my husband is illegal and i think the only reason he married me was to get his papers? what should i do?
2006-03-15 22:03:36 UTC
ive been married for a year and he's been going out every weekend with his friends. he never spends any time with me. i work and he works and we have separate lived. we do everything separately. i dont feel like im in a relationship. i feel like im only here to benefit him and there is nothing in this relationship for me. i love him but i dont think he loves me as much as he says he does. i dont want to look at it as only for the papers. he wasnt like this when we first got together. he has changed his attitude toward me. he also says that thats the reason he acts the way he does because of his attitude. he believes a wife should stay at home, cook, clean, work around the house, and have sex whenever he wants too. i wasnt raised like that.
Sixteen answers:
2006-03-16 00:40:31 UTC
He married you to accomplish his goals and not yours. Your feelings are real and accurate. I have been through a very similiar experience with the gender roles reversed. When you get to the truth about this, you will see that you are being used. Love doesn't hurt. If you are hurting, then it isn't love. I know you want it to be. I know you are hurting. You will continue to hurt a little at a time. His needs are being met and those are determined solely by him. This is immaturity, self-centeredness, and selfishness. This is not love. You are more mature, you are intelligent, sensitive, and I can hear clearly that you are a Giver, and he is a Taker. You are also suffering cultural differences. There are countries where what he describes as 'how a woman should be' is what he has learned, and is his reality. You cannot change any of his character and nature. You will suffer for this as well. I suffered until I realized that I was in denial about the whole situation. That the truth is right in front of you. That you are not ready yet to see it and admit, fully, the truth about yourself - it is not 100% 'him' and you need to step up to the plate and and ask yourself what you really want in life. I see that you desire a good man who will truly 'love, honor, and cherish' you. Your suffering will continue, a little at a time, everyday, until you have the courage to suffer through what really needs to be done - and that is to leave him, spend some time really being honest about why you married him - you will find out things about yourself that you may not be ready to admit. You will need time to heal, to grow and gain wisdom about yourself - not him. You might just find out that you are 100% responsible for your joy, not him. That you may have some insecurities about yourself that need to be examined within yourself - be honest. You might find out that when you become free, truly free, that your next relationship will be very different from the one you are now in because what has changed, is you. It is not easy, but take the time to 'know thyself' and to know the truth about yourself - you are responsible for your joy and satisfaction in your life. Don't give your responsibilty away to 'him' by lowering your convictions, suffering, hoping, withdrawing, staying in denial about the relationship, and admit to yourself that you cannot change 'him' but you can change you. Said more simply, you can only change one person in the whole world - that is you. Don't give your responsibility away to other people, it is not an easy path to tell the truth about ourselves, but in the end, you will have joy instead of misery - and that is where you are headed with the relationship you are in. I have gained a lot of wisdom having been through what you are going through now. Feel free to write me if you want to know what I learned and how I got through the mess I was in - very similiar, a woman seeking 'papeles' by a marriage and 'faking' love, honoring, and cherishing me. What you don't want to see yet, is that there are a lot of people who 'just don't care' and I really get that you are a caring person. Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Hardly Blonde ♥
2006-03-15 23:16:42 UTC
I really have to wonder what country he is from here? There are some men who want a woman who will stay at home, cook, clean and take after the kids and respect them as well as treat them as equals but this sounds as if the old country values are heading into a depression?

I know the kind of man you are talking about and believe me, he learned quick that when he walked ten feet ahead of me (and he did this everywhere we went) that sooner or later I would turn a corner and he would be left to lead himself and only himself. I never went to his work functions and I stayed home and answered his calls from work everytime, everyday and without fail. Give them long enough and a controlling man will strip you of your pride whereas a loving man will embrace you in strong loving arms.

It's pretty simple once you figure out that the voice mail if actually was made so we didn't always have to be on call and at times, it's best to turn it off. The day I stopped answering the phone I gained alot of respect for myself back and I lost a lot of excess weight with the divorce too.

Give him a chance to change if you believe in your heart that the man you love is the man you are married to. Atleast try to talk openly with him, you never know what you might find out.
2006-03-15 23:12:20 UTC
Dear friend,

It sounds like you are being used. It must be heart-breaking for you to care so much about someone who is so blatantly avoiding you. Please speak to an attorney about guidelines for getting a marriage annulment ASAP. PLEASE do this before you have children. Please seek the help and support of friends and family in this matter.

I had a good friend who married a Jordanian man. He was a "great guy" until they got married. They had a child together. They traveled to Jordan for a "visit" which turned into a 20 year stay. Jordanian law would not allow her to leave the country without her husband's permission. She lived as a virtual prisoner in their home. She did not return to the US until her husband died 20 years later.

Best wishes to you, dear!!!
2006-03-15 22:18:40 UTC
Divorce! Divorce! Divorce!

You deserve much better than being someone's doormat and their are plenty of single excellent men in the world to choose from. Sounds to me that he was only nice in the beginning to get what he wanted and now that he has that he is not worried about you or your feelings. I say get out while the getting is good. Good luck!!
2006-03-15 22:39:23 UTC
If he hasn't gotten his papers yet, you can report him to the Homeland Security INS, which they will arrest and deport him but it will make you feel guilty later. If he has his papers already, you can leave him, divorce him, and start a new life or as I put it, continue where you left off before you met him.
2006-03-15 22:07:40 UTC
Sorry hun but, if that's what you think then you and him need to sit down and have a serious chat. Then go with your intuition and then if you KNOW that this is a fact, then kick him to the curb honey! You deserve better than that!
2006-03-15 22:08:07 UTC
you need to leave. he doesn't respect you or the marriage and its best you leave him. if he tries to stop you by changing his ways don't give in easily but he probably did do it for the papers.
2006-03-15 22:09:45 UTC
How can't u tell what his motives r for a whole year? or r u just having regrets that u married him?.
2006-03-16 00:00:24 UTC
is yur hubby hispanic? sounds like it. this is exactly how they treat wives in mexico.also he probly has a family there...get on with yur life,find sum1 that really luvs u and RESPECTS u. good luck
2006-03-15 22:56:59 UTC
talk to him, he has to respect you.

if he is not willing to change and there is no hope what so ever tha tyou will be happy with him ... then leave

2006-03-15 22:10:26 UTC
communication is the key here.if u don't want to end up in to him clearly.
2006-03-16 05:15:37 UTC
get some marriage counseling. preferably from a christian counselor.
2006-03-15 22:08:11 UTC
I'd give him papers alright...walking papers.
2006-03-15 22:09:02 UTC
Leave him.
2006-03-15 22:07:16 UTC
Then leave him
2006-03-15 22:10:05 UTC final today

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