my husband accidentally told me his password to his email account 2 years ago, then last year i dont know why why that password lways bothering me that tells me on my mind just look his email, then when i decided to open his email,i surprised what i read it, that is about my 2 friends and 1 more girl from korea and georgia,Now this is my question if that is not truth, this is the exactly word that he email to his friend from japan,thats his friends knows this 2 girls that is my friend. ( hello my sweet and sexy angel. i miss u and cannot wait to see u tonight. you were looking very hot and sexy lastnight.u are a very attractive and desireable woman and i am happy that i meet u, i will see u soon. love u my angel) that is the first email from1 girli korea,( jane made me boom-boom her before left in valdosta ) that is the second email i found to his email that is my friend in georgia, ( it felt awake ward bcoz she is a friends with the wife, with the friends like that who needs enemies ryt? but now im ******* her old friend from 4 years ago name jill and she is great) that is a third email and that is my friend in korea,,and also not on email he tell also to my old neighboor in valdosta the he **** my friends... so it means he tell to his friend in japan and my neighboor in georgia,,,,, and when i found it everything about the email and i get mad and u know that im so get mad what i read on his email,then when talk to my husband he denied what he email and what he said to hs friend in georgia, he told me that is only email and not true, and he said that is only mens talk, do u think that i need to believe that,, and when he mad its bcoz i always keep saying about what pain he gave it to me, he told me that he wants to file the divorce papers and i cnt get nothing from him, especially that email is not valid evidence, bcoz he said that is only email and that is nothing bcoz he said that he not do nothing to my friends, im thinking he cant tell me the truth its bcoz i already see and read oh his email, especially when i told him that i read on his email, he erase it to his email, but his too late bcoz i saved that email to my account, bcoz im thinking that is my evidence, but now im asking to all mens if i need to believe him if that is not true? bcoz that is only email and not evidence, and he spend lots of money in korea that he never give me just only 300 dollars a month for me and my daughter, then last february he told me why i need allowance he pay everything and im working, so why he gave me allowance, thats what he said, im asking too if that is truth that he dont need to give me allowance, his active military. and he wants me to deported to philippines bcoz im only a green card holder, i hve 10 years green card, he told me that im using him, how i using him he not give me money, he said that i using him for food and house thats why i go with him to hawaii, wer in georgia for about 3 years and he station now in hawaii, and also he told me i give him a pain also bcoz im not go with him to korea for a year, bcoz im supposed to go with him, but his friend told me that he said that if i go to korea he wants me to spend all my money so i always depend on him, then i decided to not go with himso i stay to my jobin 1 year while his gone so i can save money, but im wrong bcoz when im not go to korea he not give me money to pay everything, and our house in georgia somebody rent it and while im in georgia for a year i leaveto my friends house bcoz he told me if i hve a thousand dollars i an stay to our house, thats why i decided to stay to my friend and pay 350 every month, i pay my own car and cellphone gas everything, he gave me 300 everymonth for me and my daughter but we know that is nothing for 1 month especially i hve a kid 9 years old and she grow fastthats why i need to buy clothssometimes, and need food not only ones a day to eat, but what is 300 for 1 month for 2 people, i dont mind bcoz i hve a job, but if u pay 350.for the house,100 for cp, 260 for car,100 for month gas,and some girls need,im only costodian my paycheck its not enough for all my spenses ryt. now pls tell me if this is all right for him,,, bcz he want that his always right, and when we file the tax return last year he told me that i cnt file the head of house hold, i pay everything, and his notwith mefor a years or 10 months, how he can file the head of house hold, he said he is only hve ryt to file the head of house hold, and also i cnt its bcoz im not a citizen? that is true??? help for all my question, bcoz he dont want me to ask to some of my frinds bcoz he said that all my friends they not tell the truth and they brainwash me only,i dont know why he always say that, i need help, here only on this email i tell what pain in myself that i feel,i want also to apply citizenship but he said that i cnt need to wait for 3 years,hope some of immigration read this and help me for my situation,im scared to talk bcoz im not good in english.