Here's some advice for how to getting back together.
1st Advice on Getting Back Together
Please do not be obnoxious. I know there's some bad feeling in the air, but you have to work to lower the tension level, not raise it. Force yourself to be nice! Of course, if you feel like an absolute phony, then you might have to ask yourself if you really do want to gettting back together.
It's hard to be nice, but it's even tougher if your ex is seeing someone new! That's what happened to me. Initially I was very bitter and abrasive towards my ex. Fortunately, I got some excellent advice and began to be nice and agreeable instead. This is an important first step, because it plants a seed in your ex's head that maybe he or she made a big mistake when they split up with you.
It's easy to make mistakes when you're with someone you love. That's because there's a tendency to act emotionally all the time. For instance, I couldn't stop thinking about my boyfriend after we broke up. I wanted to see him. I called him all the time and left nagging, complaining messages. I attempted to make him jealous. I even lied to him. Trust me, this kind of behavior is only going to drive your ex even further away. Don't do it!
Again, I followed the advice I had received and totally left him alone for a period of time. I concentrated on myself instead. Then, when we finally did meet again, I was very nice and sweet. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" as they say. It's so true!
If you don't leave your ex alone then he or she's is not going to start thinking of you in a positive way again. You've got to let them remember what they saw in you in the first place. They can't do that if you're in their face all the time.
Hope this experience help. I also suggest you to read real story in this blog how to getting back together