Please, ignore that flamer that posted about being lazy, My guess is its just some 12 yr old boy bored over summer vacation. The person couldn't even bother to spell out most of his/her words. To me that just screams TRASH.
I'm sorry, I don't have a lot I can say to make you feel any better about your situation. I very much understand having no money and being home with kids, I only have one (2 yr old active boy) but I am care taking my brothers-in-law (13 yr old boy and 10 yr old special needs boy) and providing their home schooling all while caring for my mother-in-law (who had a stroke) I know all about wanting to scream and pull your hair out. If I find a way to handle the stress I will be more then happy to share but until then I'm just saying hang in there. Hopefully this will all blow over and soon and you can have a grown up conversation with him. Make sure to tell him that when he jumps to the conclusion divorce is the answer to all problems it makes you feel worthless. I can't answer for men but I don't know one woman that marries think they will one day divorce.
Just a suggestion. I did this once and it helped in many many ways. Forget about the balance on your checking account. Go get your hair done. Spend the 30-40 bucks and get a cut you love. Chat with the hair dresser and the person next to you. Feel free to explain you are throwing a tantrum and doing something for your self. When I did this, yes I overdrew the account, but *I* needed it and during the fight that it caused, I got so much out in the open about how I need time. I know its kind of an extreme, but for me it worked and was more then worth the overdraft charge. Now I budget for it monthly, it's my time.
One more thought, Let the house go to hell now and then. I do that from time to time (for like a week). when my husband gets pissed about it I just shrug my shoulders. "I'm sorry, I was busy." Don't explain and don't apologize.
You can get through this, and if done right you and he can come out the other end stronger. I'm not pretending I know what I'm taking about, but I do believe struggles and brake downs can make a marriage stronger.