:) this is what my pastor told me, and he is very hip and happenin, not like old fashioned or anything ok?
he said after 1 year and 1/2 into a serious relationship, u should KNOW if u want to marry each other. if either party is unsure, u should break up... so that u can let each other find someone else "better", *as well as* prevent future heartache and long term relationship that goes NOWHERE.. u end up spending 3 years together and feeling it's a waste if u dont' get married right?
also, he thinks it's a woman's job to "force" a man to get married.. of course if it was up to him, he would probably prolong it as long as possible. a woman's job is to say Marry me, or i'm gone. and then the guy will have to decide if u'r worth going after or not. and that helps u figure out if he truly has real feelings for u, or if indeed u are just "spinning ur wheels". even he said that if her mother didn't "force" him to say he was gonna marry her, he probably would've used and abused her, cuz he's a typical guy who was kinda immature, etc. now he is SO GLAD of course (his wife is soo pretty! and their children are so cute!)... but even he had cold feet the night of the wedding.. so it's more natural for the woman to be sure of the relationship, and natural for the man to wonder if he needs to keep dating around. so u need to help him make a decision about you...left up to his design, u'd probably be in the same position or worse, in the next few years!! then u'll REALLY be upset..and that sucks for u.
good luck!! and be strong... u Love him and want to marry him right?? he should be HONORED and Appreciate that he has someone like u. if he's not, u can find someone who will. and it's not about forcing someone, it's about telling them ur not going to wait around forever, 3 years is way over the limit!!