Due to your mental illness, you are incapable of caring about the feelings of others* so you have worn him down with years of abuse so that he now survives with maximum defense mechanisms in place at all times.
You are abusive.
You need therapy.
You need medication.
*No you are not, you may say your care, you may think you care, but you are incapable of showing this via consistent meaningful actions (aka Love). The "consistent" part is where you are physiologically incapable.
"It's like he doesn't care about me anymore."
This is called an ANT - an Automatic Negative Thought.
It's not true. You know it's not true. I know it's not true. Everyone reading knows this is not true.
Yet you still obsess over this thought.
This is a very common issue with people that have some sort of mental illness.
A psychologist can work with you to find root-cause.
A therapist can work with you to change your current thought patterns (cognitive therapy).
"... I was angry on him from last night."
This is a common martial mistake that you are making.
There are several of books that cover how to better deal with this issue.
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
The Five Love Languages
His Needs; Her Needs
The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work
Even the Bible, I believe it is the source of the saying "Do not let the sun set on your anger."
"Instead if trying to make up, he fixed his food ..."
Why on God's Green Earth is this man preparing his own dinner?
Do you have any idea how powerful of a message you are sending to him about how little you care about him?
And he keeps working and keeps providing for you.
Yet you're so clueless why he's so angry.
"... sit to watch a tv ..."
Of course he is, the alternative is what? Fight and argue with you?
This is "stonewalling", a primary martial defense mechanism to avoid conflict.
"... like he's never seen it before."
This is more interjection by you, more ANT-like though patterns.
You know damn well the reason he plopped in front the TV was not to watch TV.
Stop acting like you have "no idea" why he does not want to talk to you.
You have to realize your behavior is not "OK".
"That lasted for 2 hours, by that time my mood was off completely, cos he acted like I wasn't even there."
An adult's mood in controlled by them and no one else.
A child's mood is heavily influenced by others and primary task of parenting is teaching them better ways to understand and interact with the world.
"Then our small daughter, she is just a baby, she hit me in the face with the phone"
Victim Mentality.
Poor me! Look, I am so incompetent that I am incapable of properly holding my own baby!!! WAH!!!
If you were properly looking after the baby, the baby wouldn't have a phone in its hands.
If you were taking responsibility for yourself, then you would not allow such dangerous situations to arise - you would proactively handle them.
You might not even be consciously aware that you did this on purpose, but you did.
Another common facet of mental illness is that you just sit there and allow things to happen around you as-if you have "no control" over the situation.
"Yeah, but how can I not be angry & nice, when last night we didn't finish our argument ..."
A therapist can work specifically with you and teach you how do exactly his.