What is a reasonable age for a man to get marry? The natural one!?
English Proffessor
2006-03-31 11:31:12 UTC
What is a reasonable age for a man to get marry? The natural one!?
Eight answers:
2006-03-31 11:34:57 UTC
That totally depends on the person. Whenever they are ready and have found the person they want to be with.
Kiss my Putt!
2006-03-31 19:38:17 UTC
I think you know this is a very relative question.....I know middle aged & even aged men who are never emotionally, spiritually, or otherwise mature enough to take on the responsibility & yet some that are wise beyond their years even in their teens. I did an internet search just to prove myself right on this & the only sites were about other non-USA cultures' definitions on when men "have" to be married....Clearly, there are men, that should never get married----too many issues, too much narcissism or whatever.
2006-03-31 19:33:07 UTC
after the age of 21
2006-03-31 19:37:03 UTC
after 24-25
2006-03-31 19:35:51 UTC
if you asked my husband he would laugh and say when he is old and Grey.

But you have to live your life and feel 100% sure that is something you want to do, and that doesn't matter what age you are.

If you are looking for a chronological age I would say between 25-30.
2006-03-31 19:33:30 UTC
a natural one, or a smart one? A smart one, shouldnt. A natural one, maybe by 30.
2006-03-31 19:34:43 UTC
When he finds a hot girl. i.e Paris Hilton / P Anderson.
2006-03-31 19:35:05 UTC
When he is mature.

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