2009-12-15 05:59:10 UTC
He ( my husband sort of ) works 50+ hours a week, and due to the nature of his work, he does not get home until late; sometimes even in the a.m ( and no he is not having an affair, as he has documented proof of him working these hours that he gave to me upon my request ).
Naturally, our four year old try s his very best to stay awake and wait for his father to come home, which messes up his sleeping schedule a great deal, and he is hyper / excited to see his father.( like most children right? ) Ironically, he used to be a "daddy's boy" which makes it all more difficult for me to stomach.
I understand our son has behavioral issues such as wasting food sometimes ( asking for a sand which, taking two bites and saying he is done ), along with being extremely fussy about whining for hours on end if you do not fix his blanket just so and the blanket isn't the only thing he fusses about..he is a very whiny child..however, I thought this was typical behavior from a four year old...
To the point at hand, he now wants a divorce if I do not find another home for our son ( having him live with relatives , adoption , etc...) but I refuse to do this, as he is my son, and what kind of mother would do this? I chose my son over my marrige hands down.
My husband did however give me one alternative, and that was parenting classes perhaps.
What makes matters worse is that if we do have to get a divorce, I am a home maker and own NOTHING . He would be throwing us out on our rears with NOTHING... I wouldn't even know were to begin.
I would like opinions and things on this, as I am very lost. Should I try the alternative and see if we can work it out ? As he does hope that by taking parenting classes he will know how to better deal with our son.
Should I start filing the paper work now? If so, where would I even begin , and what should I do? I have no money at all, and no income as a housewife.