Should I break up with my girlfriend or not? (Long) (Christian)?
2013-03-26 06:59:23 UTC
I've been together with my girlfriend for 1,5 years now and I'm a bit unsure where it's going. I’m 26 and she is 21, and It’s both of us first time. We are both from a similar conservative Christian background. It's quite hard to find someone with similar backgrounds where I come from these days, which is important to me. She is really beautiful and we really enjoy each others company. We have become each others best friends. We don't have that many common interests though, and I feel also that she doesn't respect me or look up to me in nearly anything. We have quite heavy arguments sometimes about a lot of things, and it really burdens the whole relationship.
Like for instance, marriage. I would like to get married because I think it’s the right thing to do, but she doesn't want to do that any time soon. She also says she isn’t ready. Earlier we agreed possible year for marriage, but now she has changed her mind and postponed the whole idea, because she wants to enjoy life first, and not get bound and limited with the boundaries of marriage. She also wants to finish her education first, and she wants me to finish mine. I don't see a problem with being a married and studying. From a Christian perspective, I do not see why we should be together for years and years, if marriage is not the intention, so why not get married earlier rather than later? In fact, I don't mind waiting, but as long as I get a time, something to look forward to. But she says if I propose any time soon, she will say no. I get so confused by all the uncertainties that she throws at me. Also It's quite hard to stay away from sexual temptation. We had a quite a lot of problem with that in the beginning of the relationship, it seems to be go easier now due to long distance relationship and a more focused awareness on the problem.
Anyway, she doesn't know what she wants. She is unsure about me and if her education path is right (currently first year in college) and even recently her faith. It was the major basis of our relationship in the beginning. I did not want someone who didn't take her faith seriously. Her first question to me was if Jesus was first in my life, and that really gave me big relief in the beginning knowing that she treasures Him above all, but now everything seems to have changed for her. She says people change, and I’m afraid some of it is my fault.
A part of me really wants to stay with her, another says that if she doesn't want to pursue Christian and biblical values and build her life upon them, this cannot work, since it's going to influence life in a major way. But for all I know, it can be one of her ups and downs in life, as I’ve had in my earlier years. Also, with her upbringing and environment, she is not likely to leave her Christian boundaries or tradition, even though in her current state she has no good relationship with God I would say she feels uncomfortable with all kind of interaction with Him or talk about Him. If I leave her I fear I can make everything worse. She says she understands if I don't want to be with her, because she is so << insert non-attractive word >>. She almost begs me to leave when I complain about her or try to demand some things, like that she needs to get her relationship with God fixed or that she needs to know if she wants to be with me or not. I really want to stay and love her, but then I feel that this relationship is unequal, where I’ve given so much and get so little effort back. Though she says that she is not capable of loving. Also during our 1.5 years together she hasn’t said she loves me yet. She has said she is fond of me and likes me etc, but not once that she loves me.
I’ve had some demands on her, but not nearly the amount she has had on me. Many which I agree on and I work on, but she really can’t take my demands. She wants me to love her just as she is. She can’t even admit to “work on” certain areas in her life which are pretty obvious. It’s like she doesn’t believe in change to the better. I’m ready to love her without demands, if they really bothers her in hope that it will changes her more to the better (if that’s how women work). But I can never be certain? And she is really really stubborn, and wants everything her way. She really finds it difficult to talk about things, and figure out some common ground in some matters, like marriage.

I have invested so much I feel, and I don’t want to lose her. But I feel that the longer I stay in the relationship, the more time I invest and the more difficult it will be getting out later if she decides not to be a Christian all together and so on. Any advice from born again Christians appreciated.
Six answers:
2013-03-26 07:48:22 UTC
I disagree with you....YOU do not only need to get opinions from christians need to have opinions from a wider perspective - then you will be able to make a truly balanced decision.....

One of the things that disturbs me about christians is the fact they consider themselves well balanced BUT the truth is they are equally biased.....

I have come from a christian background but have found true peace by separating myself away from the biased unbalanced position of hard line christians...

BUT this is not about my beliefs THIS is about trying to help you and i think it is prudent to give you a wider view to help you find your answers.....

Your G/F has gone off to college where she has obviously come in contact with influences that go beyond your christian values and whether you like it or not, that will most likely rip her from you.... BUT here's the thing, if you support her strongly and stand by her with your values and let her find her own feet, she is a good chance to come running back to you at some stage... CAN you give her that time and do it without trying to cage her..?? If you can you may get her back to happily marry you as a life partner..

BUT if you continue to put pressure on her to accept your values (No matter if they are good or bad), you will push her away..... EVEN if she actually does not want that....

Here is something for you...

My fiance is a lot younger than me... I constantly confirm to her that i want to allow her to be herself and i encourage her to become the girl she wants to become.... I encourage her to think for herself and to be part of the decisions we make BUT we mostly do everything i want and everything i decide... She often tells she is happy to go along with whatever i want because i always give her the chance.....She rarely exercises that right..!!!

It is nothing to do with religion and beliefs.....DON'T YOU GET IT..??? What you are talking about is being able to make a relationship work... The keys to that are from a different door and while your own personal path in life will determine some things, there are a few other things that MUST BE CONSIDERED..and this is where many christians fail......

How about ....COMMON SENSE - that is nothing to do with religion.

How about being smart .....

How about being understanding...I believe that is something that contradicts most religious thinking..

How about being mature....That comes from experience (Getting older)...

YES your christian values are important BUT you love this girl.... YOU do not need to put your christian values aside to make your relationship work.... JUST be prepared to shine a torch and show her the way home....

IF she derails and you lose faith in her, then simply move on.....

OH by the way - IS THAT A CHRISTIAN thing to do..????

I think not..!!!!

Good Luck
2016-03-09 04:02:49 UTC
Hi Carl. well that was long, but the only thing that comes to mind is confusion, your answer depicts so many if's or but's it very difficult to understand. One thing that stands out is that you have an element of understanding and a sense of sensibility about you. However as you say your only 15 and to make long term plans at your age could end up in disaster as no matter how hard you try, her parents may not accept you as one of there own. Internet love affairs are a common issue here on Q/A and what you have to remember is people are a lot different in real life than on a screen, that you can be assured. It is so nice to see each other over the internet, say words that sometimes mean nothing and plan for and future. I learnt that mistake and I am a lot older than you. Do you really think that at 17 you can with hold down a job, while looking after a wife and possibly children, before you know it, your walking through don't know and argument land. I'm not going to tell you, you are to young, your unable to determine the future, or your foolish to think life is going to be great when your together. But what I will say is very carefully look at things in a different light, how things can be, the possibility that all this could be thrown back in your face and then you will end up with nothing. What you do is your affair, the law states that a 14 year old is capable to make there own decisions,, What I offer is, sit down think about this carefully looking at all angles and then decide if this is what you really want and then deal with how you are going to make it become reality, because this is long term and you still have a lot to achieve before you are surrounded by a wife and children. Best of luck in what ever decision you make. Peter
2013-03-26 07:10:35 UTC
Turn this over to your Higher Power. Pray that the Lord will show you when it is time to take a wife and who it should be. Pray for strength to listen to that still small voice and not allow it to be drowned out by your own thoughts and feelings. Pray every single time you and her are together. Pray at the beginning of your date that you will stay true to your Christian values. You will be amazed at the power that will come to enable you to stay true to your morals. Pray for her that she will know in her heart the truth that she seeks. This is a huge red flag that she has doubts about who she is. If you were to marry her and these doubts came a few years later after a baby...can you imagine your heartache? It is hard to wait but waiting for a partner who you can be sure will be true to the same beliefs you have is rewarding. Can you imagine marrying someone, having a few babies then you are killed in a car wreck and this woman leaves the church and raises your children in a worldly pagan way? It is so important that you heed these warnings. Keep a journal. It will help you keep things in perspective. Who you marry is probably the most important choice you will ever make. A partner can build you up and push you higher or bring you down to a negative place. The ramifications on your future are endless...and your future children will be like her in so many ways. They can be your source of indescribable joy or the depths of sorrow.

When you have doubts like these it is an answer. When you know in your heart that you should be with someone, you will be on cloud 9, you will be happy and there will no doubts. You will know with every fiber of body and soul that you have found the one. When you question and are not sure, it means she is not.

Listen to that voice.It will not steer you wrong.I wish you that quiet peace that comes from doing the hard thing just because your faith is strong enough to trust Him.
2016-04-27 04:45:47 UTC
Want to know how to get your ex back? Change yourself. Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Go to

Once you do that then you can start to worry about getting back together with your ex, other wise you will find that you are fighting about all the same things and getting no where. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.

The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back. For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it.

Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself. Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights.
2013-03-26 07:52:17 UTC
Your problem is that you are 26 and know what you want. She is 21 and starting to figure it out for herself.
2013-03-26 08:47:25 UTC
What exactly is she doing to cause you this trouble?

Tread carefully...

Are you a born again Christian?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.