women help!!! if your husband cheated would you want to know?
2008-05-14 02:23:23 UTC
i was dating this guy on and off for about 6 months, then i found out the *** was married and that she is away in the military. i have tons of emails with conversations between the two of us.i do not want to hurt her but i personally would want to know if the man i was married to and trusted to be faithful was not. i need some advice should i contact her with the info i have or just let karma do its own thing? obviously this would not be an easy thing to find out but in the long run would you want to know?
Seventeen answers:
2008-05-14 02:30:10 UTC
thats tough- i do and i don't. if you choose to inform her- don't send her the emails- maybe if she asks for them- but that might be too painful. Maybe you could just write her and let her know that a relationship was forming between yourself and her husband before you learned he was married. You then stopped any involvement- you are sorry- and thought she should know.

thats just me...... i guess i would want to know, as painful as that might be....
2008-05-14 03:55:22 UTC
I am a military wife, I see this type of thing often and it is very sad. Military life is hard enough without all the drama of affairs. I would tell her because it sounds to me thathe is using this woman as his meal ticket and she means nothing more then support of his lifestyle. Usually it is women using military men this way ..tell her the truth, she may or may not believe you but she deserves the chance to find out. I mean both you and her at at risk of STDs now.
2008-05-14 02:30:08 UTC
That's a really tricky question..

It's either tell her, don't tell her, or talk to the guy first and see what he says. There will most likely be something wrong with either options..

It depends what the guy seems like I suppose... if it were my boyfriend, and he still acted nice to me and said "I love you" and everything, it's possible that he regrets it and just wants to move on. In which case I might be okay not knowing, as long as he doesn't want to do it again. But if the cheating is still going on, I'd definitely want to know so I can break up with him.. though it would break my heart.
2016-09-08 07:47:05 UTC
Women are very sufferer humans and consistently wish for the nice of their companions. Dont say that "if my husband cheated on me,i might divorce him". Becuase whilst you love any one you consistently wish and pray for the nice and consistently wish to peer handiest the well part of em. You can in no way wholly realise nor wholly realise except youv'e been in a equivalent problem,isn't effortless for those females to get up in the future and say im going to divorce my husband of 10+ years. Im now not married however I realize and realise that marriage is rough paintings. Your partner doesnt always have got to cheat on you with one other individual in phrases of intercourse,however your partner too can cheat on you by means of being too obsesed with porn or different objects,in no way having time to spend with you or being too obsesed with different matters,belive me being cheated on is not just confined to intercourse with one other girl,and divorcing any one you as soon as cherished or nonetheless do isn't as effortless as peeling an orange and trowing the peel within the trash.
Sláinte xx
2008-05-14 02:38:42 UTC
that is a difficult one as she will be so hurt and angry and you of course will get the blame and be labelled a homewrecker even thought you did not know.

I maybe would try and meet with her and talk to her then as would not be right to just send emails.

He sounds like a cheating selfish git and couldn't keep it in his pants while she was away, hope you are well rid of him and his cheating ***.

I would want to know if was me and then I would divorce him, would be no second chance as couldn't be intimate with my man after he had it inside someone else, make me sick.
2008-05-14 02:31:42 UTC
Wow.... this question is a loaded gun!! Personally, for me, yes, I would want to know....that I do know about myself. The question here is do you tell her. I guess a few other questions are warranted. Do they have children together??...because if you tell her, you will be ripping that family apart. If it is just the two of them... then, I probably would.
The lady
2008-05-14 12:41:08 UTC
I tell you what, I would do anything to know the truth. I would want to know no matter how bad it would hurt. No matter how broken my heart, it would kill me not to know and not being sure.

My husband's cousin was cheating on his wife. His wife is in Mexico, and he came here to the States. Soon after his arrival here, my husband told me that his cousin was asking for condoms so he asked me if he could give him the box we had since we weren't using them. I know that if one day I meet his wife in Mexico, I would feel relieved to tell her, because if it was me, I would be happy to find out the truth from someone who cared enough to tell me.

Unfaithful Husbands - MY STORY

I can't tell you what decision to make. Each person is different. But I can relate to what you are going through.

I knew in my heart that my husband was cheating even before I had proof. Then one day, I did get proof and went to see the girl. I don't know if she was lying about being pregnant, but she claimed she was, and due to some medical condition claimed that she had a 90% chance she would not survive any pregnancy and would have to abort. She was trying to get the $$ for abortion from my husband when I caught the voice messages for him from her on his phone. Finally, PROOF. She also had convinced me she was seeing him when she told me things that had happened between them. The whole story is drama and I don't think you need to hear it all, but what a scene when I confronted him with her by my side! In the end, I gave her $50 as I was greatful she was honest with me. I haven't heard from her since except for one phone call I made to her to check up and see how she was doing.

I found out about the infidelity early 2007. Now it has been hard to forgive and trust again. But I have stayed with him since, with much difficulty. I am depressed and still feel desire for vengence on him. I don't know if I will be able to deal much longer with a relationship in which I have little emotional fulfillment. I have tried to make him understand how I feel and fail as he feels guilty and refuses to talk about it. There is little remorse from him as he is full of pride. I feel I will never be loved as I desire by him.

I can see that he has tried to change some things, and he is less often keeping me in the dark. But there are times he stays out and doesn't answer my calls. He says he's just "hanging out". But I don't understand how he could think that's okay if I'm at home with the kids. How can he think that I can trust him to be out like that?

The reason I stay with him is because I have faith that anything is possible with God. And although, he hasn't shown a drastic improvement in attitude and care, I feel he has the potential to change. I also dread the idea of trying to live on my own. I dread the thought of loneliness. There is more financial stability as I raise my 2 sons with him. Although I know I probably could make it on my own, I fear the difficulties that may come in doing so.

The only thing I can do is continue to live life as I am... working full time, caring for the kids and the home, taking care of my husband, and take care of issues like this when they come up. I am still hurt, and that hurt may never go away completely, but all I can do about my husband's attitude and actions is pray. I cannot change him. I can only change myself and try to be the one he wants to be with always.

Leaving him or not leaving him is a matter of personal choice. I have decided to give him a chance to make things better, and I do see he is trying to an extent. I know I also have a biblical right to divorce him, as in the matter of infidelity, divorce is okay.

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." Matthew 19:9 New International Version

And who knows... maybe one day, I will leave him. Perhaps he will return to do as he has done before, and it will have been the last straw.
2008-05-14 02:33:11 UTC
I'm sure you are going to give this guy the boot , right?

Yes, I would want to know. Make her aware of this cheating jerk. I would get together with the wife when she gets back and set something up to get back at him.....

What a punk!!!!!!!!!!! Goes around comes right back around!@!!!
2008-05-14 02:33:00 UTC
first of all i respect you for wanting to tell her. i personally would want someone to let me know if my husband ever cheated. because then i will know what he really is..and i think i deserve better. its your choice but if i were you, id contact her, give her the print outs of the emails or whatever, because trust me, he's going to tell her that your lying, and i would break it off with him asap. what he did to her, he's bound to do to next one in his life.
2008-05-14 02:54:31 UTC
Seems like there is a HUGE gap between the husband and wife already. It would be better left as it is. Ur entry will means more MESS....
2008-05-14 03:22:16 UTC
i would definitely want to know!

but i would rather hear it from him, but we all know the one who cheats never lets the cat out of the bag until they are caught or someone spills the beans & then they still wont admit it sometimes

but yeah i would want to know
GA Girl
2008-05-14 02:38:32 UTC
I definately would like to know. Then I would slap the slimeball with a divorce and would have proof of his infidelity.
2008-05-14 02:34:24 UTC
I definitely would want to know if my husband was cheating! I would tell her, explain it to her and let her deal with the a**hole.
2008-05-14 02:41:19 UTC
i would tell her, she needs to know what kind of man shes married i would want to know if it was me

good luck
2008-05-14 02:37:32 UTC
depends on the wife. some would want to know ,but then they have to take action, some dont because they wouldnt do anything about it.
mary stuart
2008-05-14 02:41:13 UTC
havent time too busy cheatin my husband
jasmine d
2008-05-14 02:29:29 UTC
yes I would.....but some women chose to ignore it....everybody is different.

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