You claim you hate lazy people but look who you proposed to?..
contradiction there, and it's a miracle you opened your eyes before you walked down the isle.
Geez. Also, now that you've set the tone and she knows your wrath is coming due in September...
Wrap it up, because if she's smart enough to reel you in all the these years,
she's smart enough to get pregnant and then you won't and can't do anything about her being lazy, as she'll use being a 'mother' as an excuse to sit on her as s.
Is this the type of woman you want as a mother for your child?
great example!
No you were NOT overboard. You did the right thing! She was getting away with her laziness before because you never stood up about the issue, so she called you bluff and thought it was talk!
Show her otherwise, actually DUMP her, there's no negotiating with her. ...
She won't changed, she'll trap you and then you'll be screwed!
In the meantime, keep **wrapping it up, she will find a new reason why she can't work, most likely it will be because she's pregnant, ** ....
But hopefully you come to your senses, take action and dump this broad, today!