Should a woman have to work a job in a marriage?
2008-11-03 12:11:50 UTC
Should a woman have to work a job in a marriage?
34 answers:
2008-11-03 12:21:21 UTC
This is situational. Depends on the woman and her goals. Typically, you should get to know the person your going to marry. (typically, because sometimes you get the love and first sight syndrome)

I'd say if your having finacial hardship with a single income, neccessity should override preferance.

Things also change if you have children. If your wife is happy at home and you can provide for yourselves and your children, why not have her stay home? That way you have someone trustworthy watching your kids.

When this convo came up between me and anyone i've dated. I've always held this opinion: If we Need to work we both work, if we can get by on my salary....awesome, but if the wifey stays home I expect her to go to school part-time.

I've always seen it as a way of ensuring the financial security for my family. Should something happen to me, my wife will be ready and able to join the workforce. Hopefully, she would have a degree in something by then.
Indiana Jones
2008-11-03 12:23:35 UTC
It depends on the couple's goals. If the couple decides that the wife will be a stay at home parent to their children and the husband is able to afford to support the entire family without needing state aid, then sure. If the woman chooses to work a job, she should work a job. Just because a woman gets married, doesn't mean she doesn't have to work. This is the 21st century, not 1950, therefore their are choices as to how couples will manage their lives and families. Also, and most unfortunately, about half of the marriages that are established don't last, therefore both should probably have their own jobs and retirement accounts so that one or the other doesn't end up screwed if the marriage doesn't work out. It is a very dangerous thing these days to completely rely on another person as your full means of financial support.
2008-11-03 12:18:20 UTC
I think this depends on the type of marriage. I'm a married woman I have 2 children that aren't school age. So, I was staying home with the children and working an evening part-time job. Since we couldn't get by on just one income. Then my husband switched to second shift so I now work part-time in the morning! While I do love taking care of my kids.. I do like earning a little extra income to help the family AND get out of the house.. I'm also working for a good company with tons of ways to advance and I'm learning new skills....! So, it really depends on your marriage... I would get bored or lonely NOT working....

Good luck
2008-11-03 12:41:59 UTC
A lot of people would consider keeping a household a job. I do, anyway. I take it pretty seriously. I handle the finances and keep the house clean. If I HAD to go out and get a paying job, I would. Actually.. I did have to and I decided to watch a little kid during the day so I could also stay home with my daughter. It's a lot harder than I thought. I have 2 full time jobs, and I hardly ever leave the house. But hey, I'm happy :) But yes, of course a woman should contribute!! And if she doesn't have to contribute for money than she needs to help out around the house or volunteer to help someone less fortunate.
2008-11-03 12:56:22 UTC
To directly answer your question, if the guy's pulling in 250k a year (I'm certainly not) and she's pulling in 30k, and they have small kids, it's probably not the best use of her time.

If they're just scraping by through no real fault of his own, then it's a quality of life issue. Are the husband and wife as a team willing to scrimp on things w/out having a crap attitude about it? Are they willing to take responsibility for the damper on their retirement this may well cause?

A lot of women work a job called "housework", they just don't get paid for it.

Another thing is perception -- if she doesn't have a job because she is uneducated/ignorant/lazy and can't hack it, that's one thing. If it's because she makes a considered decision to devote her energies elsewhere, that's different. In that sense it's really more about the woman you're with rather than the job she has.

I gotta admit I wouldn't be too impressed with a woman (or man) who just wants to hire maids and nannies and sit around doing nothing all day. And if she won't work, any complaints that I didn't make enough money or any pressure to ask for a raise would get old *very* quickly. But of course that's not the question you asked.
2008-11-03 12:27:06 UTC
She and her husband should decide what's best and most appropriate for their situation. Sometimes (especially with the price of gas what it has been) it's more cost effective for a woman to stay at home than it is for her to work an outside job. Consider in the cost of transportation, child care (if needed), cost of lunches, work wardrobe, and if necessary, the extra help needed around the house. (If both husband and wife are working outside the home, then the husband should also kick in with the housework or else pay for a maid.)

Take all those expenses and subtract them from her wages (minus taxes) and if the income outweighs the expenses, then it's the bonus of being able to do whichever they choose, instead of choosing out of necessity.

We actually found it was cheaper for me to stay home at one point in our marriage.
2008-11-03 12:25:58 UTC
I think it depends on the two people who are married and their own individual circumstance. There is nothing wrong with wives that stay at home, and who go to work. They both contribute a great deal and work very hard for their family either way. I hope people arent looking down on stay at home mothers, my husband cant walk a whole day in my shoes! I told him one time, we'll trade, I'll go to work and you stay home and hold down the fort. He said, "Hell NO!!!!, I could never do what you do in a day!" Saying that, mom's who work a full time job, and then come home to take care of a house, husband, and kids, is HUGE!!!! No one should say that a woman HAS to do anything. We do enough courtesy of our own will. A polite "thank" you will suffice. :)
2008-11-03 12:22:45 UTC
"should"? Well, that's relative. If a woman is fine with being taken care of and a man is fine with taking care of her, who cares? What impact does it have on anyone else's life and how is it anyone else's business? There is no "should" that works for everyone. I have a job. Just so happens that the one I do doesn't come with a paycheck at the end of the week so everyone can see what I earned or contributed to the family.
Cassandra w
2008-11-03 12:18:42 UTC
I think it depends on the situation. Sometimes it is nice to have a place to go and relate to other adults like work. If your husband was ever in hard times with his job, it is nice to have a fall back income. If he makes enough money to support you all, then it is acceptable for the wife to stay home and take care of all the "chores".
Old Kid
2008-11-03 12:16:45 UTC
If there needs to be money made to support the family, yes. If you want to be a stay at home wife, make that clear very early in your relationship. Unless you have kids, you should work anyway to keep from becoming bored and start looking for "thrills". You don't need to make much, just find something you like to do and have fun with it.
2008-11-03 13:01:42 UTC
No, she shouldn't. If the husband makes enough to support them both, she doesn't need to work. The wive shouldn't be forced to work outside the home. I do because my husband and I need the extra money right now (paying for school). But wives tend to do more housework than husbands. He washes dishes and takes out the trash. I grocery shop, cook, clean, wash the car, maintain the car, wash the car, do the laundry...

The wive shouldn't work if she doesn't have to.
2008-11-03 12:44:11 UTC
ill tell you something ive been a stay at home mother for about nine years we have two children ive done the babysitting thing to bring in extra $ but i cannot stress enough how much i want my own independence. i cannot wait to have a job outside of the home!that will happen when my 4yr old goes to school next year YAH!!
2008-11-03 12:16:30 UTC
Most have to out of necessity anyways, but I would say yes if she doesn't have kids. If she does..then only if she wants to (and can afford not to) because taking care of the kids is like having 2 full time jobs in one.
l8tr g8tr
2008-11-03 12:47:41 UTC
Yes - as long as she is able to. I would think that a woman would want to try to do her share in building their life, home, and family together. Having a job is part of that.
2008-11-03 12:29:06 UTC
Thats up to the husband. Either he's willing to support the entire family, or he wants help. Him wanting contribution is not a silly request.

I think the woman should have at least a part time job just to have something to do, unless she's home with kiddos.
The Thinker
2008-11-03 12:15:43 UTC
If necessary to decrease financial stress on the marriage.
Simply Lovely
2008-11-03 12:16:40 UTC
It all depends on if she wants to keep her independence or not. Some women like staying home, raising the kids, whatever. I am one of those women that would rather work than stay home. Women have choices.
2008-11-03 12:15:48 UTC
have to?

How about she should do what is best for her and her marriage. I work because I want to work. Not because my husband says I should or shouldn't.
2008-11-03 12:15:10 UTC
You mean should she hold a job?

Yeah....why not? Marriage exclude you from being a part of the work force?
2008-11-03 12:15:52 UTC
Marriage is a partnership and the work need to be shared.
2008-11-03 12:18:03 UTC
It depends on the women and how her and her husband feel as one if the finances are not in trouble then why should she have to work unless she wants to.
2008-11-03 12:17:38 UTC
I wouldn't say she should, but there is NO reason she couldn't. If she does nothing but stay at home and watch soap operas then she needs to do something.
Darth Revan
2008-11-03 12:24:57 UTC
in this day with the economy the way it is one person in the marriage doesn't make enough to pay bills and stuff i want my wife to work i don't make enough a year to pay bills and stuff
The Truth
2008-11-03 12:24:26 UTC
She should find someway to bring income into the household.

The idea of marriage isn't to get married and not work.
2008-11-03 12:18:27 UTC

Makes me sick women get married and decide "hey I am going to stay at home and clean my house, kick back my feet and watch soaps all day" All women should work! I am okay with a stay at home mom if they have young children that need attention but there is also such a thing as day care and baby sitters. but to sit at home and plat house wife is outa the question it is lazy and unethical.
2008-11-03 12:29:46 UTC
No but often the extra income is needed.
2008-11-03 12:16:20 UTC
With today's economy and if you're rich, I don't see how she shouldn't. Or does she need your permission first?
2008-11-03 12:14:59 UTC
Yes and most definitely the man.
2008-11-03 12:15:31 UTC
a woman should not depend on a man to take care of her financially. that's just silly.
2008-11-03 12:15:45 UTC
Mine always has and likes it.
The Fat Man
2008-11-03 12:14:32 UTC
2008-11-03 12:26:08 UTC
Why not?!
i know it all!
2008-11-03 12:15:03 UTC
Sean C
2008-11-03 12:14:57 UTC
I think she should. Why shouldn't she?

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