no it's that your not wise
you still immature and like a young adolescent have not matured much in relationships
you take the view that the one who just dump was as good as it ever get... that you ever get....
and that's just WRONG
you sell yourself short because you lack self esteem to begin with
when you realize there are plenty of good women who appreciate and wish a for a good man and you simply made a bad choice when you picked her...
the thing is there were signs that YOU ignored
there were red flags telling you she is not the one
but you were foolish and went ahead anyways
part of what your feeling now is the feeling of being duped for so long... and the sinking feeling ( which is correct by the way ) that you had a hand in the whole thing..
you had low self esteem BEFORE you got dumped
having a GF buffers it temprorarily
but it comes into full focus after you get dumped
in time when you leanr to like yourself, and learn to read women more accurately you then be more wise in dating
and as such you might go a a few just to see whats out there
only to find out not much but a lot of women with baggage
and that, you find a lot of ....
once you learn to filter your searches and hold true to core values ( something you didn't do the 1st time around ) it will be easy to see the right ones from the wrong ones and be real easy to say no to the wrong women.
as for after effects.. to those who are prepared and know what's happening around them, there are no after affects, as a good man does not feel sorry for him self nor does he have any regrets, and thus is usally the dumpor not he dumpee and thus moves on quite rapidly.... women and lesser men dweel on what has happened while the world in general moves one with out them.