After the translation I'd like other advice what to do. There relationship was over in 1999 He met me in 2003 and we were married in 2005. The emails went to her in Colombia in 2009-2010 after a trip to Colombia in 2008. He says they r goodbyes closure. Closure 5 yrs after marrying me?!?! I think he was reaching backwards. She never answered I feel like I've been used now that he's a us citizen in the military. Wow I feel like a fool!! Even sadder we have two girls 12 & 7 and he's a good dad. I'm confused & need advice. I know there has been no contact since. Sat 1/2/10 Hola nena. No se si alguien mas lee tu correo y si es asi pido disculpas. Solo quiero desearte el mejor año y que tus sueños se cumplan. Aunque no estoy en ellos, desde aqui te envio un abrazo, un beso y una caricia sobre tu rostro, y pido a Dios que te bendiga, bendiga a los tuyos y seas feliz.
Siempre sere ese amor que nunca se olvida, ni te olvida.