to keep my house.
Some people get married becuase all their friends are getting married and they don't wna tot look like losers. Some get married to keep a guy that they think will be faithful. Some get married to own a woman and get sex whever they want it -hahahahahaha
Some get married to have a nurse or paycheck. Or to raise their kids for them.
It is a societal thing. -partly religious and partly civil.
I didn't get married because of Adam and eve - it is a fairy tale. I do not believe in any religion. I think religion is bad for intellligent people. But some idiots need to be terrified to behave. OK for them.
I think religion - the fundies- is getting stronger and the NON-religious are gaining ground, too.It is always in style to be passionate. White bread church is dying- as it should. It is boring and out of touch with life..We will end up with 2 camps- fundies- Wackoes-who want to kill all the infidels and non-religious who don't want to participate and will ahve to get violent ot survive.
I think all adult people should be given the option to have a civil union --even a religious one is sanctioned by the STATE, and then have a religous ceremony if you want one.
Families don't look like mom and dad and 2.3 kids and a dog-never did. It is a fiction of the 1940s-even then there were war-widows raising kids with their sisters or two old guys living together for decades.