I know my husband was searching Craigslist ads for casual encounters. I joking mentioned craigslist to him in casual conversation about searching for CEs on CL and he said that he would never because it was the lowest of lows, but I knew he was responding to ads DAILY because I had access to his email account. So, I decided to list an ad that would entice him to respond. Funny thing is everything I posted was true about myself other than the fact I wasn't actually a "married woman seeking a married man." Sure enough he responded right away. I knew it was him for two reasons: 1) the idiot's real name is attached to the email account he responded with and 2) he sent a picture. So, what do I do with this? He tells me he promises he isn't leaving me or searching for casual sex, but he is searching for it daily. Do I chat him up and gain his trust and set up a meet or do I simply respond with a picture of myself? Any advice is surly welcome here!