2011-11-12 02:36:49 UTC
My gf & I are hindus from tamilnadu & were in love for the past 7 years, Last year we got registered married secretly. She told me not to reveal it to anyone & as its just to bring the faith in me that she wont leave me. We planed to convince our parents, I was successful but she wasnt, She tried to convince her mom 1st but it was a total disaster as her mom tried to commit suicide, her mom had asked her not to reveal it to her dad and close the issue with her itself. But after a stage her dad came to know of this and asked her if it is so but she lied him that nothing like that. Meanwhile my parents approached her parents but they told "we will die, we cannot let intercaste marriage, we convinced our child, you convince yours and forget any positive answer from our side & dont step our door step regarding this issue in the future". She is in house arrest for the past 6 months, she contacts me once in 15 days. Her parents have given her 1 year time to change her mind, which they are beliveing is happening as she doesnt talk abt our relationship anymore to them nor contacts me to their knowledge.
Earlier she told me lets elope as there is no other solution, but after her dad came to know & her mom trying to commit suicide she doesnt want to elope now, she says she cant leave her parents nor me, Her parents has two options either to ditch her or thier community: both will not happen she says. I asked her to think about convincing her parents but she says thinking about it is of no use!!!, There is no solution, there is no plan , nothing she says..... I asked her if we wait for a year or two will they get convinced but she said even if u wait for 5 they wont, She says she will find a job & stay at hostel and then we can meet and talk & live together, but When I asked her for how long she doesnt have an answer.
Im very serious about this relationship & I want to begin our new life as im 27 and she is 23, Im so truly in love with her & we are married legally. What should I do.... Should I wait for her to get convinced about eloping or should I elope with her & convince her later or any other solutions {convincing her parents is ruled out}, she is so scared to take further steps, Please help me friends, what should I do? Whats is she in her mind? I dont understand her as her mind is so oscillating!!! The only bad thing about her is she says some small lies for silly things. Im so much confused & depressed kindly advise me friends....